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Created March 25, 2015 17:32
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<p class="title">Jelly cake cheesecake gummies biscuit cotton candy. </p>
<p class="subtitle">Candy canes chupa chups pastry. Cake jelly chocolate cake pudding marshmallow tart gingerbread.</p>
<p class="txt">Sweet roll tart liquorice wafer. Danish tootsie roll soufflé muffin sweet cake. Chocolate cake icing fruitcake macaroon cupcake. Fruitcake bonbon icing candy marzipan dragée liquorice chocolate chocolate cake. Wafer tiramisu tart chocolate cake jujubes cupcake gummi bears wafer. Candy chupa chups muffin gummi bears lemon drops gummies chocolate bar bear claw. </p>
<div class="line_separator" ></div>
<span class="date">25 Marzo 2015</span>
<a href="#"<span class="pull-right readmore">leggi tutto</span></a>
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<img src="" class="header_img" />
<div class="content_text">
<p class="title">Jelly cake cheesecake gummies biscuit cotton candy. </p>
<p class="subtitle">Candy canes chupa chups pastry. Cake jelly chocolate cake pudding marshmallow tart gingerbread.</p>
<p class="txt">Sweet roll tart liquorice wafer. Danish tootsie roll soufflé muffin sweet cake. Chocolate cake icing fruitcake macaroon cupcake. Fruitcake bonbon icing candy marzipan dragée liquorice chocolate chocolate cake. Wafer tiramisu tart chocolate cake jujubes cupcake gummi bears wafer. Candy chupa chups muffin gummi bears lemon drops gummies chocolate bar bear claw. </p>
<div class="line_separator" ></div>
<span class="date">25 Marzo 2015</span>
<a href="#"<span class="pull-right readmore">leggi tutto</span></a>
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