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Last active December 11, 2023 07:42
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[TCG Engine] Create Start of Game Effects

1. Create a new AbilityTrigger "StartOfGame" in AbilityData.cs

public enum AbilityTrigger {
  StartOfGame = 19, // On-time

2. Update GameLogic.cs to resolve "StartOfGame" Abilities before the 1st turn begins.

2.1 Create a new method that trigger card abilities of cards in the deck

public virtual void TriggerPlayerDeckCardsAbilityType(Player player, AbilityTrigger type)
    if (player.hero != null)
        TriggerCardAbilityType(type, player.hero, player.hero);

    foreach (Card card in player.cards_deck)
        TriggerCardAbilityType(type, card, card);

2.2 Call the new method before the starting cards are drawn (avoiding bugs if you draw a card with StartOfGame effect)

public virtual void StartGame()
  //Init each player
  foreach (Player player in game_data.players)
    TriggerPlayerDeckCardsAbilityType(player, AbilityTrigger.StartOfGame); // <-- NEW LINE CALLING THE NEW METHOD
    //Draw starting cards

2.3 Resolve the queue before start the 1st turn

public virtual void StartGame()
  resolve_queue.ResolveAll(0.2f); // <-- NEW LINE RESOLVING THE QUEUE
  //Start state
  resolve_queue.AddCallback(StartTurn); // <-- CHANGED TO BE ADD TO QUEUE

3. Create a new AbilityData ScriptableObject

In my case I'll add +1 spell damage for the player, so:

3.1 Trigger

Change the trigger to be Start of Game

3.2 Target

Change the target to be Player Self

3.3 Effect

Add the effect add_spell_damage

4. Add the new Ability to a CardData

I just added it to the Unicorn card.

5. (Optional) Show ability trigger at the start of game

5.1 ResolveQueue.cs

First we'll add a new delay to be able to have delay between ability activations

public class ResolveQueue {
    private float resolve_between_delay = 0f;
    private float resolve_between_delay_max = 0f;
    public virtual voidUpdate(float delta)
        if (resolve_delay > 0f || resolve_between_delay > 0f) {
            resolve_delay -= delta;
            resolve_between_delay -= delta;
            if (resolve_delay <= 0f && resolve_between_delay <= 0)
    public virtual void ResolveAll(float delay, float delayBetween)
    public virtual void ResolveAll()
        while (CanResolve())
            resolve_between_delay = resolve_between_delay_max;
    public virtual void SetBetweenDelay(float delay)
        if (!skip_delay)
            resolve_between_delay_max = delay;
    public virtual bool CanResolve()
        if (resolve_between_delay > 0f)
            return false; // Is waiting between effects
    public virtual bool IsResolving()
        return is_resolving || resolve_delay > 0f || resolve_between_delay > 0f;

5.2 GameAction.cs

Create the new Action so server and client should know what expect

public const ushort CardActivated = 2019;

5.3 GameLogic.cs

Add the new Action to GameLogic, and change the ResolveAll to have the new Delay, invoking the event when resolving a card with StartOfGame ability

public class GameLogic {
    public UnityAction<Card> onCardActivated;
    public virtual void StartGame()
        //Init each players
        foreach (Player player in game_data.players)
            resolve_queue.ResolveAll(1f, 3f);
    public virtual void StartTurn()
    protected virtual void ResolveCardAbility(AbilityData iability, Card caster, Card triggerer)
        if (iability.trigger == AbilityTrigger.StartOfGame)

5.4 GameServer.cs

Setup the server to send a message to the client when onCardActivated is called

public class GameServer
    protected virtual void Init(string uid, int players, bool online)
        gameplay.onCardActivated += OnCardActivated;
    protected virtual void Clear()
        gameplay.onCardActivated -= OnCardActivated;
    protected virtual void OnCardActivated(Card card)
        MsgCard mdata = new MsgCard();
        mdata.card_uid = card.uid;
        SendToAll(GameAction.CardActivated, mdata, NetworkDelivery.Reliable);

5.5 GameClient.cs

Setup the client to listen to CardActivated action and invoking it owns UnityAction to notify listeners, example the board.

public class GameClient : MonoBehaviour
    public UnityAction<Card> onCardActivated;
    protected virtual void Start()
        RegisterRefresh(GameAction.CardActivated, OnCardActivated);

    private void OnCardActivated(SerializedData sdata)
        MsgCard msg = sdata.Get<MsgCard>();
        Card card = game_data.GetCard(msg.card_uid);

5.6 GameBoardFX.cs

And finally listen to the Game Client UnityEvent and show the card prefab to both players.

public class GameBoardFX : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
        client.onCardActivated += OnActivatedCard;
    void OnActivatedCard(Card card)
        if (card != null)
            int player_id = GameClient.Get().GetPlayerID();
            CardData icard = CardData.Get(card.card_id);
            GameObject prefab = player_id == card.player_id ? AssetData.Get().play_card_fx : AssetData.Get().play_card_other_fx;
            GameObject obj = FXTool.DoFX(prefab,;
            CardUI ui = obj.GetComponentInChildren<CardUI>();
            ui.SetCard(icard, card.VariantData);



  • You MUST have TCG Engine to add the changes showned above;
  • This gist was created using 1.09, so is possible that in the future you will need to change minor details to make it work;
  • The CardEditor and Inspector are edited by me, so if you just installed TCG Engine, please consider that are differences in the UI, but are just visual.
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