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Last active June 1, 2020 08:57
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Kotlin parser combinator
sealed class Result<out A> {
data class Success<A>(val value: A) : Result<A>()
data class Failure(val msg: String) : Result<Nothing>()
companion object {
fun <A> success(value: A): Result<A> = Success(value)
fun <A> failure(msg: String): Result<A> = Failure(msg)
class Parser<A>(val run: (String) -> Result<Pair<A, String>>) {
infix fun <B> andThen(next: Parser<B>): Parser<Pair<A, B>> = Parser { input ->
// run first parser with input
when (val res1 = run(input)) {
is Result.Success -> {
val (value1, remaining1) = res1.value
// run the next parser with remaining input
when (val res2 = {
is Result.Success -> {
val (value2, remaining2) = res2.value
success(Pair(Pair(value1, value2), remaining2))
is Result.Failure -> res2
is Result.Failure -> res1
infix fun orElse(alt: Parser<A>): Parser<A> = Parser { input ->
when (val run1 = run(input)) {
is Result.Success -> run1
is Result.Failure ->
infix fun <B> map(f: (A) -> B): Parser<B> = Parser { input ->
when (val res1 = run(input)) {
is Result.Success -> {
val (value, remaining) = res1.value
success(Pair(f(value), remaining))
is Result.Failure -> res1
companion object {
fun parseChar(charToMatch: Char, input: String): Result<Pair<Char, String>> =
when {
input.isBlank() -> failure("No more input")
input.first() == charToMatch -> success(Pair(charToMatch, input.drop(1)))
else -> failure("Expecting: `$charToMatch`. Got: `${input.first()}` first")
fun create(charToMatch: Char): Parser<Char> = Parser { input -> parseChar(charToMatch, input) }
fun <A> choice(parsers: List<Parser<A>>): Parser<A> =
parsers.reduce { acc, parser -> acc orElse parser }
fun anyOf(chars: List<Char>): Parser<Char> =
choice( { create(it) })
fun <A> List<Parser<A>>.sequence(): Parser<List<A>> =
when (val head = this.firstOrNull()) {
null -> Parser { success(Pair(emptyList<A>(), it)) }
else -> head map { listOf(it) } andThen this.drop(1).sequence() map { it.first + it.second }
fun string(string: String): Parser<String> = { create(it) }
.sequence() map { it.joinToString("") }
private fun <A> Parser<A>.zeroOrMore(input: String): Pair<List<A>, String> {
return when (val res = run(input)) {
is Result.Success -> {
val (value, remaining) = res.value
val (nextValues, remainingInput) = zeroOrMore(remaining)
Pair(listOf(value) + nextValues, remainingInput)
is Result.Failure -> Pair(emptyList(), input)
fun <A> Parser<A>.many(): Parser<List<A>> = Parser { success(zeroOrMore(it)) }
fun <A> Parser<A>.many1(): Parser<List<A>> = Parser {
val (list, remaining) = zeroOrMore(it)
if (list.isEmpty()) failure("Could not find at least one item")
else success(Pair(list, remaining))
fun <A> Parser<A>.opt(): Parser<A?> = Parser {
val (list, _) = zeroOrMore(it)
if (list.isEmpty()) success(Pair(null, it))
else success(Pair(list.first(), it.drop(1)))
infix fun <A, B> Parser<A>.zipLeft(other: Parser<B>): Parser<A> = this andThen other map { it.first }
infix fun <A, B> Parser<A>.zipRight(other: Parser<B>): Parser<B> = this andThen other map { it.second }
fun <A, B, C> between(p1: Parser<A>, p2: Parser<B>, p3: Parser<C>): Parser<B> =
p1 zipRight p2 zipLeft p3
infix fun <A> Parser<A>.sepBy1(sep: Parser<A>): Parser<List<A>> {
val sepThenP = sep zipRight this
val many = this andThen sepThenP.many()
return { listOf(it.first) + it.second }
infix fun <A> Parser<A>.sepBy(sep: Parser<A>): Parser<List<A>> =
sepBy1(sep) orElse Parser { success(Pair(emptyList<A>(), it)) }
import Parser.Companion.create
fun main() {
val parse1 = create('1')
val parse2 = create('2')
val parse12 = parse1 andThen parse2
val parse12AsInt = parse12 map { (one, two) -> ("$one$two").toInt() }
// Success(value=(12, 34))
// Failure(msg=Expecting: `2`. Got: `s` first)
val parseDigit = Parser.anyOf((0..9).toList().map { "$it".first() })
// Success(value=(1, ))
// Success(value=(5, 2))
// Failure(msg=Expecting: `9`. Got: `s` first)
val parseLowercase = Parser.anyOf(('a'..'z').toList())
// Success(value=(a, ))
// Success(value=(s, tojan))
// Failure(msg=Expecting: `z`. Got: `1` first)
println(Parser.sequence(listOf(create('S'), create('T'), create('O'))).run("STOJAN"))
// Success(value=([S, T, O], JAN))
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