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Created April 4, 2015 15:36
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Parsing.AST where
import Test.QuickCheck
import Halt.AST
import Halt.Utility
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Halt.Printing.Pretty
validNames :: [String]
validNames = ["apple", "pear", "banana", "pineapple", "grape", "lemon", "orange", "tangerine"]
capitalLetter :: Gen Char
capitalLetter = elements ['A'..'Z']
lowerLetter :: Gen Char
lowerLetter = toLower <$> capitalLetter
identifierSymbol :: Gen Char
identifierSymbol = elements $ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['\'', '_']
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize (x : xs) = toUpper x : xs
capitalIdentifier :: Gen String
--capitalIdentifier = (:) <$> capitalLetter <*> (resize 5 $ listOf identifierSymbol)
capitalIdentifier = concat <$> (resize 3 $ listOf1 $ capitalize <$> elements validNames)
lowerIdentifier :: Gen String
--lowerIdentifier = (:) <$> lowerLetter <*> (resize 5 $ listOf identifierSymbol)
lowerIdentifier = elements validNames <++>
(concat <$> (resize 2 $ listOf $ capitalize <$> elements validNames))
rightCapitalIdentifier :: Gen String
rightCapitalIdentifier = intercalate "." <$> (resize 3 $ listOf1 capitalIdentifier)
rightLowerIdentifier :: Gen String
rightLowerIdentifier = (resize 2 $ rightCapitalIdentifier) <++> return "." <++> lowerIdentifier
rightIdentifier :: Gen String
rightIdentifier = oneof [rightCapitalIdentifier, rightLowerIdentifier]
instance Arbitrary Expression where
arbitrary = frequency
[ (1, FunctionApp <$> arbitrary <*> (resize 4 $ listOf1 arbitrary))
, (3, IntLiteral <$> arbitrary)
, (3, DoubleLiteral <$> arbitrary)
, (3, StringLiteral <$> arbitrary)
, (3, Identifier <$> rightIdentifier) ]
instance Arbitrary Bound where
arbitrary = frequency
[ (2, StaticBound <$> (IntLiteral <$> arbitrary))
, (1, DynamicWithStaticBound <$> arbitrary <*> (IntLiteral <$> arbitrary)) ]
maybeGen :: Gen a -> Gen (Maybe a)
maybeGen g = oneof [Just <$> g, return Nothing]
statements3 :: Gen [Statement]
statements3 = resize 3 $ listOf1 arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Statement where
arbitrary = frequency
[ (5, Assignment <$> arbitrary <*> lowerIdentifier <*> arbitrary)
, (1, If <$> arbitrary <*> statements3 <*> maybeGen statements3)
, (2, For <$> lowerIdentifier <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> statements3)
, (5, Return <$> arbitrary)
, (5, NakedExpr <$> arbitrary) ]
data TypeLiteralVariant = WithVar | WithoutVar
typeLiteral :: TypeLiteralVariant -> Gen TypeLiteral
typeLiteral variant = frequency $
[ (3, Parameter <$> lowerLetter)
, (3, Concrete <$> rightCapitalIdentifier)
, (1, Generic <$> rightCapitalIdentifier <*> (resize 3 $ listOf1 (typeLiteral WithoutVar)))
, (2, Function <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (3, return Unit) ] ++ case variant of WithVar -> [(4, return Var)]
_ -> []
instance Arbitrary TypeLiteral where
arbitrary = typeLiteral WithVar
import' :: Gen Declaration
import' = oneof [Import <$> rightCapitalIdentifier
, ImportAs <$> rightCapitalIdentifier <*> capitalIdentifier]
numArgs :: TypeLiteral -> Int
numArgs (Function _ r) = 1 + numArgs r
numArgs _ = 0
function :: Gen (Declaration, Declaration)
function = do
name <- lowerIdentifier
typ <- Function <$> typeLiteral WithoutVar <*> typeLiteral WithoutVar
let n = numArgs typ
args <- vectorOf n lowerIdentifier
body <- statements3
return ( FunctionType name typ
, FunctionDecl name args body )
dataType :: Gen Declaration
dataType = oneof [ data'
, record ]
data' :: Gen Declaration
data' = Data <$> capitalIdentifier
<*> (resize 3 $ listOf lowerLetter) <*> (resize 4 $ listOf1 dataCase)
record :: Gen Declaration
record = Record <$> capitalIdentifier
<*> (resize 4 $ listOf1 ((,) <$> lowerIdentifier <*> typeLiteral WithoutVar))
dataCase :: Gen (String, [TypeLiteral])
dataCase = (,) <$> capitalIdentifier <*> (resize 3 $ listOf $ typeLiteral WithoutVar)
newtype Program = Program [Declaration] deriving Show
instance Arbitrary Program where
arbitrary = do
imports <- resize 3 $ listOf import'
dataTypes <- resize 3 $ listOf dataType
functions <- concatMap (\(t, d) -> [t, d]) <$> (resize 4 $ listOf function)
return $ Program $ imports ++ dataTypes ++ functions
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