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Last active February 25, 2023 08:15
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Dynmap player notifier
// Dynmap player notifier
// Execute the javascript in the console of running dynmap website and let yourself be notified
// when someone enters/leaves your base so you would know when they may be stealing your stuff
// Copyright (C) Ján Gajdoš 2023
// change these
const discordWebhook = ""; // discord webhook url
const pos = [StartX, StartZ, EndX, EndZ]; // positions of your base
const ignore = []; // player names to ignore
const alarmMode = false; // if set to true, the webhook won't stop notifing
// After you are done with configuring, paste the code into console and to run, type `monitor()` and hit enter
globalThis.monitor = () => {
const namesInside = [];
function sendMessage(msg) {
const request = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", discordWebhook);
request.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
const params = {
username: "Dynmap",
avatar_url: "",
content: msg
function checkInBox(x, y, startX, startY, endX, endY, callback, name) {
const left = Math.min(startX, endX);
const right = Math.max(startX, endX);
const top = Math.min(startY, endY);
const bottom = Math.max(startY, endY);
if (x >= left && x <= right && y >= top && y <= bottom) {
if ((!namesInside.includes(name) || alarmMode) && !ignore.includes(name)) {
callback(`Player ${name} has entered safe area!`);
if (!namesInside.includes(name)) namesInside.push(name);
} else {
if (namesInside.includes(name)) {
namesInside.splice(namesInside.indexOf(name), 1);
callback(`Player ${name} has left the safe area!`);
(function (open) { = function (method, url, async, user, pass) {
this.addEventListener("load", e => {
try {
const json = JSON.parse(;
const hraci = json.players;
hraci.forEach(h => checkInBox(h.x, h.z, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], sendMessage,;
} catch (e) { }
});, method, url, async, user, pass);
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