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Created March 29, 2016 14:52
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var moment = require('moment');
var fs = require('fs');
global.lottery = {};
function loadLottery() {
try {
lottery = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('config/lottery.json', 'utf8'));
} catch (e) {
console.log("Could not load lottery database.");
function saveLottery() {
fs.writeFileSync('config/lottery.json', JSON.stringify(lottery));
exports.commands = {
loto: 'lottery',
lotto: 'lottery',
lottery: function(target, room, user) {
var parts = target.split(',');
for (var u in parts) parts[u] = parts[u].trim();
if ( !== 'gamechamber') return this.errorReply("You must be in Game Chamber to use this command.");
if (!Rooms.get('gamechamber')) return this.errorReply("You must have the room \"Game Chamber\" in order to use this script.");
switch (toId(parts[0])) {
case 'buy':
case 'join':
if (!lottery.gameActive) return this.errorReply("The game of lottery is not currently running.");
if (!this.canTalk()) return this.errorReply("You cannot do this while unable to talk.");
if (parts[1]) {
if (isNaN(Number(parts[1]))) return this.errorReply("The amount of tickets you buy must be a number.");
if (~String(parts[1]).indexOf('.')) return this.errorReply("Cannot contain a decimal.");
if (Number(parts[1]) < 1) return this.errorReply("Cannot be less than 1.");
var bought = parts[1];
if (bought > lottery.maxTicketsPerUser) return this.errorReply("You cannot get this many lottery tickets.");
if (bought * lottery.ticketPrice > economy.readMoney(user.userid)) return this.errorReply("Sorry, you do not have enough bucks to buy that many tickets.");
if (lottery.playerIPS.length > 1) {
var filteredPlayerArray = lottery.playerIPS.filter(function(ip) {
return ip === user.latestIp;
if (Number(Object.keys(filteredPlayerArray).length) + Number(bought) > lottery.maxTicketsPerUser) return this.errorReply("You cannot get more than " + lottery.maxTicketsPerUser + " tickets for this game of lotto.");
economy.writeMoney('money', toId(, -bought * lottery.ticketPrice);
lottery.pot = Math.round(lottery.pot + (lottery.ticketPrice * bought * 1.5));
Rooms.get('gamechamber').add("|raw|<b><font color=" + Gold.hashColor( + ">" + + "</font></b> has bought " + bought + " lottery tickets.");
for (var x=bought; x>0; x--) {
} else {
if (economy.readMoney(toId( < lottery.ticketPrice) return this.errorReply("You do not have enough bucks to partake in this game of Lottery. Sorry.");
if (lottery.playerIPS.length > 1) {
var filteredPlayerArray = lottery.playerIPS.filter(function(ip) {
return ip === user.latestIp;
if (filteredPlayerArray.length >= lottery.maxTicketsPerUser) return this.errorReply("You cannot get more than " + lottery.maxTicketsPerUser + " tickets for this game of lotto.");
economy.writeMoney('money', toId(, -lottery.ticketPrice);
lottery.pot = Math.round(lottery.pot + (lottery.ticketPrice * 1.5));
Rooms.get('gamechamber').add("|raw|<b><font color=" + Gold.hashColor( + ">" + + "</font></b> has bought a lottery ticket.");
case 'new':
case 'create':
if (!this.can('ban', null, room)) return false;
if (lottery.gameActive) return this.errorReply("There is a game of Lottery already currently running.");
if (!this.canTalk()) return this.errorReply("You cannot do this while unable to talk.");
if (!parts[1]) return this.errorReply("Usage: /lottery create, [ticket cost]");
lottery.maxTicketsPerUser = 10; //default max tickets per user
lottery.maxTicketPrice = 20;
if (isNaN(Number(parts[1]))) return this.errorReply('The pot must be a number greater than 0');
if (parts[1] > lottery.maxTicketPrice) return this.errorReply("Lottery tickets cannot cost more than " + lottery.maxTicketPrice + " bucks.");
lottery.startTime =;
lottery.ticketPrice = parts[1];
lottery.gameActive = true;
lottery.pot = 0;
lottery.players = [];
lottery.playerIPS = [];
lottery.createdBy =;
var room_notification =
"<div class=\"broadcast-gold\"><center><b><font size=4 color=red>Lottery Game!</font></b><br />" +
"<i><font color=gray>(Started by: " + Tools.escapeHTML( + ")</font></i><br />" +
"A game of lottery has been started! Cost to join is <b>" + lottery.ticketPrice + "</b> Gold bucks.<br />" +
"To buy a ticket, do <code>/lotto join</code>. (Max tickets per user: " + lottery.maxTicketsPerUser + ")</center></div>";
if (parts[2] === 'pmall') {
if (!this.can('hotpatch')) return false;
var loto_notification =
"<center><font size=5 color=red><b>Lottery Game!</b></font><br />" +
"A game of Lottery has started in <button name=\"send\" value=\"/join gamechamber\">Game Chamber</button>!<br />" +
"The ticket cost to join is <b> " + lottery.ticketPrice + "</b> Gold Bucks. For every ticket bought, the server automatically matches that price towards the pot.<br />" +
"(For more information, hop in the room and do /lotto or ask for help!)</center>";
Gold.pmAll('/html ' + loto_notification, '~Gold Lottery');
Rooms.get('gamechamber').add('|raw|' + room_notification);
} else {
Rooms.get('gamechamber').add('|raw|' + room_notification);
case 'end':
if (!this.can('ban', null, room)) return false;
if (!lottery.gameActive) return this.errorReply("There is no active game of lottery currently running.");
if (!this.canTalk()) return this.errorReply("You cannot do this while unable to talk.");
var winner = lottery.players[Math.floor(Math.random() * lottery.players.length)];
var jackpot = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) + 1;
if (!lottery.pot == 0) {
if (jackpot == 100) {
Rooms.get("gamechamber").add('|raw|<b><font size="7" color="green"><blink>JACKPOT!</blink></font></b>');
Rooms.get("gamechamber").add('|raw|<b><font size="4" color="' + Gold.hashColor(winner) + '">' + winner + '</b></font><font size="4"> has won the game of lottery for <b>' + (lottery.pot * 2) + '</b> bucks!</font>');
economy.writeMoney('money', toId(winner), lottery.pot * 2);
lottery = {};
} else {
economy.writeMoney('money', toId(winner), lottery.pot);
Rooms.get("gamechamber").add('|raw|<b><font size="4" color="' + Gold.hashColor(winner) + '">' + winner + '</b></font><font size="4"> has won the game of lottery for <b>' + lottery.pot + '</b> bucks!</font>');
lottery = {};
} else if (lottery.pot === 0) {
this.add('|raw|<b><font size="4">This game has been cancelled due to a lack of players by ' + Tools.escapeHTML(toId( + '.');
lottery = {};
this.privateModCommand("(" + Tools.escapeHTML( + " has ended the game of lottery.)");
case 'setlimit':
if (!this.can('hotpatch')) return false;
if (!lottery.gameActive) return this.errorReply("The game of lottery is not currently running.");
if (lottery.players.length >= 1) return this.errorReply("You cannot change the limit because someone(s) have already bought a lottery ticket.");
if (!parts[1]) return this.errorReply("Usage: /lotto setlimit, [limit of tickets per user].");
if (isNaN(Number(parts[1]))) return this.errorReply('The pot must be a number greater than 0');
lottery.maxTicketsPerUser = parts[1];
this.add('|raw|<b><font size="4" color="' + Gold.hashColor( + '">' + Tools.escapeHTML( + '</font><font size="4"> has changed the lottery ticket cap to: ' + lottery.maxTicketsPerUser + '.</font></b>');
case 'limit':
return this.sendReply("The current cap of lottery tickets per user is: " + lottery.maxTicketsPerUser);
case 'tickets':
if (!this.canBroadcast()) return;
if (!lottery.gameActive) return this.errorReply("There is no active game of lottery currently running.");
return this.sendReplyBox("<div style=\"max-height: 125px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden;\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Current tickets: (" + lottery.players.length + ")</b><br /> " + lottery.players + "</div>");
case 'odds':
if (!this.canBroadcast()) return;
if (!lottery.gameActive) return this.errorReply("There is no active game of lottery currently running.");
if (!parts[1]) parts[1] =;
if (lottery.players.length > 1) {
var filteredPlayerArray = lottery.players.filter(function(username) {
return username === toId(parts[1])
var chance = ((filteredPlayerArray.length / lottery.players.length) * 100).toFixed(1);
if (chance == 0) return this.sendReplyBox("User '" + Tools.escapeHTML(parts[1]) + "' is not in the current game of lottery. Check spelling?");
return this.sendReplyBox("<b><font color=" + Gold.hashColor(parts[1]) + ">" + Tools.escapeHTML(parts[1]) + "</font></b> has a " + chance + "% chance of winning the game of lottery right now.");
case 'reload':
this.sendReply("You have reloaded the lottery database.");
case 'status':
if (!this.canBroadcast()) return;
if (!lottery.gameActive) return this.errorReply("There is no active game of lottery currently running.");
return this.sendReplyBox(
"<div style=\"max-height: 125px; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden;\" target=\"_blank\">" +
"<u>Lottery Game Status:</u><br />" +
"Game started by: <b><font color=" + Gold.hashColor(lottery.createdBy) + ">" + Tools.escapeHTML(lottery.createdBy) + "</font></b><br />" +
"Pot: <b>" + lottery.pot + " Gold bucks</b><br />" +
"Ticket price: <b>" + lottery.ticketPrice + " Gold bucks</b><br />" +
"Game started: <b>" + moment(lottery.startTime).fromNow() + "</b><br />" +
"Max tickets per user: <b>" + lottery.maxTicketsPerUser + "</b><br />" +
"<b>Tickets bought (" + lottery.players.length + "):</b><br />" +
lottery.players + "</div>"
case 'uptime':
if (!this.canBroadcast()) return;
if (!lottery.gameActive) return this.errorReply("There is no active game of lottery currently running.");
return this.sendReplyBox("Lottery Game Uptime: <b>" + moment(lottery.startTime).fromNow() + "</b>");
case 'pot':
if (!this.canBroadcast()) return;
if (!lottery.gameActive) return this.errorReply("There is no active game of lottery currently running.");
return this.sendReplyBox("The current lottery pot is worth: <b>" + lottery.pot + "</b> bucks.");
case 'obj':
if (!this.can('hotpatch')) return false;
return this.sendReplyBox(JSON.stringify(lottery)); //not sure if this needs to stringify
if (!this.canBroadcast()) return;
"<center><b>Lottery Commands</b><br />" +
"<i><font color=gray>(By: <a href=\"\" class=\"subtle\">panpawn</a>)</font></i></center><br />" +
"<code>/lotto create, [ticket price]</code> - Starts a game of lotto with the respected ticket price. (Requires @, #, &, ~)<br />" +
"<code>/lotto create, [ticket price], pmall</code> - Starts a game of lotto with the respected ticket price AND notifies everyone. (Requires ~)<br />" +
"<code>/lotto join</code> OR <code>/loto buy</code> - Buys 1 ticket for the current game of loto (no cap set as of now).<br />" +
"<code>/lotto end</code> - Picks a winner of the lotto. (Requires @, #, &, ~)<br />" +
"<code>/lotto setlimit, [ticketcap]</code> - Sets the cap of tickets per user. (Requires ~)<br />" +
"<code>/lotto pot</code> - Shows the current pot of the game of lotto.<br />" +
"<code>/lotto uptime</code> - Shows how long ago the game of lottery was started.<br />" +
"<code>/lotto status</code> - Shows the current status of lottery.<br />" +
"<code>/lotto odds, [user]</code> - Shows the odds of [user] winning the lottery.<br />" +
"<code>/lotto tickets</code> - Shows all of the current tickets in the current game of lotto."
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