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Created February 17, 2017 00:50
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Exported from Popcode. Click to import:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>jQuery Puns</title>
<h1>ScriptEd Pun-A-Thon</h1>
<div id="joke-1"> What kind of cheese doesn't belong to you?
<button id="1" type="button">Boi</button>
<div id="joke-2"> What does the annoying pepper do?
<button id="2" type="button">Boi</button>
<div id="joke-3">
<p> Why did the bike fall over?
<button id="p" type="button">Boi</button></p>
<img id="joke-4" src="">
$("#1").click( function(){
// Task 1: use .html to change the text in joke-1 to "Nacho Cheese"
$("#joke-1").html("Nacho Cheese");
$("#2").click( function(){
// Task 2: use .append to add a paragraph with "It gets jalapeño face!" in it.
$("#joke-2").append("It gets jalapeño face!");
// Task 3: Create a click handler that appends a paragraph with "It was two-tired" in it.
$("p").append("It was two-tired");
// Task 4: Create a click handler for joke-4 that changes the attribute src from the current image to this image --> ""
$("#joke-4").click( function(){
// Bonus: Create a button for each one of these jokes. When the user clicks a button the action should occur
margin-bottom: 100px;
font-size: 2em;
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