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Created December 9, 2021 15:48
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Batch System Generator - Sketch of Idea

One of the major pains I have in using HPC resources is figuring out/remembering the syntax required to create certain jobs, check the state of the queue(s) I am interested in, figure out, based on how heavily utilized the cluster is, how much time I spend waiting to get one of my jobs to run, figuring out how many nodes are available for the given queue(s), etc...

One thing I would love to have, to make this all the easier, would be to have a script that generated a script for me based on the system I was running on, whether it be Slurm or Torque (PBS/PBS-Pro) and can easily give me what I want. As well, I would want to be able to generate some template batch scripts and to append to them, so being able to define a base template for my project would be very useful (i.e. a base template generated from this script, and then using that template to generate more specific (less generalized) fully complete scripts.

Generation of Scripts

  1. Detect whether or not the script is being run on PBS/PBS-Pro or Slurm and invoke the appropriate script
  2. Read in the state of the queue(s), and populate a table of queue information, such as maximum timeout, approximation of resources, list of nodes and their specifications, etc.
  3. Display number of available nodes in each queue, as well as specification for the queue in question.
  4. Give option to query more information about a queue such as the nodes it has available, and information obtainable about such nodes
  5. Allow creating/adding parameters to the scripts in question and to export as template (incomplete) or as full script (complete)
Queues    |   Available    |    Projected Wait-Time   |  
default   |      32/64     |       0 Minutes

>>> set nodes=64
>>> show

Queues    |   Available    |    Projected Wait-Time   |  
default   |      32/64     |        9:30:27

>>> set output="job.out" error="job.err"
>>> export
>>> import
>>> get output error
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