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Last active February 16, 2024 04:16
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Check for Apps that can read all user mailboxes and have no restricting access policy
# PowerShell Script to check which Apps have the "full_acces_as_app" EWS role, so can read all Mailboxes
# There might be ApplicationAccessPolicies in place that afterwards restrict access to only certain mailboxes, so criticality would be reduced
# This is reflected in the output as well.
# This was written for PowerShell 7 - to work with PS v5 you need to exchange some modules and calls
# Check if ExchangeOnlineManagement module is available
$ExchangeOnlineModule = Get-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -ListAvailable
# Check if Az.Accounts module is available
$AzAccountsModule = Get-Module -Name Az.Accounts -ListAvailable
# If ExchangeOnlineManagement module is not available, prompt user to install it
if (-not $ExchangeOnlineModule) {
$installExchangeOnline = Read-Host "The 'ExchangeOnlineManagement' module is required but not installed. Do you want to install it now? (Y/N)"
if ($installExchangeOnline -eq 'Y') {
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement -Force
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
} else {
Write-Host "Installation of 'ExchangeOnlineManagement' module skipped. Exiting..."
# If Az.Accounts module is not available, prompt user to install it
if (-not $AzAccountsModule) {
$installAzAccounts = Read-Host "The 'Az.Accounts' module is required but not installed. Do you want to install it now? (Y/N)"
if ($installAzAccounts -eq 'Y') {
Install-Module -Name Az.Accounts -Force
Import-Module Az.Accounts
} else {
Write-Host "Installation of 'Az.Accounts' module skipped. Exiting..."
# All required modules are available, proceed with the script
# Authenticate to Exchange Online and Azure
Write-Host("Now connecting to Exchange Online")
Write-Host("Now connecting to Azure")
# Retrieve all applications that have the EWS Full Access permission
$ApplicationsWithEWSPermission = Get-AzADApplication | Where-Object { $_.RequiredResourceAccess.ResourceAccess.Type -eq "Role" -and $_.RequiredResourceAccess.ResourceAccess.Id -eq "dc890d15-9560-4a4c-9b7f-a736ec74ec40" }
# Initialize an empty array to store the results
$results = @()
# Iterate through each application
foreach ($Application in $ApplicationsWithEWSPermission) {
# Check if there's a corresponding ApplicationAccessPolicy
$ApplicationAccessPolicy = Get-ApplicationAccessPolicy | Where-Object { $_.AppId -eq $Application.AppId }
# If ApplicationAccessPolicy exists, list all the members' names and email addresses
if ($ApplicationAccessPolicy) {
# Get the members of the group
$GroupMembers = Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $ApplicationAccessPolicy.ScopeName
# Iterate through each member and output mailbox details
foreach ($Member in $GroupMembers) {
$DisplayName = ""
$EmailAddress = ""
$GroupName = ""
# Get the display name, email address, or group name
if ($Member.RecipientType -eq "UserMailbox") {
$MailboxDetails = Get-Mailbox -Identity $Member.Identity
$DisplayName = $MailboxDetails.DisplayName
$EmailAddress = $MailboxDetails.PrimarySmtpAddress
} elseif ($Member.RecipientType -eq "MailContact") {
$MailContactDetails = Get-MailContact -Identity $Member.Identity
$DisplayName = $MailContactDetails.DisplayName
$EmailAddress = $MailContactDetails.PrimarySmtpAddress
} elseif ($Member.RecipientType -eq "GroupMailbox") {
$GroupName = $Member.Name
# Add the information to the results array
$results += [PSCustomObject]@{
AppName = $Application.DisplayName
AccessPolicyName = $ApplicationAccessPolicy.ScopeName
PolicyType = $ApplicationAccessPolicy.AccessRight
UsernameOrGroupName = if ($GroupName -ne "") { $GroupName } else { $DisplayName }
MailAddress = $EmailAddress
Critical = $null
} else {
# If no ApplicationAccessPolicy exists, flag it as "critical"
$results += [PSCustomObject]@{
AppName = $Application.DisplayName
AccessPolicyName = "N/A"
PolicyType = "N/A"
UsernameOrGroupName = "N/A"
MailAddress = "N/A"
Critical = "Yes"
# Output the results in a table
$results | Format-Table -AutoSize
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