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Created April 13, 2012 23:23
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Alfresco Login Ticket Generator Example in Java
package org.alfresco.sample;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.alfresco.util.ApplicationContextHelper;
import org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry;
// ==========================================================================
// TicketGenerator Java Class
// Generates or returns the Alfresco login ticket for a user or guest
// session.
// ==========================================================================
public class TicketGenerator
// Method generateGuestTicket
// Generates an Alfresco Authentication Ticket based on the guest login.
public String generateGuestTicket()
String generatedTicketId = "";
try {
// Get a reference to the Alfresco Application Context and use it to
// get a handle to the Alfresco Service Registry so that we can look
// up the Alfresco Authentication Service:
ApplicationContext appContext = ApplicationContextHelper.getApplicationContext();
ServiceRegistry svcRegistry = (ServiceRegistry) appContext.getBean( ServiceRegistry.SERVICE_REGISTRY );
// Now, get a handle to the Alfresco Authentication Service, and ask
// it to authenticate us as a guest. Finally, ask it to generate an
// authentication ticket that we can use to get gues readable content
// contained in the repository on a future call:
AuthenticationService authenticationService = svcRegistry.getAuthenticationService();
generatedTicketId = authenticationService.getNewTicket();
} catch ( NoSuchBeanDefinitionException noBeanDef ) {
// thrown if there is no bean definition with the specified name
} catch ( BeansException beanEx ) {
// thrown if bean could not be obtained
} catch ( AuthenticationException authEx ) {
// log/handle error here
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
// handle generic exception / null pointer
return( generatedTicketId );
} // generateGuestTicket
// Method generateLoginTicket
// Generates an Alfresco Authentication Ticket based on the user name and
// password passed in.
public String generateLoginTicket( String userName, String userPw )
String generatedTicketId = "";
try {
// Get a reference to the Alfresco Application Context and use it to
// get a handle to the Alfresco Service Registry so that we can look
// up the Alfresco Authentication Service:
ApplicationContext appContext = ApplicationContextHelper.getApplicationContext();
ServiceRegistry svcRegistry = (ServiceRegistry) appContext.getBean( ServiceRegistry.SERVICE_REGISTRY );
// Now, get a handle to the Alfresco Authentication Service, and ask
// it to authenticate us as a guest. Finally, ask it to generate an
// authentication ticket that we can use to get gues readable content
// contained in the repository on a future call:
AuthenticationService authenticationService = svcRegistry.getAuthenticationService();
authenticationService.authenticate( userName, userPw.toCharArray() );
generatedTicketId = authenticationService.getNewTicket();
} catch ( NoSuchBeanDefinitionException noBeanDef ) {
// thrown if there is no bean definition with the specified name
} catch ( BeansException beanEx ) {
// thrown if bean could not be obtained
} catch ( AuthenticationException authEx ) {
// log/handle error here
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
// handle generic exception / null pointer
return( generatedTicketId );
// Method getCurrentLoginTicket
// Returns the current login ticket for the logged in user session.
public String getCurrentLoginTicket()
String generatedTicketId = "";
try {
// Get a reference to the Alfresco Application Context and use it to
// get a handle to the Alfresco Service Registry so that we can look
// up the Alfresco Authentication Service:
ApplicationContext appContext = ApplicationContextHelper.getApplicationContext();
ServiceRegistry svcRegistry = (ServiceRegistry) appContext.getBean( ServiceRegistry.SERVICE_REGISTRY );
// Now, get a handle to the Alfresco Authentication Service, and ask
// it to authenticate us as a guest. Finally, ask it to generate an
// authentication ticket that we can use to get gues readable content
// contained in the repository on a future call:
AuthenticationService authenticationService = svcRegistry.getAuthenticationService();
generatedTicketId = authenticationService.getCurrentTicket();
} catch ( NoSuchBeanDefinitionException noBeanDef ) {
// thrown if there is no bean definition with the specified name
} catch ( BeansException beanEx ) {
// thrown if bean could not be obtained
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
// handle generic exception / null pointer
return( generatedTicketId );
} // TicketGenerator
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