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Last active December 10, 2015 08:48
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Example emacs lisp program to generate programmer activity reports
;;;; Script Name: epractivity.el
;;;; By: MWL
;;;; Date: 07 October 2012
;;;; Purpose: Generate Programmer Activity Status Report using emacs
;; Open the file 'programmer' into a buffer.
;; Set that buffer as the current buffer.
(set-buffer (find-file "programmer"))
;; Convert the buffer into a string, then split that string
;; into a list containing each line as a separate string
(setq programmer_lines (split-string (buffer-string)
;; Kill the buffer containing 'programmer'
;; Repeat for file 'project'
(set-buffer (find-file "project"))
(setq project_lines (split-string (buffer-string)
;; Make a vector of names by programmer number
(setq prog_number
(let* ((plen (length programmer_lines))
(pnum (make-vector plen "")))
(dolist (currprog programmer_lines pnum)
(let* ((pfields (split-string currprog ":"))
(ind (- (string-to-number (nth 0 pfields)) 101))
(val (format "%-12.12s %-12.12s %s"
(nth 1 pfields)
(nth 2 pfields)
(nth 3 pfields))))
(unless (or (< ind 0) (> ind plen))
(aset pnum ind val))))))
;; Make a vector of the number of projects by programmer number
(setq proj_number
(let* ((plen (length prog_number))
(pnum (make-vector plen 0)))
(dolist (currproj project_lines pnum)
(let* ((pfields (split-string currproj ":"))
(ind (- (string-to-number (nth 3 pfields)) 101)))
(unless (or (< ind 0) (> ind plen))
(aset pnum ind (1+ (aref pnum ind))))))))
;; Finally, print the output
(princ "\tProgrammer Activity Status Report\n\n")
(princ (format-time-string "\t%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y\n"))
(princ "Prog#\t*--Name--*\t\t\tProjects\n\n")
(princ "================================================\n")
(dotimes (ind (length prog_number))
(princ (format "%-d\t%s\t%d\n"
(+ ind 101)
(aref prog_number ind)
(aref proj_number ind))))
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