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Last active November 16, 2016 11:53
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  • Save Lorti/5258088 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Lorti/5258088 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var container;
var camera, scene, renderer;
var mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0;
var windowHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2;
var windowHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2;
/*** Initialize ***/
function init() {
// This <div> will host the canvas for our scene.
container = document.createElement( 'div' );
document.body.appendChild( container );
// You can adjust the cameras distance and set the FOV to something
// different than 45°. The last two values set the clippling plane.
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 2000 );
camera.position.z = 100;
// These variables set the camera behaviour and sensitivity.
controls = new THREE.TrackballControls( camera );
controls.rotateSpeed = 5.0;
controls.zoomSpeed = 5;
controls.panSpeed = 2;
controls.noZoom = false;
controls.noPan = false;
controls.staticMoving = true;
controls.dynamicDampingFactor = 0.3;
// This is the scene we will add all objects to.
scene = new THREE.Scene();
// You can set the color of the ambient light to any value.
// I have chose a completely white light because I want to paint
// all the shading into my texture. You propably want something darker.
var ambient = new THREE.AmbientLight( 0xffffff );
scene.add( ambient );
// Uncomment these lines to create a simple directional light.
// var directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xffeedd );
// directionalLight.position.set( 0, 0, 1 ).normalize();
// scene.add( directionalLight );
/*** Texture Loading ***/
var manager = new THREE.LoadingManager();
manager.onProgress = function ( item, loaded, total ) {
console.log( item, loaded, total );
var texture = new THREE.Texture();
var loader = new THREE.ImageLoader( manager );
// You can set the texture properties in this function.
// The string has to be the path to your texture file.
loader.load( 'female_croupier_2013-03-26.png', function ( image ) {
texture.image = image;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
// I wanted a nearest neighbour filtering for my low-poly character,
// so that every pixel is crips and sharp. You can delete this lines
// if have a larger texture and want a smooth linear filter.
texture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
texture.minFilter = THREE.NearestMipMapLinearFilter;
} );
/*** OBJ Loading ***/
var loader = new THREE.OBJLoader( manager );
// As soon as the OBJ has been loaded this function looks for a mesh
// inside the data and applies the texture to it.
loader.load( 'female_croupier_2013-03-26.obj', function ( event ) {
var object = event;
object.traverse( function ( child ) {
if ( child instanceof THREE.Mesh ) { = texture;
} );
// My initial model was too small, so I scaled it upwards.
object.scale = new THREE.Vector3( 25, 25, 25 );
// You can change the position of the object, so that it is not
// centered in the view and leaves some space for overlay text.
object.position.y -= 2.5;
scene.add( object );
// We set the renderer to the size of the window and
// append a canvas to our HTML page.
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
/*** The Loop ***/
function animate() {
// This function calls itself on every frame. You can for example change
// the objects rotation on every call to create a turntable animation.
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
// On every frame we need to calculate the new camera position
// and have it look exactly at the center of our scene.
renderer.render(scene, camera);
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