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Last active March 19, 2024 22:19
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[TCG Engine] 🤝 [Odin]

1 Adding Attributes to Data classes

1.1 CardData.cs

  [HorizontalGroup("Info", Width = 325)]
  [VerticalGroup("Info/Side1", Order =2), LabelWidth(50)]
  public string id;

  [VerticalGroup("Info/Side1"), LabelWidth(50)]
  public string title;
  [VerticalGroup("Info/Side2"), PreviewField(100), HideLabel,]
  public Sprite art_full;
  [VerticalGroup("Info/Side2"), PreviewField(100), HideLabel,]
  public Sprite art_board;

  [VerticalGroup("Info/Side1"), LabelWidth(50)]
  public CardType type;
  [VerticalGroup("Info/Side1"), LabelWidth(50)]
  [InlineButton("@CardEditor.CreateNewAction($root, $property)", SdfIconType.PlusCircleDotted, "")]
  public TeamData team;
  [VerticalGroup("Info/Side1"), LabelWidth(50)]
  [InlineButton("@CardEditor.CreateNewAction($root, $property)", SdfIconType.PlusCircleDotted, "")]
  public RarityData rarity;
  [HorizontalGroup("Info/Side1/Stats"), LabelWidth(30), LabelText(SdfIconType.DiamondFill, Text = "")]
  public int mana;
  [HorizontalGroup("Info/Side1/Stats"), LabelWidth(30), LabelText(SdfIconType.Hammer, Text = "")]
  public int attack;
  [HorizontalGroup("Info/Side1/Stats"), LabelWidth(30), LabelText(SdfIconType.DropletFill, Text = "")]
  public int hp;

  [TabGroup("Traits", Icon = SdfIconType.Speedometer), ListDrawerSettings]
  public TraitData[] traits;
  [TabGroup("Traits", Icon = SdfIconType.Speedometer)]
  public TraitStat[] stats;

  [TabGroup("Abilities", Icon = SdfIconType.Magic), ListDrawerSettings]
  public AbilityData[] abilities;

  [VerticalGroup("Info/Side1"), LabelWidth(50)]
  [TextArea(3, 5)]
  public string text;

  [VerticalGroup("Info/Side1"), LabelWidth(50)]
  [TextArea(5, 10)]
  public string desc;

  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public GameObject spawn_fx;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public GameObject death_fx;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public GameObject attack_fx;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public GameObject damage_fx;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public GameObject idle_fx;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public AudioClip spawn_audio;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public AudioClip death_audio;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public AudioClip attack_audio;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public AudioClip damage_audio;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]

  [TabGroup("Availability", Icon = SdfIconType.Basket3Fill)]
  public bool deckbuilding = false;
  [TabGroup("Availability", Icon = SdfIconType.Basket3Fill)]
  public int cost = 100;
  [TabGroup("Availability", Icon = SdfIconType.Basket3Fill)]
  public PackData[] packs;

1.2 AbilityData.cs

[InlineButton("@CardDataProcessor.CloneAbility($root, $value)", SdfIconType.FileEarmarkPlusFill, "")]
public class AbilityData : ScriptableObject
  public string id;
  [TabGroup("Trigger", Icon = SdfIconType.Alarm), EnumToggleButtons, HideLabel]
  public AbilityTrigger trigger;             //WHEN does the ability trigger?
  [TabGroup("Trigger", Icon = SdfIconType.Alarm), ListDrawerSettings]
  public ConditionData[] conditions_trigger; //Condition checked on the card triggering the ability (usually the caster)

  [TabGroup("Target", Icon = SdfIconType.Capslock), EnumToggleButtons, HideLabel]
  public AbilityTarget target;               //WHO is targeted?
  [TabGroup("Target", Icon = SdfIconType.Capslock), ListDrawerSettings]
  public ConditionData[] conditions_target;  //Condition checked on the target to know if its a valid taget
  [TabGroup("Target", Icon = SdfIconType.Capslock), ListDrawerSettings]
  public FilterData[] filters_target;  //Condition checked on the target to know if its a valid taget

  [TabGroup("Effect", Icon = SdfIconType.Lightning), ListDrawerSettings]
  public EffectData[] effects;              //WHAT this does?
  [TabGroup("Effect", Icon = SdfIconType.Lightning), ListDrawerSettings]
  public StatusData[] status;               //Status added by this ability  
  [TabGroup("Effect", Icon = SdfIconType.Lightning)]
  public int value;                         //Value passed to the effect (deal X damage)
  [TabGroup("Effect", Icon = SdfIconType.Lightning)]
  public int duration;                      //Duration passed to the effect (usually for status, 0=permanent)

  [TabGroup("Chain or Choices", Icon = SdfIconType.SignpostSplit), ListDrawerSettings]
  public AbilityData[] chain_abilities;    //Abilities that will be triggered after this one

  [Header("Activated Ability")]
  public int mana_cost;                   //Mana cost for  activated abilities
  public bool exhaust;                    //Action cost for activated abilities

  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public GameObject board_fx;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public GameObject caster_fx;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public GameObject target_fx;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public AudioClip cast_audio;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public AudioClip target_audio;
  [TabGroup("FX", Icon = SdfIconType.Stars)]
  public bool charge_target;

  public string title;
  [TextArea(5, 7)]
  public string desc;

1.3 ConditionData

[InlineButton("@CardEditor.CloneAction($root, $property, $value)", SdfIconType.FileEarmarkPlusFill, "", ShowIf = "@CardEditor.ShowNotNull($value)")]
public class ConditionData : ScriptableObject

1.4 FilterData

[InlineButton("@CardEditor.CloneAction($root, $property, $value)", SdfIconType.FileEarmarkPlusFill, "", ShowIf = "@CardEditor.ShowNotNull($value)")]
public class FilterData : ScriptableObject

1.5 EffectData

[InlineButton("@CardEditor.CloneAction($root, $property, $value)", SdfIconType.FileEarmarkPlusFill, "", ShowIf = "@CardEditor.ShowNotNull($value)")]
public class EffectData : ScriptableObject

1.6 StatusData

[InlineButton("@CardEditor.CloneAction($root, $property, $value)", SdfIconType.FileEarmarkPlusFill, "", ShowIf = "@CardEditor.ShowNotNull($value)")]
public class StatusData : ScriptableObject

1.7 TraitData

[InlineButton("@CardEditor.CloneAction($root, $property, $value)", SdfIconType.FileEarmarkPlusFill, "", ShowIf = "@CardEditor.ShowNotNull($value)")]
public class TraitData : ScriptableObject

1.8 RarityData

[InlineButton("@CardEditor.CloneAction($root, $property, $value)", SdfIconType.FileEarmarkPlusFill, "", ShowIf = "@CardEditor.ShowNotNull($value)")]
public class RarityData : ScriptableObject

1.9 Results



2 CardEditor (Create this file inside some Editor folder)

2.1 Script

using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using TcgEngine;
using Sirenix.Utilities.Editor;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Demos.RPGEditor;
using Sirenix.OdinInspector;
using System.Reflection;
using Sirenix.Utilities;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using System.Linq;

public class DuplicateFinder : OdinMenuEditorWindow
    [MenuItem("Tools/Moratelli/Duplicates Finder")]
    private static void OpenEditor() => GetWindow<DuplicateFinder>();

    protected override OdinMenuTree BuildMenuTree()
        var tree = new OdinMenuTree();
        tree.Config.DrawSearchToolbar = true;

        var assets = Resources.LoadAll("")
            .Where(obj => obj.GetType().GetField("id") != null)
            .OrderBy(obj => obj.ToString())
            .GroupBy(x => new { id = x.GetType().GetField("id").GetValue(x), type = x.GetType().Name })
            .Where(group => group.Sum(x => 1) > 1);

        if (assets.Count() == 0)
            tree.Add("Everything good!", null, SdfIconType.HandThumbsUpFill);
            tree.Add("There are duplications!", null, SdfIconType.HandThumbsDownFill);

        foreach (var group in assets)
            foreach (var item in group)
                tree.Add($"{}/{}", item);


        return tree;

public class CardFinderForm
    [VerticalGroup("Form", PaddingBottom = 50)]
    public string cardName = "";
    public AbilityData selectedAbility = null;
    public AbilityTrigger selectedTrigger = AbilityTrigger.None;
    public TeamData selectedTeam = null;
    public RarityData selectedRarity = null;
    [TextArea(3, 5)]
    public string text = "";
    public TraitData selectedTrait = null;
    public PackData selectedPack = null;

    private OdinMenuEditorWindow parent;

    public CardFinderForm(OdinMenuEditorWindow parent)
        this.parent = parent;

    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large, Icon = SdfIconType.TrashFill)]
    private void ClearFilters()
        selectedTrigger = AbilityTrigger.None;
        selectedAbility = null;
        cardName = "";
        selectedTeam = null;
        selectedRarity = null;
        text = "";
        selectedTrait = null;
        selectedPack = null;

    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large, Icon = SdfIconType.FunnelFill)]
    private void Filter()

public class CardFinder : OdinMenuEditorWindow
    [MenuItem("Tools/Moratelli/Card Finder")]
    private static void OpenEditor() => GetWindow<CardFinder>();

    private CardFinderForm form;
    private CardData[] cardDataAssets;

    protected override OdinMenuTree BuildMenuTree()
        var tree = new OdinMenuTree();
        form ??= new CardFinderForm(this);
        tree.Config.DrawSearchToolbar = true;
        tree.Add("Filters", form);

        cardDataAssets = Resources.LoadAll<CardData>("").OrderBy(card =>;

        foreach (CardData cardData in cardDataAssets)

            bool show = true;
            if (form.selectedAbility != null && cardData.abilities.FirstOrDefault(ability => == == null)
                show = false;

            if (form.selectedTrigger != AbilityTrigger.None && cardData.abilities.FirstOrDefault(ability => ability.trigger == form.selectedTrigger) == null)
                show = false;

            if (form.cardName != "" && == false)
                show = false;

            if (form.text != "" && cardData.text.ToLower().Contains(form.text.ToLower()) == false)
                show = false;

            if (form.selectedPack != null && cardData.packs.FirstOrDefault(pack => == == null)
                show = false;

            if (form.selectedTeam != null && !=
                show = false;

            if (form.selectedTrait != null && cardData.traits.FirstOrDefault(pack => == == null)
                show = false;

            if (form.selectedRarity != null && !=
                show = false;

            if (show)
                tree.Add($"Card/{}", cardData);

        return tree;

    protected override void OnBeginDrawEditors()
        if (MenuTree == null) return;


            if (SirenixEditorGUI.ToolbarButton(new GUIContent("Clone")))
                var selected = MenuTree.Selection.SelectedValue;

                if (selected == null || !selected.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(ScriptableObject))) return;

                Type selectedType = selected.GetType();

                var objToSelect = EditorUtils.Clone(selectedType, selected);

                if (objToSelect != null)

public class ScriptableObjectFinderForm
    private string[] types;

    [VerticalGroup("Form", PaddingBottom = 50)]
    public string selectedType = "";

    private OdinMenuEditorWindow parent;

    public ScriptableObjectFinderForm(OdinMenuEditorWindow parent)
        types = typeof(CardData)
            .Where(type => type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ScriptableObject)))
            .Select(type => type.ToString()).ToArray();
        this.parent = parent;

    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large, Icon = SdfIconType.TrashFill)]
    private void ClearFilters()
        selectedType = "";

    [Button(ButtonSizes.Large, Icon = SdfIconType.FunnelFill)]
    private void Filter()

public class ScriptableObjectFinder : OdinMenuEditorWindow
    [MenuItem("Tools/Moratelli/SO Finder")]
    private static void OpenEditor() => GetWindow<ScriptableObjectFinder>();

    private ScriptableObjectFinderForm form;

    protected override OdinMenuTree BuildMenuTree()
        var tree = new OdinMenuTree();
        form ??= new ScriptableObjectFinderForm(this);
        tree.Config.DrawSearchToolbar = true;
        tree.Add("Filters", form);
        var asm = typeof(ConditionData).Assembly;

        ScriptableObject[] assets = Resources.LoadAll<ScriptableObject>("").OrderBy(obj => obj.ToString()).ToArray();

        foreach (ScriptableObject asset in assets)
            bool show = true;

            if (asset.GetType().Name.Contains("TcgEngine."))
                show = false;

            if (form.selectedType != "")
                var search = tree.Config.SearchTerm;
                var type = asm.GetType(form.selectedType);

                if (type == null)
                    show = false;
                    show = asset.GetType() == type || asset.GetType().IsSubclassOf(type);

            if (show)
                tree.Add($"{asset.GetType().Name.Split("TcgEngine.")[0]}/{}", asset);


        return tree;

    protected override void OnBeginDrawEditors()
        if (MenuTree == null) return;


            if (SirenixEditorGUI.ToolbarButton(new GUIContent("Clone")))
                var selected = MenuTree.Selection.SelectedValue;

                if (selected == null || !selected.GetType().IsSubclassOf(typeof(ScriptableObject))) return;

                Type selectedType = selected.GetType();

                var objToSelect = EditorUtils.Clone(selectedType, selected);

                if (objToSelect != null)

public class CardEditor : OdinMenuEditorWindow
    [MenuItem("Tools/Moratelli/Card Manager")]
    private static void OpenEditor() => GetWindow<CardEditor>();

    public static bool ShowNotNull(UnityEngine.Object value)
        return value != null;

    public static void CloneAction<T>(object root, InspectorProperty property, T value)
        if (value == null) return;

        string fieldName;
        if (property.Parent.Name.Contains("#") || property.Parent.Name.Contains("$"))
            fieldName = property.Name;
            fieldName = property.Parent.Name;

        var field = root.GetType().GetField(fieldName);
        if (field != null && field.FieldType.IsArray)
            var array = field.GetValue(root) as T[];
            T item = (T)EditorUtils.Clone(value.GetType(), value);

            if (item != null)
                Array.Resize(ref array, array.Length + 1);
                array[^1] = item;
                field.SetValue(root, array);
        else if (field != null)
            T item = (T)EditorUtils.Clone(value.GetType(), value);

            if (item != null)
                field.SetValue(root, item);


    static public void CreateNewAction(object root, InspectorProperty property)
        string fieldName;

        if (property.Parent.Name.Contains("#") || property.Parent.Name.Contains("$"))
            fieldName = property.Name;
            fieldName = property.Parent.Name;

        FieldInfo field = root.GetType().GetField(fieldName);

        if (field != null && field.FieldType.IsArray)
            var array = field.GetValue(root) as object[];
            object item = EditorUtils.Clone(field.FieldType.GetElementType(), null, false);

            if (item != null)
                Array.Resize(ref array, array.Length + 1);
                array[^1] = item;
                field.SetValue(root, array);
        else if (field != null)
            object item = EditorUtils.Clone(field.FieldType, null, false);

            if (item != null)
                field.SetValue(root, item);


    public static void CreateNewActionButton(object root, InspectorProperty property)
        if (SirenixEditorGUI.ToolbarButton(SdfIconType.PlusCircleDotted))
            CreateNewAction(root, property);

    protected override OdinMenuTree BuildMenuTree()
        var tree = new OdinMenuTree();
        tree.Config.DrawSearchToolbar = true;

        tree.AddAllAssetsAtPath("Cards", "Assets/TcgEngine/Resources/Cards", typeof(CardData), true, true).SortMenuItemsByName();
        tree.AddAllAssetsAtPath("Abilities", "Assets/TcgEngine/Resources/Abilities", typeof(AbilityData), true, true).SortMenuItemsByName();
        tree.AddAllAssetsAtPath("Effects", "Assets/TcgEngine/Resources/Effects", typeof(EffectData), true, true).SortMenuItemsByName();
        tree.AddAllAssetsAtPath("Conditions", "Assets/TcgEngine/Resources/Conditions", typeof(ConditionData), true, true).SortMenuItemsByName();
        tree.AddAllAssetsAtPath("Filters", "Assets/TcgEngine/Resources/Conditions", typeof(FilterData), true, true).SortMenuItemsByName();
        tree.AddAllAssetsAtPath("Status", "Assets/TcgEngine/Resources/Status", typeof(StatusData), true, true).SortMenuItemsByName();

        return tree;

    protected override void OnBeginDrawEditors()
        if (MenuTree == null) return;


            GUILayout.Label("Card Editor");

            if (SirenixEditorGUI.ToolbarButton(new GUIContent("Clone")))
                var selected = MenuTree.Selection.SelectedValue as UnityEngine.Object;

                if (selected == null) return;

                Type selectedType = selected.GetType();

                var objToSelect = EditorUtils.Clone(selectedType, selected);

                if (objToSelect != null)

public class CardDataProcessor : OdinAttributeProcessor<CardData>
    public override void ProcessChildMemberAttributes(InspectorProperty parentProperty, MemberInfo member, List<Attribute> attributes)
        base.ProcessChildMemberAttributes(parentProperty, member, attributes);

        if (member.Name == "abilities" || member.Name == "traits")
            var attribute = attributes.GetAttribute<ListDrawerSettingsAttribute>();

            attribute.OnTitleBarGUI = "@CardEditor.CreateNewActionButton($root, $property)";

public class AbilityDataProcessor : OdinAttributeProcessor<AbilityData>
    public override void ProcessChildMemberAttributes(InspectorProperty parentProperty, MemberInfo member, List<Attribute> attributes)
        base.ProcessChildMemberAttributes(parentProperty, member, attributes);

        if (member.Name == "conditions_trigger" || member.Name == "conditions_target"
            || member.Name == "filters_target" || member.Name == "effects"
            || member.Name == "status" || member.Name == "chain_abilities")
            var attribute = attributes.GetAttribute<ListDrawerSettingsAttribute>();

            attribute.OnTitleBarGUI = "@CardEditor.CreateNewActionButton($root, $property)";


public class EditorUtils
    private static void UpdateForType<T>(Type type, T source, T destination)
        FieldInfo[] myObjectFields = type.GetFields(
            BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

        foreach (FieldInfo fi in myObjectFields)
            if (fi.FieldType.IsArray)
                fi.SetValue(destination, (fi.GetValue(source) as Array).Clone());
            } else
                fi.SetValue(destination, fi.GetValue(source));

    public static string GetFolder(Type selectedType)
        string SOData = selectedType.ToString();

        if (selectedType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ConditionData)))
            SOData = "TcgEngine.ConditionData";
        else if (selectedType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(FilterData)))
            SOData = "TcgEngine.FilterData";
        else if (selectedType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(EffectData)))
            SOData = "TcgEngine.EffectData";

        var folders = new Dictionary<string, string>
            { "TcgEngine.CardData", "Cards" },
            { "TcgEngine.AbilityData", "Abilities" },
            { "TcgEngine.EffectData", "Effects" },
            { "TcgEngine.ConditionData", "Conditions" },
            { "TcgEngine.FilterData", "Filters" },
            { "TcgEngine.StatusData", "Status" },
            { "TcgEngine.TraitData", "Traits" },
            { "TcgEngine.TeamData", "Teams" },
            { "TcgEngine.RarityData", "Rarities" },

        return folders.ContainsKey(SOData) ? $"Assets/TcgEngine/Resources/{folders[SOData]}" : "Assets/TcgEngine/Resources/";

    public static T Clone<T>(Type selectedType, object selected, bool copyValues = true) where T : ScriptableObject
        T clone = null;
        string folder = "";
        if (selected == null)
            folder = GetFolder(selectedType);
            string[] parts = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(selected as UnityEngine.Object).Split("/");
            Array.Resize(ref parts, parts.Length - 1);

            folder = string.Join("/", parts);

        MethodInfo showDialogMethod = typeof(ScriptableObjectCreator).GetMethod("ShowDialog");
        MethodInfo genericShowDialogMethod = showDialogMethod.MakeGenericMethod(selectedType);
        object[] parameters = { $"{folder}", new Action<T>(obj =>
            if (copyValues)
                UpdateForType(selectedType, selected as T, obj);

            var propertyInfo = obj.GetType().GetField("id");

            if (propertyInfo != null)
                propertyInfo.SetValue(obj," ", "_"));

            clone = obj;

        genericShowDialogMethod.Invoke(null, parameters);

        return clone;

    public static object Clone(Type selectedType, object selected, bool copyValues = true)
        return Clone<ScriptableObject>(selectedType, selected, copyValues);

2.2 Result

Now there is a button (+) to create SO and connect it in just 1 click, making easier to create new Abilities/Effects/Teams/Rarities/Conditions/Filters and Status.

3 CardDrawer.cs (Create this file inside some Editor folder)

This will improve how cards are showned in DeckData and effects like Sumon

3.1 Script

using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor;
using Sirenix.Utilities;
using Sirenix.Utilities.Editor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TcgEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class CardDrawer<T> : OdinValueDrawer<T> where T: CardData
    protected override void DrawPropertyLayout(GUIContent label)
        var rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(label != null, 100);

        if (label != null)
            rect.xMin = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(rect.AlignCenterY(15), label).xMin;
            rect = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(rect);

        CardData card = this.ValueEntry.SmartValue;
        Texture texture = null;

        if (card)
            texture = GUIHelper.GetAssetThumbnail(card.art_full, typeof(CardData), true);
            GUI.Label(rect.AddXMin(120).AlignMiddle(16), EditorGUI.showMixedValue ? "-" :;

        this.ValueEntry.WeakSmartValue = SirenixEditorFields.UnityPreviewObjectField(rect.AlignLeft(100), card, texture, this.ValueEntry.BaseValueType);

3.2 Result





3.3 Result Card Finder

Helps you to find all Cards that have a specific Ability, Name and/or AbilityTrigger.

3.4 Scriptable Object Finder

Helps you to find all Scriptable Object Instances from a specific SO Class. Ex.: Find all instances of ConditionCardPile

3.5 Duplicate Finder

Helps you to find all duplicates. Ex.: Cards with same ids



  • You MUST have TCG Engine to add the changes showned above;
  • You MUST have Odin to use the attributes showned above (with demo instealled);
  • Some changes are not listed here because are specific for my game;
  • Some classes could not exist in your project that extend from Filter/Condition and Effect, just remove it.
  • This gist was created using TCG Engine 1.09 and Odin, so is possible that in the future you will need to change minor details to make it work.
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