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Last active March 27, 2024 18:21
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Convert Bluesky JSON export to plain text separated by day with replies, embeds, images, and facets to markdown
# Process account JSON export from
import json
import sys
def read_json(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
return json.load(file)
def transform_text_to_markdown(text, facets):
for facet in reversed(facets):
if facet['features'][0]['$type'] == "app.bsky.richtext.facet#mention":
start = facet['index']['byteStart']
end = facet['index']['byteEnd']
link = facet['features'][0]['uri']
link_text = text[start:end]
markdown_link = f"[{link_text}]({link})"
text = text[:start] + markdown_link + text[end:]
return text
def process_posts(posts):
posts_by_cid = {post['cid']: post for post in posts}
for post in posts:
post['replies'] = []
if 'facets' in post:
post['text'] = transform_text_to_markdown(post['text'], post['facets'])
if 'embed' in post and post['embed']['$type'] == "app.bsky.embed.images":
images_text = '\n'.join([f"[{image['alt']}]" for image in post['embed']['images']])
post['text'] += f"\n{images_text}"
if 'embed' in post and post['embed']['$type'] == "app.bsky.embed.external":
embed = post['embed']['external']
post['text'] += f"\n[{embed['title']}]({embed['uri']})"
if 'embed' in post and post['embed']['$type'] == "app.bsky.embed.record":
quoted_cid = post['embed']['record']['cid']
if quoted_cid in posts_by_cid:
quoted_post = posts_by_cid[quoted_cid]
date = quoted_post['createdAt'].split('T')[0]
quote_text = quoted_post['text'].replace('\n', '\n > ')
post['text'] += f"\n > {quote_text} —{date}"
for post in posts:
if 'reply' in post and 'parent' in post['reply']:
parent_cid = post['reply']['parent']['cid']
if parent_cid in posts_by_cid:
post['external_reply'] = 1
root_posts = [post for post in posts if ('reply' not in post or 'parent' not in post['reply']) or ('reply' in post and 'parent' in post['reply'] and post['reply']['parent']['cid'] not in posts_by_cid)]
return root_posts
def print_posts(posts):
last_root_date = [None] # Tracks the date of the last root post
def print_date_if_new(date):
# Print the date only if it's different from the last root post's date
if date != last_root_date[0]:
print("--" + date + "--")
last_root_date[0] = date
def print_post(post, depth=0):
date = post['createdAt'].split('T')[0]
indent = ' ↳ ' * depth # Adjust indent for replies
if depth == 0 or post.get('external_reply'):
if depth == 0: # It's a root post
print(f"{indent}{post['text']}", end="")
if depth != 0 and not post.get('external_reply'):
print(f" —{date}", end="")
for reply in post['replies']:
print_post(reply, depth + 1)
for post in posts:
print_post(post, post.get('external_reply', 0))
filename = sys.argv[1]
data = read_json(filename)
posts = data['']
root_posts = process_posts(posts)
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