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Last active June 28, 2022 18:27
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# ex: New-WorkstationCertificate -ComputerName WKS-LINUX
function Get-RandomPwd {
param([int]$Length = 20)
# digits + lowercase + uppercase
$res = -join ((48..57) + (65..90) + (97..122) | Get-Random -Count $Length | % {[char]$_})
return $res
function New-WorkstationCertificateRequestConfiguration {
# static parameters
$templateName = 'LinuxWorkstationAuthentication2018'
$keyAlgorithm = 'RSA'
$keySize = '2048'
$hashAlgorithm = 'sha256'
# fetch SID and then generate extension
$c = Get-ADComputer $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
$bin_sid = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($c.SID.Value)
$prefix_oid = @(0x30,0x3f,0xa0,0x3d,0x06,0x0a,0x2b,0x06,
$bin_oid = $prefix_oid + $bin_sid.Count + $bin_sid
$bin_oid[17] = $bin_sid.Count + 2
$bin_oid[3] = $bin_sid.Count + 16
$bin_oid[1] = $bin_oid[3] + 2
$b64_oid = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bin_oid)
$template = @'
Subject = "CN=_DOMAIN_NAME_"
MachineKeySet = TRUE
KeyLength = _KEY_SIZE_
Exportable = TRUE
RequestType = PKCS10
HashAlgorithm = _HASH_ALGORITHM_
KeyAlgorithm = _KEY_ALGORITHM_
EncryptionAlgorithm = AES
EncryptionLength = 128
ProviderName = "Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider"
CertificateTemplate = "_TEMPLATE_"
; If your client operating system is Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
; SANs can be included in the Extensions section by using the following text format. Note is the OID for a SAN extension. = "{text}"
_continue_ = "DNS=_DOMAIN_NAME_"
$template = $template -replace '_DOMAIN_NAME_',$c.DNSHostName
$template = $template -replace '_TEMPLATE_',$templateName
$template = $template -replace '_KEY_ALGORITHM_',$keyAlgorithm
$template = $template -replace '_KEY_SIZE_',$keySize
$template = $template -replace '_HASH_ALGORITHM_',$hashAlgorithm
$template = $template -replace '_SID_OID_'," = ${b64_oid}"
return $template
A cmdlet to request a Linux or Web server certificate from our ADCS.
function New-WorkstationCertificate {
[string]$AuthorityCertificatesServer = 'ADCS1\YOUR-CA'
# create cert template
New-WorkstationCertificateRequetConfiguration -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop > $env:TEMP\certreq.inf
# create request
certreq -f -new $env:TEMP\certreq.inf $env:TEMP\certreq.req
# submit request
certreq -submit -f -config $AuthorityCertificatesServer $env:TEMP\certreq.req $env:TEMP\certreq.crt
# cleanup because of the Import-Certificate broken filter
Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\REQUEST\ | Remove-Item
Import-Certificate $env:TEMP\certreq.crt -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\REQUEST\
$thumbprint = Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\REQUEST\ | Where-Object { $_.Issuer -ne $_.Subject } | ForEach-Object { $_.Thumbprint }
# associate the private key with the public certificate
certutil -repairstore REQUEST $thumbprint
$exportPwd = Get-RandomPwd
Export-PfxCertificate Cert:\LocalMachine\REQUEST\$thumbprint $env:TEMP\certreq.pfx -ChainOption BuildChain -CryptoAlgorithmOption AES256_SHA256 -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $exportPwd -Force)
# security cleanup
Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\REQUEST\ | Remove-Item
Write-Host "Temporary password: $exportPwd"
Write-Host "Your requested certificate is available on $env:TEMP\certreq.pfx. Don't forget to remove it when the certificate is installed."
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