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Created January 23, 2024 04:13
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The BuildAddressablesEditorWindow class streamlines Unity Addressable Assets building in the Editor, providing a shortcut (Alt+ B) under "Tools." It automates asset cleanup, initiates the build, and logs success/errors, enhancing the efficiency of the Addressable Assets build process.
public class BuildAddressablesEditorWindow: EditorWindow
[MenuItem("Tools/BuildAddressable &b")]
public static void BuildAndRun()
var window = GetWindow<BuildAddressablesEditorWindow>();
private void OnEnable()
if(!Build()) return;
Debug.Log($"<color=green>[BuildAddressable]</color> Build Completed");
private void Clean()
// Clean up player content using the active player data builder.
// This ensures that only necessary assets are included in the built player.
// AddressableAssetSettings.CleanPlayerContent(AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings.ActivePlayerDataBuilder);
// Clean up player content using default settings.
// This removes any unnecessary data or assets from the built player.
private bool Build()
AddressableAssetSettings.BuildPlayerContent(out AddressablesPlayerBuildResult result);
bool success = string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Error);
if (success) return true;
Debug.Log($"<color=red>[BuildAddressable]</color> Build error: {result.Error}");
return false;
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