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Created September 11, 2012 09:53
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Save Longlius/3697313 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Babby's first SMTP mail client in python 3
# Name: Matthew Longley
# Date: 2012/09/25
# Course: COMP 3825-001
# Project #1 - Mail Client
import base64, getpass, socket, ssl
# Function - getServerAddr
# Description - requests the user to input the mail server's address and
# returns that address
def getServAddr():
s = input('Enter the address of the mail server: ')
return s
# Function - getServerPort
# Description - requests the user to input the mail server's port number
# and returns that number
def getServPort():
while True:
p = int(input('Enter the port number to connect to: '))
if not (p < 0 or p > 65535):
return p
print('Invalid entry. Port number must be between 0 and 65,535.')
# Function - getFromAddr
# Description - requests the user to input the email address they're sending
# from and returns that email address
def getFromAddr():
f = input('Enter the email address you\'re sending from: ')
return f
# Function - getRcptAddr
# Description - requests the user to input the email address they're sending
# to and returns that email address
def getRcptAddr():
r = input('Enter the email address you\'re sending to: ')
return r
# Function - getMailMsg
# Description - requests the user to input a message terminated with a newline
# to send and returns that message
def getMailMess():
m = input('Enter a message to send (terminated with newline): ')
return m
# Function - getUserName
# Description - requests the user to input their username to authenticate with the
# mail server and returns it
def getUserName():
u = input('Enter your username: ')
return u
# Function - getPassword
# Description - requests the user to input their password to authenticate with the
# mail server in a special hidden field and returns it
def getPassword():
p = getpass.getpass('Enter your password: ')
return p
# Function - queryUser
# Description - gathers information from the user, then passes it off to be used
# with socket communication
def queryUser():
mailserv = getServAddr()
mailport = getServPort()
mailfrom = getFromAddr()
mailrcpt = getRcptAddr()
mailmess = getMailMess()
user = getUserName()
psswd = getPassword()
smtpSession(mailserv, mailport, mailfrom, mailrcpt, mailmess, user, psswd)
# Function - smtpSession
# Description - takes parameters detailing an email message and initiates an SMTP
# session in order to send that message
def smtpSession(mailserv, mailport, mailfrom, mailrcpt, mailmess, user, psswd):
# Instantiate a new socket object
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Wrap socket with SSL context
sockssl = ssl.wrap_socket(s)
# Attempt to connect to the SMTP server
sockssl.connect((mailserv, mailport))
# Receive response from server and print it
respon = sockssl.recv(2048)
print(str(respon, 'utf-8'))
# Say HELO and print response
heloMesg = 'HELO Alice\r\n'
respon = sockssl.recv(2048)
print(str(respon, 'utf-8'))
# Authenticate with the server
authMesg = 'AUTH LOGIN\r\n'
crlfMesg = '\r\n'
respon = sockssl.recv(2048)
print(str(respon, 'utf-8'))
user64 = base64.b64encode(user.encode('utf-8'))
pass64 = base64.b64encode(psswd.encode('utf-8'))
respon = sockssl.recv(2048)
print(str(respon, 'utf-8'))
respon = sockssl.recv(2048)
print(str(respon, 'utf-8'))
# Tell server the message's sender
fromMesg = 'MAIL FROM: <' + mailfrom + '>\r\n'
respon = sockssl.recv(2048)
print(str(respon, 'utf-8'))
# Tell server the message's recipient
rcptMesg = 'RCPT TO: <' + mailrcpt + '>\r\n'
respon = sockssl.recv(2048)
print(str(respon, 'utf-8'))
# Give server the message
dataMesg = 'DATA\r\n'
respon = sockssl.recv(2048)
print(str(respon, 'utf-8'))
mailbody = mailmess + '\r\n'
fullStop = '\r\n.\r\n'
respon = sockssl.recv(2048)
print(str(respon, 'utf-8'))
# Signal the server to quit
quitMesg = 'QUIT\r\n'
respon = sockssl.recv(2048)
print(str(respon, 'utf-8'))
# Close the socket to finish
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