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Last active April 16, 2019 02:13
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ASCIIfy–Hexify: A bookmarklet to find a character’s ASCII and hexadecimal value
* ASCIIfy–Hexify bookmarklet
* v.92
* Authors: Lucas Larson, 2017
* Steve Kangas, 1998
* Description: This is the JavaScript behind a bookmarklet to obtain the
* ASCII₁₀ value and hexadecimal value of any single character.
* Installation: See bottom
* Use: Tap the bookmarklet, enter any single character – lowercase n,
* for example – and the bookmarklet returns n’s ASCII and
* hexadecimal values with the following output:
* The ASCII number for “n” is 110,
* and its hexadecimal value is 6E.
* Credit to For
* David Rubin Confidence
* Steve Kangas Character to ASCII bookmarklet
* Travis Decker “hexify” instead of “hexafy”
* John Tantalo The bookmarklet-as-a-gist idea
* Chris Zarate Bookmarkleter (with IIFE-fier!)
* Joey Twiddle Easing bookmarklet development
// the variable below “‘window’ is not defined” unless the
// browser environment is specified with “/* eslint-env browser */”
// via Carles Alcolea
/* eslint-env browser */
// Opt out of JavaScript’s Sloppy Mode
'use strict'
// Anonymize the function
void (function () {
// “Kangas” ends in s but isn’t plural, so we’ll add an apostrophe as well as
// the letter s for the possessive
// Steve Kangas’s “p5VgU2z1” becomes “asciify”
var asciify = window.prompt('Enter a character:', '')
// avoid NaN output by executing only if asciify has a value
if (asciify) {
// forbid entries of more than one character
if (asciify.length > 1) {
window.alert('Please enter only one character.')
} else {
window.alert('The ASCII number for “' + asciify + '” is ' +
asciify.charCodeAt(0) + ',\nand its hexadecimal value is ' +
// .toString(16) via Matt Dunlap
// .toUpperCase() via Fabio Ferrari
asciify.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase() + '.')
// Installing bookmarklets is famously tricky (see
// ), but when you’re ready,
// the URI to enter into the bookmark’s address field is everything on the line
// between the /* and the */
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