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Created April 5, 2021 16:40
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// => Grid Setup
minWidth: 240px,
maxWidth: 1440px,
columns: 4,
gutter: 16px,
offset: 16px,
columns: 6,
gutter: 24px,
offset: 24px,
columns: 12,
gutter: 24px,
@function grid($var, $var2: null, $setup: $gridSetup) {
@if($var2 == null) {
$result: map-get($setup, $var);
@return $result;
} @else {
$map: map-get($setup, $var);
$result: map-get($map, $var2);
@return $result;
@mixin grid-type($type) {
grid-column: grid(tablet, columns);
gap: grid($type, gutter);
@include grid-type(mobile)
// => Button
/// Create Button Mixin
/// @author Lucas Levino
/// @param {String} $type - Button Type
/// @param {String} $textcolor - Text Color (Rgb,Hex)
/// @param {String} $border [$color] - Color (Rgb,Hex)
/// @param {String} $background [none] - Color (Rgb,Hex)
/// @param {Length} $radius [5px] - Border radius
/// @param {Length} $paddingY [4px] - Padding In top and Bottom
/// @param {Length} $paddingX [16px] - Border In Left and Right
@mixin create-button($textcolor, $border, $background, $radius: null, $paddingY: null, $paddingX: null) {
padding: $paddingY $paddingX;
border: 1px solid $border;
border-radius: $radius;
color: $textcolor;
background: $background;
/// Button type Mixin
/// @author Lucas Levino
/// @param {String} $type - Button Type
/// @param {String} $textcolor - Text Color (Rgb,Hex)
/// @param {String} $border - Color (Rgb,Hex)
/// @param {Length} $radius [5px] - Border radius
/// @param {Length} $paddingY [4px] - Padding In top and Bottom
/// @param {Length} $paddingX [16px] - Border In Left and Right
@mixin button($type, $textcolor, $border, $background: none, $paddingY: 12px, $paddingX: 16px, $radius: 24px) {
@if $type == 'outline' {
// background = NONE in outline buttons
@include create-button($textcolor, $border, none, $radius, $paddingY, $paddingX)
} @else {
@include create-button($textcolor, $border, $background, $radius, $paddingY, $paddingX)
$colors: (
primary: (
clr: rgb(255,0,84),
hover: darken(clr, 20),
secondary: (
100: hsl(219, 89%, 80%),
200: hsl(219, 89%, 70%),
300: hsl(219, 89%, 60%),
:root {
@each $color, $shades in $colors {
@each $shade, $value in $shades {
--clr-#{$color}-#{$shade}: #{$value};
@function color($color, $shade: clr) {
@return --clr-#{$color}-#{$shade};
.class {
color: color(primary);
background: color(secondary, 100);
.class2 {
grid-column: 6;
gap: 16px;
:root {
--clr-primary-disable: #ffb199;
--clr-primary-clr: #ff8a66;
--clr-primary-hover: #ff6333;
--clr-secondary-100: #9fbef9;
--clr-secondary-200: #6e9ef7;
--clr-secondary-300: #3e7ef4;
.class {
color: --clr-primary-clr;
background: --clr-secondary-100;
"sass": {
"compiler": "libsass/3.5.5",
"extensions": {},
"syntax": "SCSS",
"outputStyle": "expanded"
"autoprefixer": false
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