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Created February 2, 2020 22:09
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Kotlin compiler plugin built with arrow-meta. Generates equals, hashCode and toString for classes annotated with @valueclass
annotation class ValueClass
package io.arrowkt.example
import arrow.meta.Meta
import arrow.meta.Plugin
import arrow.meta.invoke
import arrow.meta.phases.analysis.ElementScope
import arrow.meta.quotes.Transform
import arrow.meta.quotes.classDeclaration
import arrow.meta.quotes.classorobject.ClassDeclaration
import arrow.meta.quotes.nameddeclaration.stub.typeparameterlistowner.NamedFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtClass
val Meta.valueClass: Plugin
get() =
"valueClass" {
classDeclaration(::isValueClass) { c: KtClass ->
replacing = c,
newDeclaration =
|$kind $name $`(params)` {
| ${overrideHashCode(this)}
| ${overrideEquals(this)}
| ${overrideToString(this)}
private fun isValueClass(ktClass: KtClass): Boolean =
!ktClass.isData() &&
ktClass.annotationEntries.any { it.text.matches(Regex("@(arrow\\.)?ValueClass")) } &&
ktClass.primaryConstructorParameters.isNotEmpty() &&
ktClass.primaryConstructorParameters.all { !it.isMutable } &&
private fun ElementScope.overrideHashCode(classScope: ClassDeclaration): NamedFunction {
val hashCodeArs = classScope.`(params)`.value.joinToString {!! }
val hashCode = "java.util.Objects.hash($hashCodeArs)"
return """override fun hashCode(): Int = $hashCode""".function
private fun ElementScope.overrideEquals(classScope: ClassDeclaration): NamedFunction {
val fieldEquality = classScope.`(params)`
separator = "&&"
) { "java.util.Objects.equals(this.${}, other.${})" }
return """|
|override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
|if (this === other) return true
|if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
|other as ${}
|return $fieldEquality
private fun ElementScope.overrideToString(classScope: ClassDeclaration): NamedFunction {
val fields = classScope.`(params)`.value.joinToString { "${} = '$${}'" }
return """override fun toString(): String = "${}($fields)"""".function
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