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Created February 12, 2023 17:07
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Clojure hiccup with inline scittle
[:div "SCITTLE JS"]
[:script {:type "application/x-scittle"}
'(defn my-alert []
(js/alert "You clicked! "))
;; export function to use from JavaScript:
'(set! (.-my_alert js/window) my-alert))]]
[ {:onclick "my_alert()"}
[ {:width "32" :height "32" :fill "currentColor" :viewBox "0 0 16 16" :xmlns "" }]]]
[ {:width "32" :height "32" :fill "black" :viewBox "0 0 16 16" :xmlns ""}]
[:script {:type "application/x-scittle"}
'(require '[reagent.core :as r]
'[reagent.dom :as rdom])
'(def state (r/atom {:clicks 0}))
'(defn my-component []
[:p "Clicks: " (:clicks @state)]
[:p [ {:on-click #(swap! state update :clicks inc)}
"Click me!"]]])
'(rdom/render [my-component] (.getElementById js/document "app")))]]
[:script {:type "application/x-scittle"}
'(require '[ajax.core :refer [GET]])
'(defn handler [response]
(js/alert (str response)))
'(defn make-request []
(GET "/" {:handler handler}))
;; export function to use from JavaScript:
'(set! (.-make_request js/window) make-request))]]
[ {:onclick "make_request()"} "Click Me!"]]
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