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Last active August 10, 2021 14:23
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  • Save LudovicOmarini/ee9d1a26f6bcb5b14c3e12b61c21ed20 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Get an excel file of all softwares (x86 and x64) of computer(s) remotely.
Get an excel file of all softwares (x86 and x64) of computer(s) remotely.
This script give you a list of all software installed on a remote computer.
You can find this list on an excel file created in the same folder of the script.
Get list of a computer
.\Softwares-List-Of-Remote-Computers.ps1 -Computers DESKTOP-0123
Get list of multiple computers
.\Softwares-List-Of-Remote-Computers.ps1 -Computers DESKTOP-0123,PRODUCTIONPC, DESKTOP0505
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Computer=$(throw "You haven't set a computer(s) name.")
$ErrorActionPreference= 'silentlycontinue'
function list_reg_to_csv ($C,$RG)
$myobjs = @()
$RemoteRegistry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey("LocalMachine",$C)
$RegKey = $RemoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($RG)
foreach($key in $RegKey.GetSubKeyNames())
$SubKey = $RegKey.OpenSubKey($key)
$myobj = "" | Select-Object DisplayName,Version,Publisher,InstallLocation,InstallDate,InstallSource,EstimatedSize,URLInfoAbout,Contact,Comments
$myobj.DisplayName = $SubKey.GetValue("DisplayName")
$myobj.Version = $SubKey.GetValue("DisplayVersion")
$myobj.Publisher = $SubKey.GetValue("Publisher")
$myobj.InstallLocation = $SubKey.GetValue("InstallLocation")
$myobj.InstallDate = $SubKey.GetValue("InstallDate")
$myobj.InstallSource = $SubKey.GetValue("InstallSource")
$myobj.EstimatedSize = $SubKey.GetValue("EstimatedSize")
$myobj.URLInfoAbout = $SubKey.GetValue("URLInfoAbout")
$myobj.Contact = $SubKey.GetValue("Contact")
$myobj.Comments = $SubKey.GetValue("Comments")
$myobjs += $myobj
return $myobjs
$ComputerList = $Computers -split ','
foreach ($H in $ComputerList)
if (-Not (Test-Connection -quiet $H))
#Error Message
echo "/!\ Le PC '$H' est éteint ou inaccessible /!\"
$output = @()
$output += list_reg_to_csv $H "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
$output += list_reg_to_csv $H "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
$currentPath = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
$dataTempPath = $currentPath + "\Software List - $H - temp.txt"
$output | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,Version | Export-Csv -Delimiter ";" -Path $dataTempPath -NoTypeInformation
$content = gc $dataTempPath | foreach { $_ -replace '"DisplayName";"Version"',"" }
sc -Path $dataTempPath -Value $content
$content = gc $dataTempPath | foreach { $_ -replace ';',"" }
sc -Path $dataTempPath -Value $content
$content = gc $dataTempPath | foreach { $_ -replace '""',';' }
sc -Path $dataTempPath -Value $content
$content = gc $dataTempPath | foreach { $_ -replace '"','' }
sc -Path $dataTempPath -Value $content
$content = gc $dataTempPath | Where-Object {$_}
sc -Path $dataTempPath -Value $content
$dataOutPath = $currentPath + "\Software List - $H.txt"
$dataCsvPath = $currentPath + "\Software List - $H.csv"
gc $dataTempPath| sort | get-unique > $dataOutPath
#Excel file creation
$SourcePath = $dataOutPath
#Excel file name
$DestinationPath = $currentPath + "\Software List - $H"
$deleimter= ";"
$SourceTxt = Get-Content $SourcePath
$xlsxFile = $DestinationPath + ".xlsx"
if (Test-Path ($xlsxFile))
Remove-Item $xlsxFile
[threading.thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = 'fr-FR'
$xl=New-Object -ComObject "Excel.Application"
$Content = Get-Content $SourcePath
$numOfRows = $Content.Length
$numOfColumns = $Content[0].split($deleimter).Count
for ($i=0; $i -lt $numOfRows ;$i++)
$rowData = $Content[$i].split($deleimter)
for ($j=0; $j -lt $numOfColumns; $j++)
$cellData = $rowData[$j]
$cells.item($i+1,$j+1) = $cellData
#Delete temp files
Remove-Item $dataTempPath
Remove-Item $dataOutPath
#Return Message
echo "The softwares list of '$H' is available in : $currentPath"
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