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Created February 22, 2022 19:05
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Search things on Google and access sites on the web.
Search things on web.
Search things on Google and access sites on the web.
Specifies that will be a website
.PARAMETER SearchEngine
Specifies search engine
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PS> power_google.ps1 "How big is the Eiffel Tower"
PS> power_google.ps1 "How big is the Eiffel Tower" -SearchEngine bing
PS> power_google.ps1 "" -Site
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$Site = $false,
[ValidateSet("gogle", "bing")]
$SearchEngine = "google",
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$Info = $false,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][switch]$Help = $false
function LaunchUrl {
param (
Start-Process "https://$Url"
function SearchTerm {
param ($Term, $Engine)
$url = switch ( $Engine ) {
"google" { "$Term" }
"bing" { "$Term" }
Default { "$Term" } #Google
Start-Process $url
function ScriptHelp {
Get-Help $PSCommandPath -Detailed
function ShowInfo {
Write-Host "Power Google Script"
Write-Host "Follow me on GitHub:"
Write-Host "Script version: v1.0"
if($Help) {
if($Info) {
if($Site) {
LaunchUrl $SearchTerm
else {
SearchTerm $SearchTerm $SearchEngine
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