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Last active August 20, 2017 01:12
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@types/quill: v1.3.0
// Type definitions for Quill 1.3
// Project:
// Definitions by: Sumit <>
// Guillaume <>
// Definitions:
* A stricter type definition would be:
* type DeltaOperation ({ insert: any } | { delete: number } | { retain: number }) & OptionalAttributes;
* But this would break a lot of existing code as it would require manual discrimination of the union types.
export type DeltaOperation = { insert?: any, delete?: number, retain?: number } & OptionalAttributes;
export type Sources = "api" | "user" | "silent";
export interface Key {
key: string;
shortKey?: boolean;
export interface StringMap {
[key: string]: any;
export interface OptionalAttributes {
attributes?: StringMap;
export type TextChangeHandler = (delta: DeltaStatic, oldContents: DeltaStatic, source: Sources) => any;
export type SelectionChangeHandler = (range: RangeStatic, oldRange: RangeStatic, source: Sources) => any;
export type EditorChangeHandler = ((name: "text-change", delta: DeltaStatic, oldContents: DeltaStatic, source: Sources) => any)
| ((name: "selection-change", range: RangeStatic, oldRange: RangeStatic, source: Sources) => any);
export interface KeyboardStatic {
addBinding(key: Key, callback: (range: RangeStatic, context: any) => void): void;
addBinding(key: Key, context: any, callback: (range: RangeStatic, context: any) => void): void;
export interface ClipboardStatic {
addMatcher(selectorOrNodeType: string|number, callback: (node: any, delta: DeltaStatic) => DeltaStatic): void;
dangerouslyPasteHTML(html: string, source?: Sources): void;
dangerouslyPasteHTML(index: number, html: string, source?: Sources): void;
export interface QuillOptionsStatic {
debug?: string;
modules?: StringMap;
placeholder?: string;
readOnly?: boolean;
theme?: string;
formats?: string[];
bounds?: HTMLElement | string;
export interface BoundsStatic {
left: number;
top: number;
height: number;
width: number;
export interface DeltaStatic {
ops?: DeltaOperation[];
retain(length: number, attributes?: StringMap): DeltaStatic;
delete(length: number): DeltaStatic;
filter(predicate: (op: DeltaOperation) => boolean): DeltaOperation[];
forEach(predicate: (op: DeltaOperation) => void): void;
insert(text: any, attributes?: StringMap): DeltaStatic;
map<T>(predicate: (op: DeltaOperation) => T): T[];
partition(predicate: (op: DeltaOperation) => boolean): [DeltaOperation[], DeltaOperation[]];
reduce<T>(predicate: (acc: T, curr: DeltaOperation, idx: number, arr: DeltaOperation[]) => T, initial: T): T;
chop(): DeltaStatic;
length(): number;
slice(start?: number, end?: number): DeltaStatic;
compose(other: DeltaStatic): DeltaStatic;
concat(other: DeltaStatic): DeltaStatic;
diff(other: DeltaStatic, index?: number): DeltaStatic;
eachLine(predicate: (line: DeltaStatic, attributes: StringMap, idx: number) => any, newline?: string): DeltaStatic;
transform(index: number): number;
transform(other: DeltaStatic, priority: boolean): DeltaStatic;
transformPosition(index: number): number;
export class Delta implements DeltaStatic {
constructor(ops?: DeltaOperation[] | { ops: DeltaOperation[] });
ops?: DeltaOperation[];
retain(length: number, attributes?: StringMap): DeltaStatic;
delete(length: number): DeltaStatic;
filter(predicate: (op: DeltaOperation) => boolean): DeltaOperation[];
forEach(predicate: (op: DeltaOperation) => void): void;
insert(text: any, attributes?: StringMap): DeltaStatic;
map<T>(predicate: (op: DeltaOperation) => T): T[];
partition(predicate: (op: DeltaOperation) => boolean): [DeltaOperation[], DeltaOperation[]];
reduce<T>(predicate: (acc: T, curr: DeltaOperation, idx: number, arr: DeltaOperation[]) => T, initial: T): T;
chop(): DeltaStatic;
length(): number;
slice(start?: number, end?: number): DeltaStatic;
compose(other: DeltaStatic): DeltaStatic;
concat(other: DeltaStatic): DeltaStatic;
diff(other: DeltaStatic, index?: number): DeltaStatic;
eachLine(predicate: (line: DeltaStatic, attributes: StringMap, idx: number) => any, newline?: string): DeltaStatic;
transform(index: number): number;
transform(other: DeltaStatic, priority: boolean): DeltaStatic;
transformPosition(index: number): number;
export interface RangeStatic {
index: number;
length: number;
export class RangeStatic implements RangeStatic {
index: number;
length: number;
export interface EventEmitter {
on(eventName: "text-change", handler: TextChangeHandler): EventEmitter;
on(eventName: "selection-change", handler: SelectionChangeHandler): EventEmitter;
on(eventName: "editor-change", handler: EditorChangeHandler): EventEmitter;
once(eventName: "text-change", handler: TextChangeHandler): EventEmitter;
once(eventName: "selection-change", handler: SelectionChangeHandler): EventEmitter;
once(eventName: "editor-change", handler: EditorChangeHandler): EventEmitter;
off(eventName: "text-change", handler: TextChangeHandler): EventEmitter;
off(eventName: "selection-change", handler: SelectionChangeHandler): EventEmitter;
off(eventName: "editor-change", handler: EditorChangeHandler): EventEmitter;
export interface Quill extends EventEmitter {
* @private Internal API
root: HTMLDivElement;
clipboard: ClipboardStatic;
deleteText(index: number, length: number, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
disable(): void;
enable(enabled?: boolean): void;
getContents(index?: number, length?: number): DeltaStatic;
getLength(): number;
getText(index?: number, length?: number): string;
insertEmbed(index: number, type: string, value: any, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
insertText(index: number, text: string, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
insertText(index: number, text: string, format: string, value: any, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
insertText(index: number, text: string, formats: StringMap, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
* @deprecated Remove in 2.0. Use clipboard.dangerouslyPasteHTML(index: number, html: string, source: Sources)
pasteHTML(index: number, html: string, source?: Sources): string;
* @deprecated Remove in 2.0. Use clipboard.dangerouslyPasteHTML(html: string, source: Sources): void;
pasteHTML(html: string, source?: Sources): string;
setContents(delta: DeltaStatic, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
setText(text: string, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
update(source?: Sources): void;
updateContents(delta: DeltaStatic, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
format(name: string, value: any, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatLine(index: number, length: number, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatLine(index: number, length: number, format: string, value: any, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatLine(index: number, length: number, formats: StringMap, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatText(index: number, length: number, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatText(index: number, length: number, format: string, value: any, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatText(index: number, length: number, formats: StringMap, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
getFormat(range?: RangeStatic): StringMap;
getFormat(index: number, length?: number): StringMap;
removeFormat(index: number, length: number, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
blur(): void;
focus(): void;
getBounds(index: number, length?: number): BoundsStatic;
getSelection(focus?: boolean): RangeStatic;
hasFocus(): boolean;
setSelection(index: number, length: number, source?: Sources): void;
setSelection(range: RangeStatic, source?: Sources): void;
debug(level: string|boolean): void;
import(path: string): any;
register(path: string, def: any, suppressWarning?: boolean): void;
register(defs: StringMap, suppressWarning?: boolean): void;
addContainer(classNameOrDomNode: string|Node, refNode?: Node): any;
getModule(name: string): any;
// Blot interface is not exported on Parchment
find(domNode: Node, bubble?: boolean): Quill | any;
getIndex(blot: any): number;
getLeaf(index: number): any;
getLine(index: number): [any, number];
getLines(index?: number, length?: number): any[];
getLines(range: RangeStatic): any[];
export class Quill implements Quill {
* @private Internal API
root: HTMLDivElement;
clipboard: ClipboardStatic;
constructor(container: string | Element, options?: QuillOptionsStatic);
deleteText(index: number, length: number, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
disable(): void;
enable(enabled?: boolean): void;
getContents(index?: number, length?: number): DeltaStatic;
getLength(): number;
getText(index?: number, length?: number): string;
insertEmbed(index: number, type: string, value: any, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
insertText(index: number, text: string, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
insertText(index: number, text: string, format: string, value: any, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
insertText(index: number, text: string, formats: StringMap, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
* @deprecated Remove in 2.0. Use clipboard.dangerouslyPasteHTML(index: number, html: string, source: Sources)
pasteHTML(index: number, html: string, source?: Sources): string;
* @deprecated Remove in 2.0. Use clipboard.dangerouslyPasteHTML(html: string, source: Sources): void;
pasteHTML(html: string, source?: Sources): string;
setContents(delta: DeltaStatic, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
setText(text: string, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
update(source?: Sources): void;
updateContents(delta: DeltaStatic, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
format(name: string, value: any, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatLine(index: number, length: number, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatLine(index: number, length: number, format: string, value: any, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatLine(index: number, length: number, formats: StringMap, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatText(index: number, length: number, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatText(index: number, length: number, format: string, value: any, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
formatText(index: number, length: number, formats: StringMap, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
getFormat(range?: RangeStatic): StringMap;
getFormat(index: number, length?: number): StringMap;
removeFormat(index: number, length: number, source?: Sources): DeltaStatic;
blur(): void;
focus(): void;
getBounds(index: number, length?: number): BoundsStatic;
getSelection(focus?: boolean): RangeStatic;
hasFocus(): boolean;
setSelection(index: number, length: number, source?: Sources): void;
setSelection(range: RangeStatic, source?: Sources): void;
debug(level: string|boolean): void;
import(path: string): any;
register(path: string, def: any, suppressWarning?: boolean): void;
register(defs: StringMap, suppressWarning?: boolean): void;
addContainer(classNameOrDomNode: string|Node, refNode?: Node): any;
getModule(name: string): any;
// Blot interface is not exported on Parchment
find(domNode: Node, bubble?: boolean): Quill | any;
getIndex(blot: any): number;
getLeaf(index: number): any;
getLine(index: number): [any, number];
getLines(index?: number, length?: number): any[];
getLines(range: RangeStatic): any[];
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