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Last active June 15, 2018 06:20
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Comparison between public wiki and Suma docs
Wiki article | Documentation location (book - section, or URL)
SUSE Manager/API |
SUSE Manager/ActionChaining | Ref - 9.5
SUSE Manager/Addon | This is not recommended, and probably shouldn't be in formal docs
SUSE Manager/Archivelog17 | BP - 14.2
SUSE Manager/Authentication | BP - 15
SUSE Manager/Autoinstall (via Script) | AT - 7 (Cobbler) and Ref 7.4.6 (baremetal) ***Check recommended method
SUSE Manager/BootstrapOnServer | **MISSING** (Should probably be added to BP - Troubleshooting)
SUSE Manager/Browser | **MISSING** (Will need more investigation)
SUSE Manager/CLient Server package inconsistency | **MISSING** (Should probably be added to BP - Troubleshooting)
SUSE Manager/CentOS Bootstrap repo | BP - 3.4
SUSE Manager/Certificate | Deprecated
SUSE Manager/ClientCommunication | BP - 8
SUSE Manager/Cobbler | AT - 7
SUSE Manager/CorruptRepoData | **MISSING** (Should probably be added to BP - Troubleshooting)
SUSE Manager/Custom channel and repo | RM - 6.1.4 (Might need updating)
SUSE Manager/DB FAQ | Need to go through point-by-point
SUSE Manager/DBmigration | **MISSING** need to document oracle2postgres tool
SUSE Manager/DebugReposync | **MISSING** add to BP - 3.1.3
SUSE Manager/DisconnectedSetup | BP - 2.2
SUSE Manager/Documentation | NA
SUSE Manager/Documentation Packaging | Probably better off living in the repo README?
SUSE Manager/Download | NA
SUSE Manager/Errata Parsing CentOS | Appears OK, might need to be looked at closer
SUSE Manager/FAQ | Need to go through point-by-point
SUSE Manager/FormulasforMinions | Redirected to SUSE Manager/Locale Formula
SUSE Manager/HAE | Unsupported
SUSE Manager/HostnameChange | Unsupported
SUSE Manager/Icinga | AT - 6
SUSE Manager/Import Custom Certificate | BP - 16
SUSE Manager/Installation | Covered in GS (Why no Install Guide for Suma 3.x?)
SUSE Manager/InterServerSync | NA
SUSE Manager/JavaLogging | AT - 6.4
SUSE Manager/Kubernetes Integration | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/LDAPUserSync | BP - 5.1 (via PAM)
SUSE Manager/Local Mirror | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/Locale Formula | GS - 6.6
SUSE Manager/Managing CentOS | BP - 3
SUSE Manager/Managing Cloud | Wiki page appears out of date, and should probably be deleted
SUSE Manager/Managing Oracle Linux | Deprecated
SUSE Manager/Managing RH5 | NA
SUSE Manager/Migration 21 31 | BP - 12.5
SUSE Manager/Migration 23 | BP - 12.5
SUSE Manager/Migration of SUMa Proxies 2.1 to 3 | AT - 2.5
SUSE Manager/Monitoring | AT - 6 (Icinga. Wiki version seems deprecated)
SUSE Manager/MultipleMirrorCredentials | GS - 1.3, RM - 11.1, API - 36.2
SUSE Manager/Multiple Admins | ***MISSING*** (Add note to GS - 4.3)
SUSE Manager/Nagios | AT - 6.3
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures/2.1/SLE12Clients | Redirected to SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/SLE12Clients
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures1.7 | NA
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1 | NA
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/ActionChaining | RM - 9.5
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/AutoinstallationTemplates | AT - 7.5
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/BareMetalProvisioning | RM - 2.12. ***Probably should be added to AT or BP***
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/FirstTimeInstallation | RM - 2.5
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/MgrSync | BP - 2.2 + RM
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/PackageEULA | ***MISSING*** Docs only mention auto-acceptance, not how to read
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/PackageLock | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/PowerManagement | RM -
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/SLE12Clients | NA
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/SUSECustomerCenter | NA
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/SetupWizard | GS - 4.4
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/UpgradeInstructions | BP - 12.3
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures3 | NA
SUSE Manager/NewFeatures31 | NA
SUSE Manager/Oracle 12c | Unsupported
SUSE Manager/Oracle cluster | Unsupported
SUSE Manager/Oracle keepalive | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/Osad and jabberd troubleshooting | BP - 17.3 (Might need updating)
SUSE Manager/Own Spacewalk Reports | Unsupported
SUSE Manager/Ports Diagrams | ***MISSING*** (Could be added to AT - A1
SUSE Manager/PostgreSQL limitations | ***MISSING*** (Could be added to AT - 5.2.2)
SUSE Manager/PostgreSQL thp | GS - 4.4
SUSE Manager/PowerVM virtualization info gathering| ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/ProductChannelOverview | NA
SUSE Manager/Provisioning with Childchannels | AT - 2.2.2
SUSE Manager/Proxy | Outdated
SUSE Manager/ProxyMigration 23 | Redirects to SUSE Manager/Migration of SUMa Proxies 2.1 to 3
SUSE Manager/Proxy to internet | BP - 2.2
SUSE Manager/PublicCloud | AT - 4.2
SUSE Manager/RDBMS | BP - 14.2
SUSE Manager/RPM Error registering | ***MISSING*** (Add to troubleshooting somewhere)
SUSE Manager/ReRegisterPy | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/ReclaimingDiskSpace | ***MISSING*** (Add to AT - 1.3)
SUSE Manager/Register Centos minions | ***MISSING*** (Add BP - 3.1.4)
SUSE Manager/Register Clones | Mentioned in AT 4.3, but references wiki. Should be expanded.
SUSE Manager/Register RedHat minions | ***MISSING*** (Add BP - 3.1.4)
SUSE Manager/Register RedHat traditional clients | ***MISSING*** (Add BP - 3.1.4)
SUSE Manager/Replace CA Certificate | Deprecated. Only applies to 1.2 or 1.7
SUSE Manager/Requirements | GS - 1
SUSE Manager/Rotating spacewalk-repo-sync log | ***MISSING*** (Add to RM - 6.3.4)
SUSE Manager/SLES12BetaClients | Redirects to SUSE Manager/NewFeatures2.1/SLE12Clients
SUSE Manager/SLES 10 | NA
SUSE Manager/SLES 10 Betatest | NA
SUSE Manager/SMT | BP - 2.2
SUSE Manager/SSHServerPush | BP - 8.3.1
SUSE Manager/SUMA3 Oracle | Unsupported
SUSE Manager/SUSEManagerProxyCaching | AT - 2.2
SUSE Manager/SUSEProducts | NA - But may need to update screenshots?
SUSE Manager/SaltClientfromTemplate | ***MISSING*** (Add to troubleshooting somewhere)
SUSE Manager/SaltIntegration | GS - 5.5
SUSE Manager/SaltPkgsetBeacon | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/SaltProxy | NA
SUSE Manager/SaltSSHServerPush | BP - 8.4
SUSE Manager/SaltTimeoutsForMinions | BP - 6.3
SUSE Manager/Satellite Migration | Requires consultant
SUSE Manager/Scalability-research | NA
SUSE Manager/Security Firewall | BP - 1.9 (Might need an update on port listing, though)
SUSE Manager/Server Push | ***MISSING*** (Probably out of date, though)
SUSE Manager/ServicePackMigration | AT - 2.4.2
SUSE Manager/Sizing Scaling | ***MISSING*** (Probably out of date, though)
SUSE Manager/SolverTestcase | ***MISSING*** (Probably out of date, though)
SUSE Manager/Spacecmd | ***MISSING*** (Add to AT - 10.3
SUSE Manager/Spacewalk Certificate of Entitlement Update Tool | ***MISSING*** (Probably out of date, though)
SUSE Manager/SubscriptionCounting | **MISSING*** (Add to RM - 2.13)
SUSE Manager/SuseOpenstackCloud | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/Switch Traditional Clients to Salt | ***MISSING*** (Add to GS - 5.4)
SUSE Manager/Sync CentOS media | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/Sync RHEL media | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/SystemGroupStates | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/System Activation Keys | BP - 7.3, Might need an update, though.
SUSE Manager/Tools | ***MISSING*** (But we probably don't want to document Oracle tools)
SUSE Manager/TracebackMail-get server capability | ***MISSING*** (Add to troubleshooting somewhere)
SUSE Manager/Troubleshooting | NA
SUSE Manager/Tuning Central Config | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/TypicalProblems | Need to go through point-by-point
SUSE Manager/Unable to get local issuer certificate | ***MISSING*** (But might be out of date)
SUSE Manager/Uptodate bootstrap repo | GS - 5.3
SUSE Manager/VirtualBox | Unsupported
SUSE Manager/Virtualized | Out-of date, but virt-manager covered in GS - 2.1
SUSE Manager/ Certificate of Entitlement Update Tool | ***MISSING*** (Probably out of date, though)
SUSE Manager/ bsc952452 | ***MISSING*** (But might be out of date)
SUSE Manager/apache-vs-tomcat | AT 5.1
SUSE Manager/bootstrapping-salt-scripted | ***MISSING*** (Add to RM - 2.6)
SUSE Manager/bootstrapping-ui | RM - 2.6
SUSE Manager/ifup NetworkManagerCheckingoff | ***MISSING*** (Probably out of date, though)
SUSE Manager/imagebuilding | BP - 9.2
SUSE Manager/migration notes | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/minion-content-staging | RM - 11.2.4
SUSE Manager/notifications | RM - 1.3
SUSE Manager/optimizing-apache-and-tomcat | AT 5.1
SUSE Manager/osa-dispatcher | BP - 8.5
SUSE Manager/postgresql96 | BP - 12.2
SUSE Manager/reserved-channel-labels | ***MISSING*** Need to assess if this is valuable
SUSE Manager/reserved-channel-names | ***MISSING*** Need to assess if this is valuable
SUSE Manager/rhel-gpg-keys | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/rhel-minor-version | ***MISSING*** (Probably out of date, though)
SUSE Manager/salt state and ad | ***MISSING***
SUSE Manager/setting-the-locale | GS - 6.6
SUSE Manager/supportconfig data | NA
SUSE Manager/temporary-channel-access-via-activation-key | GS - 5.2
SUSE Manager/use-repositories-for-cloud-and-docker| Deprecated with SUMA 3
SUSE Manager/visualization | RM - 2.7
SUSE Manager/z Systems | AT - 1
SUSE Manager/zypp commands | ***MISSING*** (Probably out of date, though)
General notes
* BP Table 19.1 is out of date and needs to be updated
* AT - 7.2.2 'alternativly' typo
* GS - 5.4.1 says bare metal install covered in BP, but it isn't
* AT - 2.2.2 'completly' typo
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