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Created December 17, 2015 14:18
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[Rubix 3.2] Header.jsx Menu Itens Link not working.
import { State, Navigation } from 'react-router';
import docCookies from './cookies';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import Helpers from 'util/Helpers';
import MenuServicos from '../routes/components/MenuServicos';
import { Link } from 'react-router';
import { SidebarBtn } from 'global/jsx/sidebar_component';
class Brand extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<NavHeader {...this.props}>
<NavBrand tabIndex='-1'>
<img src='/imgs/logo.png' alt='Pixma' width='80' height='39' />
var DirectNavItem = React.createClass({
mixins: [State, Navigation],
render() {
var active = false;
var currentLocation = this.context.router.state.location.pathname;
if(!active && this.props.path) {
active = this.isActive(this.props.path) && (currentLocation == this.props.path);
var classes = classNames({
'pressed': active
return (
<NavItem className={classes} {...this.props}>
<Link to={this.props.path}>
<Icon bundle={this.props.bundle || 'fontello'} glyph={this.props.glyph} />
var Skins = React.createClass({
switchSkin(skin, e) {
for(var i=0; i < Skins.skins.length; i++) {
render() {
return (
<Grid style={{margin: '-2em'}}>
<Col xs={12} className='text-center bg-darkgrayishblue75' style={{marginBottom: 25}}>
<div className='fg-white' style={{fontSize: 24, lineHeight: 1, padding: '25px 10px'}}>
Choose a theme:
<Col xs={4} className='text-center'>
<a href='#' style={{border: 'none'}} onClick={this.switchSkin.bind(this, 'default')}>
<Icon glyph='icon-fontello-stop icon-4x' style={{color: '#E76049'}} />
<Col xs={4} className='text-center'>
<a href='#' style={{border: 'none'}} onClick={this.switchSkin.bind(this, 'green')}>
<Icon glyph='icon-fontello-stop icon-4x' className='fg-darkgreen45' />
<Col xs={4} className='text-center'>
<a href='#' style={{border: 'none'}} onClick={this.switchSkin.bind(this, 'blue')}>
<Icon glyph='icon-fontello-stop icon-4x' className='fg-blue' />
<Col xs={4} className='text-center'>
<a href='#' style={{border: 'none'}} onClick={this.switchSkin.bind(this, 'purple')}>
<Icon glyph='icon-fontello-stop icon-4x' className='fg-purple' />
<Col xs={4} className='text-center'>
<a href='#' style={{border: 'none'}} onClick={this.switchSkin.bind(this, 'brown')}>
<Icon glyph='icon-fontello-stop icon-4x' className='fg-brown' />
<Col xs={4} className='text-center'>
<a href='#' style={{border: 'none'}} onClick={this.switchSkin.bind(this, 'cyan')}>
<Icon glyph='icon-fontello-stop icon-4x' className='fg-darkcyan' />
Skins.skins = ['default', 'green', 'blue', 'purple', 'brown', 'cyan'];
var HeaderNavigation = React.createClass({
handleSkinSwitch(e) {
var vexContent;{
afterOpen: ($vexContent) => {
vexContent = $vexContent;
return ReactDOM.render(<Skins id={$} />, $vexContent.get(0));
afterClose: () => {
getInitialState: function(){
////console.log('header - getInitialState ');
return {
//retorno de sucesso do Helpers
success: function (result) {
////console.log('++++++ OSE carregada !!! ++++' , result.dataObject)
//////console.log('++++++ servicos ose oseList !!! ++++' , result.dataObject.oseList)
ose: result.dataObject,
oseList: result.dataObject.oseList
//////console.log('++++++ servicos ose oseList !!! ++++' , this.state.ose.oseList.length);
limparTela: function(){
//retorno de erro do Helpers
error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// só pra teste, apagar depois e deixar o alerta
componentDidMount: function() {
Helpers.Get('/Cliente/951009/OSE/Situacao/201', this.success, this.error);
//<MenuServicos servicosCarrinho={this.state.ose.oseList[0].OSEItens}/>
render: function() {
if(this.state.ose === null || this.state.oseList === null || this.state.oseList[0].length === 0 ){
////console.log('entrou sem valor');
return <div />
////console.log('this.state.oseList' , this.state.oseList);
var i = 0;
var menu = [
<MenuItem header key={i}>Serviços a serem contratados:</MenuItem>,
menu = menu.concat(this.state.oseList[0], index) {
i = index+1;
return (
<MenuItem active key={i} href='/app/atualizaSenha'>
<Col xs={2}>
<Icon className='fg-darkgreen45' bundle='fontello' glyph='ok-3' />
<Col xs={10} collapseLeft className='notification-container' style={{width: 265}}>
<div className='time'>
<strong className='fg-darkblue'><em>{ose.servico.descricao} </em></strong>
<div className='message-header fg-darkgray50'>
<strong className='fg-darkblue'>{ose.area} m²</strong><strong> </strong><strong className='fg-darkblue'></strong>
<div className='message-details fg-text'>
Valor total: R${Helpers.formataReal(ose.valorTotal)}
menu = menu.concat(
<MenuItem noHover key={i+1}>
<Grid collapse style={{marginBottom: -10}}>
<Col xs={12} collapseLeft collapseRight>
<Button block className='notification-footer-btn left-btn'>FINALIZAR COMPRA</Button>
return (
<NavContent className='pull-right' {...this.props}>
<Nav className='hidden-xs' >
<NavItem dropdown toggleOnHover className='collapse-left' >
<DropdownButton nav>
<Icon bundle='fontello' glyph='basket-alt' />
<Badge className='fg-black bg-red notification-badge'>{this.state.oseList[0].OSEItens.length}</Badge>
<Menu alignRight id='rss-menu' className='double-width' alwaysInactive>
<NavItem className='logout' href='#' >
<Icon bundle='fontello' glyph='off-1' />
export default class Header extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Grid id='navbar' {...this.props}>
<Col xs={12}>
<NavBar fixedTop id='rubix-nav-header'>
<Container fluid>
<Col xs={3} visible='xs'>
<SidebarBtn />
<Col xs={6} sm={4}>
<Brand />
<Col xs={3} sm={8}>
<HeaderNavigation pressed={this.props.pressed} />
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