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Created March 24, 2021 22:25
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Get the line and the column of an index in a given CharSequence.
* Returns the line and the column of [index] in the given CharSequence.
fun CharSequence.getLineAndColumn(index: Int): LocationInText {
if (index !in 0..lastIndex) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(index)
var lineNumber = 1
var columnNumber = 1
forEachIndexed { currentIndex, c ->
if (index == currentIndex) {
return LocationInText(
lineNumber = lineNumber,
columnNumber = columnNumber
when (c) {
'\n' -> {
columnNumber = 1
else -> columnNumber++
throw ConcurrentModificationException("The CharSequence has been shrunk concurrently")
data class LocationInText(
val lineNumber: Int,
val columnNumber: Int
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