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Created October 31, 2014 11:36
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--Converts a move into a bitmask
naiveMove :: Int -> Int --Size of the grid
-> Int -> Int --Coordinates of the move
-> Integer --Resulting grid data
naiveMove width height moveX moveY = foldl set 0 $ (moveX, moveY) : neighbors where
set bits (x, y)
| x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= width || y >= height = bits
| otherwise = bits `setBit` ((y * width) + x)
neighbors = [(moveX + i, moveY + j) | i <- [-1..1], j <- [-1..1], abs i + abs j == 1]
lightsOut :: [String] -> Int
lightsOut (validateGrid -> g)
| null solutions = error "No solution"
| otherwise = snd outcome
(width, height) = (length g, length $ head g)
stringToBits str = foldl (\i (s, c) -> if c == '1' then i `setBit` s else i) 0 $ zip [0..] (concat str)
--The input field as an integer (bits representing lights)
initial = stringToBits g
--Get the indices of ones in a number
ones moves = filter (testBit moves) [0..width - 1]
--All possible plays in the first row
openings = (initial, 0) : map (playRow initial 0 . ones &&& popCount) [(0 :: Integer)..2 ^ width - 1]
maskGen = naiveMove width height
--A vector of all possible moves (for quick lookups)
moveMasks = V.fromList [maskGen x y | y <- [0..height - 1], x <- [0..width - 1]]
--Click the lights specified by "moves" in the row "row"
playRow field row moves = foldl xor field masks where
masks = map (\i -> moveMasks V.! (row * width + i)) moves
--Click the lights below every turned-on light in the row above
chaseRow n (field, m) = (playRow field (n + 1) moves, m + length moves) where
moves = filter (testBit field . (n * width +)) [0..width - 1]
--Eliminate lights row by row
chaseLights field openMoves = foldl (flip chaseRow) (field, openMoves) [0..height - 2]
--All solutions for which the resulting field is all zeroes
solutions = filter ((== 0) . fst) $ map (uncurry chaseLights) openings
--The minimal number of moves to turn off all the lights
outcome = minimumBy (comparing snd) solutions
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