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Last active May 7, 2024 10:26
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Google Sheets Apps Script for multiple selections in a dropdown selector
// V4 ~ Still slow damnit
function onEdit(e) {
let triggeringSheets = new Array( // only in these sheets
let triggeringColumns = new Array( // only in these columns
// BrondataFlevoland
15, // Column O == 15
25, // Column Y == 25
32, // Column AF == 32
36 // Column AJ == 36
let excludingRows = new Array( // not in these rows
let activeSheet = e.source.getActiveSheet() // get the active sheet
let triggeredSheet = activeSheet.getName(); // get the name of the active sheet
if (triggeringSheets.includes(triggeredSheet)) // only if current sheet is in the triggeringSheets array
let currentCell = e.range; // get the current cell from the current selection
let currentColumn = currentCell.getColumn(); // get the current column number
let currentRow = currentCell.getRow(); // get the current row number
if (triggeringColumns.includes(currentColumn) // only if current column is in the triggeringColumns array
&& !excludingRows.includes(currentRow)) // and only if current row is **not** in the excludingRows array
let newValue = e.value; // get the new cell value ~ stores the newValue
let oldValue = e.oldValue; // get the old cell value ~ stores the oldValue
if (!newValue) // if no newValue e.g. newValue is empty
currentCell.setValue(""); // set currentCell to an empty string
} else {
if (!oldValue) // if no oldValue e.g. oldValue is empty
currentCell.setValue(newValue); // set the current cell to the newValue e.g. the selected option
} else {
if(!oldValue.includes(newValue)) // if oldValue does not include newValue
currentCell.setValue(oldValue + ', ' + newValue); // append newValue to oldValue preceded by a comma
} else { // else if the oldValue already includes the newValue it should be a deselection/ removal
let regex = new RegExp("(, " + newValue + "|" + newValue + ", )", 'gi'); // create a Regex constructor
// example:
// oldValue: Procesregie, Verklarende analyse
// newValue: Procesregie
// RegExp: /(, Procesregie|Procesregie, )/gi
// replacedValue: Verklarende analyse
let replacedValue = oldValue.replace(regex, ''); // create a new value for oldData
currentCell.setValue(replacedValue); // set currentCell value with replacedValue
// V3 ~ SLOW +/- 1 second delay in change
function onEdit(e) {
var triggeringSheets = new Array("sheet1", "sheet2", "sheet3"); // only in these sheets
var activeSheet = e.source.getActiveSheet() // get the active sheet
var triggeredSheet = activeSheet.getName(); // get the name of the active sheet
if (triggeringSheets.includes(triggeredSheet)) // only if current sheet is in the triggeringSheets
var currentCell = e.range; // get the current cell from the current selection
var currentColumn = currentCell.getColumn(); // get the current column number
var currentRow = currentCell.getRow(); // get the current row number
if((currentColumn == 15 // Column O == 15
|| currentColumn == 25 // Column Y == 25
|| currentColumn == 36) // Column AJ == 36
&& currentRow != 1) // currentCell is not in row 1
var newValue = e.value; // get the new cell value ~ stores the newValue
var oldValue = e.oldValue; // get the old cell value ~ stores the oldValue
if (!newValue) // if newvalue is empty
currentCell.setValue(""); // set currentCell to an empty string
} else {
if (!oldValue) // if no oldValue e.g. oldValue is empty
currentCell.setValue(newValue); // set the current cell to the newValue e.g. the selected option
} else {
if(!oldValue.includes(newValue)) // if oldValue does not include newValue
currentCell.setValue(oldValue + ', ' + newValue); // append oldValue with newValue preceded by a comma
} else { // else the oldValue already includes the newValue so it should be a deselection
var regex = new RegExp("(, " + newValue + "|" + newValue + ", )", 'gi'); // Regex constructor
var replacedData = oldValue.replace(regex, ''); // replace text with regex in oldValue
// Logger.log("nested old: " + oldValue + " new: " + newValue + " regex: " + regex + " regextest: " + replacedData);
// example: nested old: Procesregie, Verklarende analyse new: Procesregie regex: /(, Procesregie|Procesregie, )/gi regextest: Verklarende analyse
currentCell.setValue(replacedData); // set currentCell value with replacedData
// V2 ~ SLOW +/- 1 second delay in change
function onEdit(e) {
var triggeringSheets = new Array("sheet1", "sheet2", "sheet3"); // only in these sheets
var activeSheet = e.source.getActiveSheet() // get the active sheet
var triggeredSheet = activeSheet.getName(); // get the name of the active sheet
if (triggeringSheets.includes(triggeredSheet)) // only if current sheet is in the triggeringSheets
var currentCell = e.range; // get the current cell from the current selection
if((currentCell.getColumn() == 15 // Column O == 15
|| currentCell.getColumn() == 25 // Column Y == 25
|| currentCell.getColumn() == 36) // Column AJ == 36
&& currentCell.getRow()
!= 1) // currentCell is not in row 1
var newValue = e.value; // get the new cell value ~ stores the newValue
var oldValue = e.oldValue; // get the old cell value ~ stores the oldValue
if (!newValue) // if newvalue is empty
currentCell.setValue(""); // set currentCell to an empty string
} else {
if (!oldValue) // if no oldValue e.g. oldValue is empty
currentCell.setValue(newValue); // set the current cell to the newValue e.g. the selected option
} else {
if(!oldValue.includes(newValue)) // if oldValue does not include newValue
currentCell.setValue(oldValue + ', ' + newValue); // append oldValue with newValue preceded by a comma
} else { // else the oldValue already includes the newValue so it should be a deselection
var regex = new RegExp("(, " + newValue + "|" + newValue + ", )", 'gi'); // Regex constructor
var replacedData = oldValue.replace(regex, ''); // replace text with regex in oldValue
// Logger.log("nested old: " + oldValue + " new: " + newValue + " regex: " + regex + " regextest: " + replacedData);
// example: nested old: Procesregie, Verklarende analyse new: Procesregie regex: /(, Procesregie|Procesregie, )/gi regextest: Verklarende analyse
currentCell.setValue(replacedData); // set currentCell value with replacedData
// V1 ~ SLOW +/- 1 second delay in change
function onEdit(e) {
var selection = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSelection(); // get the current selection
var currentCell = selection.getCurrentCell(); // get the current cell from the current selection
if((currentCell.getColumn() == 15 // Column O == 15
|| currentCell.getColumn() == 25 // Column Y == 25
|| currentCell.getColumn() == 36) // Column AJ == 36
&& currentCell.getRow()
!= 1 // currentCell is not in row 1
&& selection.getActiveSheet().getName()
== "myFancySheetName" ) // and only in this sheet
var newValue = e.value; // stores the newValue
var oldValue = e.oldValue; // stores the oldValue
if (!newValue) // if newvalue is empty
currentCell.setValue(""); // set currentCell to an empty string
} else {
if (!oldValue) // if no oldValue e.g. oldValue is empty
currentCell.setValue(newValue); // set the current cell to the newValue e.g. the selected option
} else {
if(!oldValue.includes(newValue)) // if oldValue does not include newValue
currentCell.setValue(oldValue + ', ' + newValue); // append oldValue with newValue preceded by a comma
} else { // else the oldValue already includes the newValue so it should be a deselection
var regex = new RegExp("(, " + newValue + "|" + newValue + ", )", 'gi'); // Regex constructor
var replacedData = oldValue.replace(regex, ''); // replace text with regex in oldValue
// Logger.log("nested old: " + oldValue + " new: " + newValue + " regex: " + regex + " regextest: " + replacedData);
// example: nested old: Procesregie, Verklarende analyse new: Procesregie regex: /(, Procesregie|Procesregie, )/gi regextest: Verklarende analyse
currentCell.setValue(replacedData); // set currentCell value with replacedData
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