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Created May 22, 2016 02:32
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--------------------------------------------- -- 001
-- Funcional language with maybe computing -- 002
--------------------------------------------- -- 003
-- 004
-- 005
-- variables are just names -- 006
type Var = String -- 007
-- 008
-- values are integers and functions -- 009
data Value = ValInt Int -- 010
| ValFunc (Value -> Cmpt Value) -- 011
-- 012
-- final results are strings (to be printed)
showValue :: Cmpt Value -> String
showValue Nothing = "Nothing"
showValue (Just (ValInt i)) = show i
showValue (Just (ValFunc _)) = "Function"
-- 013
type Result = String -- 014
-- 015
-- 016
-- 018
-- 019
-- 020
-- a computation can give a result or not -- 021
type Cmpt a = Maybe a -- 022
-- 023
-- transforms a value into a computation -- 024
op0 :: a -> Cmpt a -- 025
op0 x = Just x -- 027
-- executes an unary operation on computations -- 028
op1 :: Cmpt a -> (a -> Cmpt b) -> Cmpt b -- 029
op1 Nothing _ = Nothing
op1 (Just a) op = op a -- -- 031
-- computation error -- 032
cerror :: String -> Cmpt a -- 033
cerror _ = Nothing -- 034
-- 035
-- 036
-- an Environment maps variables to Values through continuations -- 037
type Env = Var -> Cmpt Value -- 038
-- 039
-- 040
-- An empty Environment -- 041
emptyEnv :: Env -- 042
emptyEnv v = cerror ("undefined variable " ++ v) -- 043
-- 044
-- 045
-- bind a new value in an environment -- 046
bind :: Var -> Value -> Env -> Env -- 047
bind var val env = \v -> if (var == v) then (op0 val) else (env v) -- 048
-- 049
-- 050
-- executes a binary operation on computations -- 051
op2 :: (a -> b -> Cmpt c) -> Cmpt a -> Cmpt b -> Cmpt c -- 052
op2 op ca cb = op1 ca (\a -> op1 cb (op a)) -- 053
-- 054
-- executes a binary integer operation on computations -- 055
arith :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Cmpt Value -> Cmpt Value -> Cmpt Value -- 056
arith op = op2 op_aux -- 057
where op_aux (ValInt i1) (ValInt i2) = op0 (ValInt (op i1 i2)) -- 058
op_aux _ _ = cerror "binary operation over non-int value" -- 059
-- 060
-- 061
-------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 062
-- Abstract Syntax Tree for Expressions -- 063
data Exp = ExpK Int -- constants -- 064
| ExpVar Var -- variables -- 065
| ExpAdd Exp Exp -- e1 + e2 -- 066
| ExpSub Exp Exp -- e1 - e2 -- 067
| ExpMul Exp Exp -- e1 * e2 -- 068
| ExpDiv Exp Exp -- e1 / e2 -- 069
| ExpIf Exp Exp Exp -- if e1 then e2 else e3 -- 070
| ExpApp Exp Exp -- e1 e2 -- 071
| ExpLambda Var Exp -- \x -> e -- 072
| ExpLet Var Var Exp Exp -- letrec x=(\x'->e') in e -- 073
-- 074
-- creates a closure in given environment -- 075
closure :: Var -> (Env -> Cmpt Value) -> Env -> Value -- 076
closure v e env = ValFunc (\x -> e (bind v x env)) -- 077
-- 078
-- 079
-- Evaluates an expression in a given environment -- 080
evalExp :: Exp -> Env -> Cmpt Value -- 081
-- 082
evalExp (ExpK i) env = op0 (ValInt i) -- 083
evalExp (ExpVar v) env = env v -- 084
evalExp (ExpAdd e1 e2) env = arith (+) (evalExp e1 env) (evalExp e2 env) -- 085
evalExp (ExpSub e1 e2) env = arith (-) (evalExp e1 env) (evalExp e2 env) -- 086
evalExp (ExpMul e1 e2) env = arith (*) (evalExp e1 env) (evalExp e2 env) -- 087
evalExp (ExpDiv e1 e2) env = arith div (evalExp e1 env) (evalExp e2 env) -- 088
-- 089
evalExp (ExpIf e1 e2 e3) env = op1 (evalExp e1 env) f -- 090
where f (ValInt 0) = evalExp e3 env -- 091
f (ValInt _) = evalExp e2 env -- 092
f _ = cerror "invalid value for 'if'" -- 093
-- 094
evalExp (ExpApp e1 e2) env = op2 app (evalExp e1 env) (evalExp e2 env) -- 095
where app (ValFunc f) vp = f vp -- 096
app _ _ = cerror "attempt to call a non-function value" -- 097
-- 098
evalExp (ExpLambda v e) env = op0 (closure v (evalExp e) env) -- 099
-- 100
evalExp (ExpLet v v' e' e) env = evalExp e env' -- 101
where env' = bind v (closure v' (evalExp e') env') env -- 102
-- 103
-- 104
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105
-- 106
-- 107
------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 108
-- some examples -- 109
-- 110
-- (34 + 52) or 0 -- 111
exp1 = ExpIf (ExpAdd (ExpK 34) (ExpK 52)) (ExpK 43) (ExpK 4) -- 112
exp2 = ExpMul(ExpDiv(ExpK 23) (ExpK 2) ) (ExpK 10) -- 113
f1 = ExpLambda "x" (ExpApp (ExpVar "x") (ExpVar "x")) -- 114
f2 = ExpApp f1 f1 -- 115
-- 116
f3 = ExpApp (ExpLambda "x" (ExpK 3)) f2 -- 117
-- 118
-- 119
fat4 = ExpLet "f" -- 120
"x" -- 121
(ExpIf (ExpVar "x") -- 122
(ExpMul (ExpVar "x") -- 123
(ExpApp (ExpVar "f") -- 124
(ExpSub (ExpVar "x") (ExpK 1)))) -- 125
(ExpK 1)) -- 126
(ExpApp (ExpVar "f") (ExpK 1)) -- 127
-- 128
-- 129
-- 130
-- code to show the final value of an expression -- 131
main :: IO () -- 132
main = let prog = evalExp exp2 emptyEnv in
print (showValue prog)
-- 133
-- 136
-- 137
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