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Created July 13, 2019 09:25
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const first = source => {
if (!source) return 'empty source'
return [source[0], source.slice(1)]
// console.log('first', first('abc'), first(''))
const inject = value => source => [value, source]
// console.log('inject', inject(1)('123'), inject(2)(''))
const isFailed = result => typeof result === 'string'
const map = (parser, f) => source => {
let result = parser(source)
if (isFailed(result)) return result
let [data, rest_source] = result
return [f(data), rest_source]
// console.log('map', map(inject(1), n => n + 3)('test'))
const apply = (parserFn, parserArg) => source => {
let resultFn = parserFn(source)
if (isFailed(resultFn)) return resultFn
let [fn, rest_source_fn] = resultFn
let resultArg = parserArg(rest_source_fn)
if (isFailed(resultArg)) return resultArg
let [arg, rest_source_arg] = resultArg
return [fn(arg), rest_source_arg]
// console.log('apply', apply(inject(n => n + 1), inject(1))('123'))
const applyAll = (...args) => args.reduce(apply)
// console.log(
// 'applyAll',
// applyAll(inject(x => y => x + y), inject(1), inject(2))('123')
// )
const satisfy = predicate => source => {
let result = first(source)
if (isFailed(result)) return result
let [char, rest_source] = result
if (!predicate(char)) return `Unexpect char ${char}`
return [char, rest_source]
// console.log(
// 'satisfy',
// satisfy(x => x === '1')('123'),
// satisfy(x => x === '1')('423')
// )
const digit = satisfy(c => c >= '0' && c <= '9')
const lower = satisfy(c => c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
const uppper = satisfy(c => c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
const char = target => satisfy(c => c === target)
const not = x => satisfy(value => value !== x)
// console.log('digit', digit('1'), digit('a'), digit('A'))
// console.log('lower', lower('1'), lower('a'), lower('A'))
// console.log('uppper', uppper('1'), uppper('a'), uppper('A'))
// console.log('char', char('0')('0'), char('0')('1'))
// console.log('not', not('1')('123'), not('1')('abc'))
const either = (parserA, parserB) => source => {
let resultA = parserA(source)
if (!isFailed(resultA)) return resultA
return parserB(source)
// console.log('either', either(char('0'), char('1'))('123'))
const oneOf = (...args) => args.reduce(either)
// console.log('oneOf', oneOf(char('0'), char('1'), char('2'))('123'))
const whiteSpace = oneOf(char(' '), char('s'), char('\n'), char('\t'))
// console.log('whiteSpace', whiteSpace(' '), whiteSpace('\n'), whiteSpace('\t'), whiteSpace('a'))
const many = parser => {
let concat = applyAll(
inject(item => list => [item, ...list]),
source => many(parser)(source)
return either(concat, inject([]))
// console.log('many', many(digit)('123abc'), many(digit)('abc123'))
const many1 = parser => source => {
let result = many(parser)(source)
if (isFailed(result)) return result
let [list, rest_source] = result
if (list.length === 0) return `At least match once`
return [list, rest_source]
// console.log('many1', many1(digit)('123abc'), many1(digit)('abc123'))
const string = str => {
if (str.length === 0) return inject('')
return applyAll(inject(x => xs => x + xs), char(str[0]), string(str.slice(1)))
// console.log('string', string('123')('1234'), string('123')('abc'))
const letter = either(lower, uppper)
const positiveInteger = map(many1(digit), list => Number(list.join('')))
const negativeInteger = applyAll(
inject(_ => x => -x),
const integer = either(positiveInteger, negativeInteger)
const positiveFloat = applyAll(
inject(a => b => c => Number(a + b + c)),
map(many1(digit), list => list.join('')),
map(many1(digit), list => list.join(''))
const negativeFloat = applyAll(inject(_ => x => -x), char('-'), positiveFloat)
const float = either(positiveFloat, negativeFloat)
const number = either(float, integer)
const ignoreFirst = (first, second) =>
applyAll(inject(_ => value => value), first, second)
const separateBy = (parser, separator) =>
inject(item => list => [item, ...list]),
many(ignoreFirst(separator, parser))
const bracket = (open, parser, close) =>
applyAll(inject(_1 => x => _2 => x), open, parser, close)
const aroundBy = (parser, surround) =>
applyAll(inject(_1 => x => _2 => x), many(surround), parser, many(surround))
const aroundBySpace = parser => aroundBy(parser, whiteSpace)
const jValue = source =>
oneOf(jNull, jBoolean, jNumber, jString, jArray, jObject)(source)
const jNull = map(string('null'), () => null)
const jNumber = number
const jBoolean = map(
either(string('false'), string('true')),
result => result === 'true'
const jString = map(bracket(char('"'), many(not('"')), char('"')), list =>
const jArray = bracket(
separateBy(aroundBySpace(jValue), aroundBySpace(char(','))),
const jKey = jString
const jPair = applyAll(
inject(key => _ => value => [key, value]),
const jPairs = separateBy(jPair, aroundBySpace(char(',')))
const jObject = map(
either(aroundBySpace(jPairs), inject([])),
entries =>
entries.reduce((obj, [key, value]) => ({ ...obj, [key]: value }), {})
console.log('null', jValue('null'))
console.log('string', jString('""'), jString('"123123"'))
console.log('array', jArray('[ 1, 2, 3, "123", [4, 5, 6] ]'))
console.log('object', jObject('{}'), jObject(`{ "a": 1 }`))
let result = jValue(
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: [
d: 3
console.log('json', JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))
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Lucifier129 commented Oct 27, 2019

optimized for performance

function ParserError(message) {
  this.message = message

let error = message => new ParserError(message)
let isFailed = input => input instanceof ParserError

let currentInput
let currentIndex

const first = () => {
  if (currentIndex >= currentInput.length) return error('empty source')

  let value = currentInput.charAt(currentIndex)

  currentIndex += 1

  return value

// console.log('first', first('abc'), first(''))

const inject = value => () => value

// console.log('inject', inject(1)('123'), inject(2)(''))

const map = (parser, f) => () => {
  let result = parser()
  if (isFailed(result)) return result
  return f(result)

// console.log('map', map(inject(1), n => n + 3)('test'))

const apply = (parserF, parserArg) => () => {
  let f = parserF()

  if (isFailed(f)) return f

  let arg = parserArg()

  if (isFailed(arg)) return arg

  return f(arg)

// console.log('apply', apply(inject(n => n + 1), inject(1))('123'))

const applyAll = (...args) => args.reduce(apply)

// console.log(
//   'applyAll',
//   applyAll(inject(x => y => x + y), inject(1), inject(2))('123')
// )

const satisfy = predicate => () => {
  let result = first()

  if (isFailed(result)) {
    return result

  if (!predicate(result)) {
    return error(
      `Unexpect char ${result} at: ${currentInput.slice(currentIndex)}`

  return result

// console.log(
//   'satisfy',
//   satisfy(x => x === '1')('123'),
//   satisfy(x => x === '1')('423')
// )

const digit = satisfy(c => c >= '0' && c <= '9')
const lower = satisfy(c => c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
const uppper = satisfy(c => c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
const char = target => satisfy(c => c === target)
const not = x => satisfy(value => value !== x)

// console.log('digit', digit('1'), digit('a'), digit('A'))
// console.log('lower', lower('1'), lower('a'), lower('A'))
// console.log('uppper', uppper('1'), uppper('a'), uppper('A'))
// console.log('char', char('0')('0'), char('0')('1'))
// console.log('not', not('1')('123'), not('1')('abc'))

const either = (parserA, parserB) => () => {
  let index = currentIndex
  let resultA = parserA()
  if (!isFailed(resultA)) {
    return resultA
  currentIndex = index
  return parserB()

// console.log('either', either(char('0'), char('1'))('123'))

const oneOf = (...args) => args.reduce(either)

// console.log('oneOf', oneOf(char('0'), char('1'), char('2'))('123'))

const whiteSpace = satisfy(
  c => c === ' ' || c === '\r' || c === '\n' || c === '\t'

// console.log('whiteSpace', whiteSpace(' '), whiteSpace('\n'), whiteSpace('\t'), whiteSpace('a'))

const many = parser => () => {
  let results = []

  while (true) {
    let index = currentIndex
    let result = parser()

    if (isFailed(result)) {
      currentIndex = index

    results[results.length] = result

  return results

// console.log('many', many(digit)('123abc'), many(digit)('abc123'))

const many1 = parser => () => {
  let list = many(parser)()
  if (list.length === 0) return error(`At least match once`)
  return list

// console.log('many1', many1(digit)('123abc'), many1(digit)('abc123'))

const string = str => {
  if (str.length === 0) return inject('')
  return applyAll(inject(x => xs => x + xs), char(str[0]), string(str.slice(1)))

// console.log('string', string('123')('1234'), string('123')('abc'))

const letter = either(lower, uppper)

const positiveInteger = map(many1(digit), list => Number(list.join('')))

const negative = _ => x => -x

const negativeInteger = applyAll(inject(negative), char('-'), positiveInteger)

const integer = either(positiveInteger, negativeInteger)

const positiveFloat = applyAll(
  inject(a => b => c => Number(a + b + c)),
  map(many1(digit), list => list.join('')),
  map(many1(digit), list => list.join(''))

const negativeFloat = applyAll(inject(_ => x => -x), char('-'), positiveFloat)

const float = either(positiveFloat, negativeFloat)

const number = either(float, integer)

const ignoreFirst = (first, second) =>
  applyAll(inject(_ => value => value), first, second)

const separateBy = (parser, separator) =>
    inject(item => list => [item, ...list]),
    many(ignoreFirst(separator, parser))

const bracket = (open, parser, close) =>
  applyAll(inject(_1 => x => _2 => x), open, parser, close)

const aroundBy = (parser, surround) =>
  applyAll(inject(_1 => x => _2 => x), many(surround), parser, many(surround))

const aroundBySpace = parser => aroundBy(parser, whiteSpace)

const jValue = () => oneOf(jNull, jBoolean, jNumber, jString, jArray, jObject)()

const jNull = map(string('null'), () => null)

const jNumber = number

const jBoolean = map(
  either(string('false'), string('true')),
  result => result === 'true'

const not_quote = not('"')

const jString = () => {
  let left = char('"')()

  if (isFailed(left)) return left

  let result = ''

  while (true) {
    let index = currentIndex
    let content = not_quote()

    if (isFailed(content)) {
      currentIndex = index

    result += content

  let right = char('"')()

  if (isFailed(right)) return right

  return result

// const jString = map(bracket(char('"'), many(not('"')), char('"')), list =>
//   list.join('')
// )

const jArray = bracket(
    separateBy(aroundBySpace(jValue), aroundBySpace(char(','))),

const jKey = jString
const jPair = applyAll(
  inject(key => _ => value => [key, value]),

const jPairs = separateBy(jPair, aroundBySpace(char(',')))

const jObject = map(
    either(aroundBySpace(jPairs), inject([])),

const run = (parser, input) => {
  currentInput = input
  currentIndex = 0
  return parser()

let source = JSON.stringify(
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    c: [
        d: 3

console.time('applicative parser combinators')

let result1 = run(jValue, source)

console.log('json', result1)

console.timeEnd('applicative parser combinators')

console.time('native json parser')

let result2 = JSON.parse(source)

console.log('native', result2)

console.timeEnd('native json parser')

console.log('equal', JSON.stringify(result1) === JSON.stringify(result2))

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