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Last active December 1, 2018 07:48
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How to install OMNeT++ in Ubuntu

Installing the Prerequisite Packages

$ sudo apt-get update

To install the required packages, type in the terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc g++ bison flex perl tcl-dev tk-dev libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev default-jre doxygen graphviz libwebkitgtk-1.0-0

To use Qtenv with 3D visualization support, install the development packages for Qt4, OpenSceneGraph (3.2) and the osgEarth (2.5 or later) packages:

$ sudo apt-get install qt4-qmake libqt4-dev libqt4-opengl-dev openscenegraph libopenscenegraph-dev openscenegraph-plugin-osgearth osgearth osgearth-data libosgearth-dev

To enable the optional parallel simulation support you will need to install the MPI packages:

$ sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev

Download OMNeT++:

Unpacking: $ tar xvfz omnetpp-5.0-src.tgz

Environment Variables: $ cd omnetpp-5.0

Edit bashrc shell: $ nano ./bashrc add: export PATH=$PATH:/home/userdirectory/omnetpp-5.0/bin export OMNET_DIR=:/home/userdirectory/omnetpp-5.0

Then exit and run: $ source ~/.bashrc

Edit configure.user file: $ nano configure.user set value WITH_TKENV=no and WITH_QTENV=no

Type terminal: $ ./configure

When ./configure has finished, compile OMNeT++. Type in the terminal: $ make

Learn more or How to Install Omnet++ in Ubuntu 16.04

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