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Last active October 31, 2019 07:58
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type result('a, 'b) =
| Ok('a)
| Error('b)
let inject = value => input => (Ok(value), input)
let error = e => input => (Error(e), input)
let item = input => {
let (index, source) = input
switch (String.get(source, index)) {
| x => (Ok(x), (index + 1, source))
| exception (Invalid_argument("index out of bounds")) => (Error("EOF"), (index, source))
let map = f => parser => input => {
let (value, input') = parser(input)
switch (value) {
| Ok(a) => (f(a), input')
| Error(message) => (Error(message), input)
let apply = parserA => parserF => input => {
let (value, input') = parserF(input)
let next = f => {
let (value, input'') = parserA(input')
switch (value) {
| Ok(a) => (Ok(f(a)), input'')
| Error(message) => (Error(message), input'')
switch (value) {
| Ok(f) => next(f)
| Error(message) => (Error(message), input')
let either = (left, right) => input => {
let (value, input') = left(input)
switch (value) {
| Ok(a) => (Ok(a), input')
| _ => right(input)
let satisfy = predicate => input => {
let (value, input') = item(input)
let handleOk = a => {
let (index, _) = input
if (predicate(a)) {
(Ok(a), input')
} else {
(Error("Unexpected char " ++ String.make(1, a) ++ ", at position:" ++ string_of_int(index)), input')
switch (value) {
| Ok(a) => handleOk(a)
| Error(message) => (Error(message), input')
let digit = satisfy(c => c >= '0' && c <= '9')
let lower = satisfy(c => c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
let uppper = satisfy(c => c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
let char = target => satisfy(c => c == target)
let exclude = x => satisfy(value => value != x)
let rec oneOf = parsers => switch (parsers) {
| [] => error("Can't not call oneOf([]), at least put a parser in it")
| [parser] => parser
| [parser, ...restParsers] => either(parser, oneOf(restParsers))
let space = satisfy(c => c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t')
let rec many = parser => {
let f = inject(item => list => [item, ...list])
let item = parser -> apply
let list = (source => many(parser)(source)) -> apply
either(f -> item -> list, inject([]))
let many1 = parser => {
let f = inject(item => list => [item, ...list])
let item = either(parser, error("At least matched once")) -> apply
let list = many(parser) -> apply
f -> item -> list
let rec string = str => {
let length = String.length(str)
if (length === 0) {
} else {
let f = inject(x => xs => String.make(1, x) ++ xs)
let x = char(String.get(str, 0)) -> apply
let xs = string(String.sub(str, 1, length - 1)) -> apply
f -> x -> xs
let list_to_string = list => List.fold_left((a, b) => a ++ String.make(1, b), "", list)
let positiveInteger = {
let toString = map(list => Ok(list_to_string(list)))
let toNumber = map(str => Ok(int_of_string(str)))
many1(digit) -> toString -> toNumber
let negativeInteger = {
let f = inject(_ => int => -int)
let negative = apply(char('-'))
let integer = apply(positiveInteger)
f -> negative -> integer
let integer = either(positiveInteger, negativeInteger)
let combineFloat = a => _ => c => List.concat([a, ['.'], c]) -> list_to_string -> float_of_string
let positiveFloat = {
let f = inject(combineFloat)
let integer = apply(many1(digit))
let dot = apply(char('.'))
let decimal = apply(many1(digit))
f -> integer -> dot -> decimal
let negativeFloat = {
let f = inject(_ => float => -.float)
let negative = apply(char('-'))
let float = apply(positiveFloat)
f -> negative -> float
let float = either(positiveFloat, negativeFloat)
let skip = (ignored, parser) => {
let f = inject(_ => b => b)
let a = apply(ignored)
let b = apply(parser)
f -> a -> b
let separate = (parser, separator) => {
let f = inject(x => xs => [x, ...xs])
let x = apply(parser)
let xs = apply(many(skip(separator, parser)))
f -> x -> xs
let bracket = (left, parser, right) => {
let f = inject(_ => b => _ => b)
let a = apply(left)
let b = apply(parser)
let c = apply(right)
f -> a -> b -> c
let arround = (parser, surround) => bracket(many(surround), parser, many(surround))
let spaceArround = parser => arround(parser, space)
let comma = char(',')
type json =
| JSON_Null
| JSON_Boolean(bool)
| JSON_Number(float)
| JSON_String(string)
| JSON_Array(list(json))
| JSON_Object(list((string, json)))
let rec join = (char: string, list: list(string)): string => {
switch(list) {
| [] => ""
| [tail] => tail
| [head, ...tail] => head ++ char ++ join(char, tail)
let rec show_json = json => switch (json) {
| JSON_Null => "null"
| JSON_Boolean(b) => string_of_bool(b)
| JSON_Number(f) => mod_float(f, 1.0) == 0.0 ? string_of_int(int_of_float(f)) : Js.Float.toString(f)
| JSON_String(str) => "\"" ++ str ++ "\""
| JSON_Array(list) => "[" ++ join(",",, list)) ++ "]"
| JSON_Object(entries) => "{" ++ join(",",, entries)) ++ "}"
and show_pair = ((key, value): (string, json)): string => {
"\"" ++ key ++ "\"" ++ ":" ++ show_json(value)
let json_null = {
let f = inject((_) => JSON_Null)
let null = apply(string("null"))
f -> null
let json_boolean = {
let f = inject(str => JSON_Boolean(str == "true"))
let true_or_false = either(string("true"), string("false")) -> apply
f -> true_or_false
let json_int = {
let f = inject(x => JSON_Number(float_of_int(x)))
let x = integer -> apply
f -> x
let json_float = {
let f = inject(x => JSON_Number(x))
let x = float -> apply
f -> x
let json_number = either(json_float, json_int)
let string_parser = {
let f = inject(_ => list => _ => list_to_string(list))
let left_quote = char('"') -> apply
let content = exclude('"') -> many -> apply
let right_quote = char('"') -> apply
f -> left_quote -> content -> right_quote
let json_string = {
let f = inject(str => JSON_String(str))
let str = string_parser -> apply
f -> str
let rec json_parser = input => {
and json_array = input => {
let left_bracket = char('[') -> spaceArround
let right_bracket = char(']') -> spaceArround
let comma_separator = comma -> spaceArround
let json_value = json_parser -> spaceArround
let values = either(separate(json_value, comma_separator), inject([]))
let array = bracket(left_bracket, values, right_bracket) -> apply
let f = inject(list => JSON_Array(list))
let parser = f -> array
and json_object = input => {
let f = inject(key => _ => value => (key, value))
let key = string_parser -> spaceArround -> apply
let colon = char(':') -> spaceArround -> apply
let value = json_parser -> spaceArround -> apply
let pair = f -> key -> colon -> value
let comma_separator = comma -> spaceArround
let f' = inject(list => JSON_Object(list))
let pairs = either(separate(pair, comma_separator), inject([])) -> apply
let left_brace = char('{') -> spaceArround
let right_brace = char('}') -> spaceArround
let object_parser = bracket(left_brace, f' -> pairs, right_brace)
let json = source => json_parser((0, source))
let show = result => switch (result) {
| (Ok(json), _) => show_json(json)
| (Error(e), _) => e
/* Js.log(json_parser("{ \"number\" : \"-0.1\" }"))
let test = float("-123.344");
/* Js.log(test) */
switch (test) {
| (Ok(a), _) => Js.log("parse success, result: " ++ string_of_float(a))
| (Error(message), _) => Js.log("failed to parse, " ++ message)
} */
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