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Created March 18, 2016 02:49
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# R Script for Getting and CLeaning data
# Load data from downloaded text files
filepath <- "/Users/lucky1eva/Downloads/UCI HAR Dataset/train/X_train.txt"
rawdata_train <- read.table(filepath)
filepath <- "/Users/lucky1eva/Downloads/UCI HAR Dataset/train/y_train.txt"
rawdata_train_y <- read.table(filepath)
filepath <- "/Users/lucky1eva/Downloads/UCI HAR Dataset/test/X_test.txt"
rawdata_test <- read.table(filepath)
filepath <- "/Users/lucky1eva/Downloads/UCI HAR Dataset/test/y_test.txt"
rawdata_test_y <- read.table(filepath)
filepath <- "/Users/lucky1eva/Downloads/UCI HAR Dataset/train/subject_train.txt"
subject_train <- read.table(filepath)
filepath <- "/Users/lucky1eva/Downloads/UCI HAR Dataset/test/subject_test.txt"
subject_test <- read.table(filepath)
filepath = "/Users/lucky1eva/Downloads/UCI HAR Dataset/features.txt"
labels <- read.table(filepath)
## Get the variable names from the lables
colnames(rawdata_test) <- lables[, 2]
colnames(rawdata_train) <- lables[, 2]
## Create 2 columns for subject and activity ID numbers with descrptive names
newnames <- c("User_ID", "Activity_ID")
test_id <- cbind(subject_test, rawdata_test_y)
train_id <- cbind(subject_train, rawdata_train_y)
fullset_id <- rbind(train_id, test_id)
names(fullset_id) <- newnames
## Merge datasets into one table
fullset <- rbind(rawdata_train, rawdata_test)
fullset <- cbind(fullset_id, fullset)
## Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement.
sub_id <- grep (("mean|std") , names(fullset)) # select variable with either "mean" or "std" in the names
fullset_sub <- fullset[, sub_id]
## bind ID table with data table
fullset2 <- cbind(fullset_id, fullset_sub)
## To calculate mean for each subject by each activity, use aggregate()
## function and a for_loop to compute the mean value for each variable.
tb <- aggregate(fullset2[, 3] ~ User_ID + Activity_ID, data = fullset2, FUN = "mean" )
names(tb)[3] <- colnames(fullset2)[3]
for (i in 4:length(fullset2)) {
tb.x <- aggregate(fullset2[, i] ~ User_ID + Activity_ID, data = fullset2, FUN = "mean" )
tb <- cbind(tb, tb.x[, 3])
names(tb)[length(tb)] <- colnames(fullset2)[i]
## Create new variable to store Activity_Name based on the Activity_ID
tb$Activity_Name <- ifelse(Activity_ID == "1", "WALKING",
ifelse(Activity_ID == "2", "WALKING_UPSTAIRS",
ifelse(Activity_ID == "3", "WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS",
ifelse(Activity_ID == "4", "SITTING",
ifelse(Activity_ID == "5", "STANDING", "LAYING")))) )
## Rearrange the order for Activity_Name column
tb <- tb[, c(1,2, length(tb), 3:(length(tb)-1) )]
## Write the table into a text file
write.table(tb, file = "tidydata.txt", row.names = FALSE)
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