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Last active May 4, 2016 10:54
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horzintal barchart
license: mit
height: 620
border: none

Horzintal barchart a simple barChart showing CO2 (kt) emissions per country in 2009

country value
United States 5496282
Russia 1526778
Japan 1144569
Germany 788803
Canada 542998
UK 480553
Italy 417212
Australia 400342
France 377755
Poland 313722
Turkey 299106
Spain 296942
Ukraine 277757
Netherlands 169823
Czech Republic 113388
Belgium 108348
Greece 104336
Romania 86180
Austria 67536
Belarus 56828
Portugal 56155
Finland 55417
Hungary 50567
Denmark 49504
Sweden 46621
Bulgaria 45802
Switzeland 43962
Norway 42843
Ireand 42414
Slovakia 35050
New Zealand 33445
Croatia 21755
Slovenia 16019
Estonia 14096
Lithuania 12908
Luxembourg 10710
Latvia 6979
Iceland 3556
Malta 2511
Liechtenstein 214
Monaco 85
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h1>CO2 (kt) Emissions per country (2009)</h1>
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height = 650 - - margin.bottom;
var formatValue = d3.format("0,000");
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var translate = 110;
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//load csv
d3.csv("CO2-Emissions.csv", function(error, data){
if (error) throw error;
//iterate throught data to convert strings to numbers
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//function to add a coma to values
function addComas(n) {
return formatValue(n).replace('.', ',').replace('.', ',');
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