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Last active April 17, 2023 08:11
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  • Save Luckz/b392af08d52bdf25d6ade70c58ef739f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Luckz/b392af08d52bdf25d6ade70c58ef739f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Steam Store Cheevo Comfort
// @namespace luckz
// @author luckz
// @version 0.6.0
// @description put them in a better place
// @match*
// @match*
// @grant none
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// ==/UserScript==
/*global $J */
'use strict';
// == Configuration == == Configuration == == Configuration == == Configuration ==
const mode = "advanced"; // basic | advanced => AStats
const fixsearch = true; // false | true => add store search for dev/pub back in when missing; Augmented Steam users should turn this off
const searchemoji = "silly"; // nope | yes | silly => 'SEARCH' or emoji
const claimfix = true; // false | true => green Download button tries to launch stuff. that's bad. fix it.
const claimfixbyreplacing = true; // false | true => fix it by replacing vs by adding a new one.
// ==/Configuration == ==/Configuration == ==/Configuration == ==/Configuration ==
let node;
if ($J('#achievement_block > .communitylink_achievement_images').length > 0){ // Valve doesn't feel like fixing this :F
node = $J('#achievement_block').clone().attr("style","position: relative; float: right; right: 35px; top: -17px; max-height: 36px;").removeAttr('id');
if ($J('.in_queue').length)
node.css('top', '-32.5px');
/* if (mode === 'fancy') {
node.css('right', '70px'); //let node = $J('#achievement_block').clone().attr("style","position: relative; float: right; right: 70px; top: -17px; max-height: 36px;");
else*/ if (mode === 'advanced') {
node.css('right', '20px');
let app = window.location.href.split('/')[4];
// $J('div.communitylink_achievement', node).last() by itself would also work, but ternary = fun.
($J('.communitylink_achivement_plusmore', node).length > 0 ? $J('.communitylink_achivement_plusmore', node) : $J('div.communitylink_achievement', node).last()).after(`<a class="communitylink_achievement communitylink_achivement_plusmore" href="${app}" style="margin-left: 6px;">AStats</a>`);
node.insertBefore('.queue_ctn > .queue_actions_ctn > .queue_control_button.queue_btn_follow');
else //if (mode === 'basic')
node.insertBefore('.queue_ctn > .queue_actions_ctn > .queue_control_button.queue_btn_follow');
if (fixsearch) {
const [dev, pub, cur] = ['developer', 'publisher', 'curator'];
let template;
switch (searchemoji) {
case 'nope':
template = (type, name) => ` [ <a href="${type}=${name}">SEARCH</a> ]`;
case 'yes':
template = (type, name) => ` [ <a href="${type}=${name}">🔍</a> ]`;
case 'silly':
template = (type, name) => ` [ <a href="${type}=${name}">${type == dev ? '🐢' : '🐍'}</a> ]`;
const templateBoth = (name) => ` [ <a href="${name}">🐢</a> <a href="${name}">🐍</a> ]`;
$J('div.dev_row > div.summary > a, .details_block span a').each((i,elem) => {
const str = $J(elem).attr('href').split('/')[3];
if ($J(elem).text() == 'Homepage') return; // Augmented Steam compatibility
if (str == dev) {
$J(elem).after(template(dev, $J(elem).text()));
} else if (str == pub) {
$J(elem).after(template(pub, $J(elem).text()));
} else if (str == cur)
if (claimfix && $J('#freeGameBtn').length) {
const btn = $J('#freeGameBtn > .btn_green_steamui :first');
const greenButton = claimfixbyreplacing ? btn : btn.clone();
greenButton.children('span').text('Install / Claim');
greenButton.attr('href', (_, href) => href.replace('steam://run/', 'steam://install/'));
if (!claimfixbyreplacing) btn.after(greenButton);
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Korb commented Apr 17, 2023

What exactly does this script do?

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