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Created April 16, 2015 18:40
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Voronoise Noise Function
* Voronoise Function!
* Taken from:
* Created by inigo quilez - iq/2014
* Ported by Lars Longor1996 K - 16.04.2015
* Version: 3
* @param xX sample position, x
* @param xY sample position, y
* @param u squareness
* @param v smoothness
float noise(float xX, float xY, float u, float v) {
// vec2 p = floor(x)
float pX = floor(xX);
float pY = floor(xY);
// vec2 f = fract(x);
float fX = fract(xX);
float fY = fract(xY);
// -1:1-
float k = 1f + 63f * pow(1f-v, 4f);
float va = 0f;
float wt = 0f;
float gX = 0f;
float gY = 0f;
float pgX = 0f;
float pgX = 0f;
float _qX = 0f;
float _qY = 0f;
float _qZ = 0f;
float _rX = 0f;
float _rY = 0f;
float _rZ = 0f;
float nX = 0f;
float nY = 0f;
float nZ = 0f;
float oX = 0f;
float oY = 0f;
float oZ = 0f;
float rX = 0f;
float rY = 0f;
float d = 0f;
float w = 0f;
// -1:1-
for(int j = -2; j <= 2; j++)
for(int i = -2; i <= 2; i++)
// vec2 g = vec2(float(i), float(j));
gX = (float) i;
gY = (float) j;
// p + g
pgX = pX + gX;
pgY = pY + gY;
_qX = dot(pX, pY, 127.1f, 311.7f);
_qY = dot(pX, pY, 269.5f, 183.3f);
_qZ = dot(pX, pY, 419.2f, 371.9f);
_rX = fract(sin(_qX)*43758.5453);
_rY = fract(sin(_qY)*43758.5453);
_rZ = fract(sin(_qZ)*43758.5453);
// vec2 n = noise(p + g);
nX = _rX;
nY = _rY;
nZ = _rZ;
// vec3 o = n * vec3(u,u,1);
oX = nX * u;
oY = nY * u;
oZ = nZ;
// vec2 r = g - f + o.xy;
rX = gX - fX + oX;
rY = gY - fY + oY;
// float d = dot(r,r);
d = dotproduct(rX,rY,rX,rY);
// -1:1-
w = pow(1f - smoothstep(0.0f,1.414f, sqrt(d)), k);
// -1:1-
va += w*oZ;
wt += w;
// -1:1-
return va / wt;
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