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Created September 1, 2019 18:35
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Does this API require authentication?- Yes, it is stated that most request must be authenticated
Does this API support CORS? - Yes it does supports CORS - allow browsers clients hosted a domain other than to communicate directyl with the API.
Find the events search endpoint documentation. Describe in detail the response format of the events search endpoint.
Response is in JSON, listing the closest event to date first. Shows the name, address of the event. Provides a link to the event and the description of the event. Also lets you know if there is a fee to pay, and to who iis this event available.
What are the limitations placed on the number of requests that can be made?
X-RateLimit-Limit The maximum number of requests that can be made in a window of time
X-RateLimit-Remaining The remaining number of requests allowed in the current rate limit window
X-RateLimit-Reset The number of seconds until the current rate limit window resets
These can be found on X-RateLimit HTTP headers included in responses.
List the errors that you can expect when making calls to this API.
400 Bad request when there was a problem with the request
401 Unauthorized when you don't provide a valid token
429 Too Many Requests when you've gone over your request rate limit
500 Internal Server Error an unexpected error occured on our servers
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