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Going at it!

Luis Lucho2027

Going at it!
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What type of alterations does Jquery does to the HTML?
What does DOM means?
What are events?
Like Jquery in one web page can i access other librearies like React at the same time?
Lucho2027 / Pseudo-Code Shopping List
Created August 11, 2019 14:40
Assignment 9.5 - Shopping list: Render the list - For the 3 remaining user stories (add items, check/uncheck items, and delete items), plan out each function in pseudocode (plain language).
Add items : User enter item on form, after the user submit the form, the text entered should be added to the shopping list. The text entered should be the name of the item. Numbers and blank spaces should not be added to the list. Each item added should have the two buttons of "Check" and "delete".
Check/Uncheck items: On click this button should strike the name of the list item to which it belongs too, to mark the item as completed or acquired.
Delete items: On click this buton should eliminate the item and both of the buttons attached to the item on the list to remove it from the shopping list.
link to live :
Headline - Hello!, I'm Luis. I'm an aspiring Full-Stack Developer and an avid problem solver.
Bio - My technology-driven curiosity and the endless search for happiness have paved my way into the developer world.
It all started when I was in the early teens when I asked to be enrolled in a class that would teach me how to build and maintain computers. This curiosity grew as I aged, understanding that not only a computer was an entertainment center but it could serve as a tool to keep in touch with family/friends and grow in a booming career path.
When I am not in my computer learning my way on how to become a Full-Stack Developer, I am spending time online with friends, watching my favorite soccer team play or enjoying good live music.
Projects -
Title: "Real Madrid's Trivia Quiz"
Description: Short trivia quiz that will test the user on history and current fact regarding the Real Madrid soccer team.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS
Link to live app:
Link to Rep
Lucho2027 / How web apps work
Last active August 29, 2019 02:18
Asynchronous web apps
Write an analogy to describe the relationship between clients and servers.
I would use as an analogy the interaction that happeneds at a restaurant between the client (browser or other servers) and a waiter (server).The client is unaware of what is happening back in the kitchen. A first request for info could be the request for the daily special, just as a server providing information the waiter will get the information stored in its memory and reproduce what are the daily specials.
Visit the YouTube API documentation discussed above and find the subscription list endpoint documentation. List 1 required parameter and 2 optional parameters for this endpoint. For each parameter listed, state the data type and give an example of the allowed values.
Required Parameter: part - data type is a string - "snippet, contentDetails" is an allowed value
Optional parameters: forchannelID - data type is a string - "Name of cahnnel I am subscribed" - when filter "mine" is sest to true it will look through my channels to tell me that i am subscribed to the channel which name I have entered in "forchannelID".
maxResults - data type is an integer - it limits the number of results that it outputs to the integer selected.
Does this API require authentication?- Yes, it is stated that most request must be authenticated
Does this API support CORS? - Yes it does supports CORS - allow browsers clients hosted a domain other than to communicate directyl with the API.
Find the events search endpoint documentation. Describe in detail the response format of the events search endpoint.
Response is in JSON, listing the closest event to date first. Shows the name, address of the event. Provides a link to the event and the description of the event. Also lets you know if there is a fee to pay, and to who iis this event available.
What are the limitations placed on the number of requests that can be made?
X-RateLimit-Limit The maximum number of requests that can be made in a window of time
X-RateLimit-Remaining The remaining number of requests allowed in the current rate limit window
X-RateLimit-Reset The number of seconds until the current rate limit window resets
Create an app that lets users choose to display between 1 and 50 random dog images, then prints the results to the console. The app should feature a form with a required input where users indicate the number of images to retrieve, and the input should default to 3. Use the endpoint described in the "DISPLAY MULTIPLE RANDOM IMAGES FROM ALL DOGS COLLECTION" section of this page of the DogAPI docs.
Building on the previous app, create an app that lets users choose to display between 1 and 50 random dog images, then loads the images in the console. This app should adhere to all of the requirements from the first one, in addition to displaying the images in the DOM.
Create an app that loads a single random image for a specific breed, based on a user input. This app should account for the happy case when the breed is found, as well as the unhappy case when it is not. Use the endpoint described in the "RANDO
New User Importance
I want to check the area where they live currently for parks and Hiking trails High
I want to check the rating of the parks / hiking trails according to google maps users High
I want to check the parks in the area where I am traveling to (Not in my current area) High
I want to check what is the weather like currently and 5 day forecast (aid on planning a trip)Medium
I want to be able to see my latest search on the site Low
Returning User
I want to be able save my favorite spots Low
I want to be able to rate the places I have visited Medium