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Created November 6, 2015 20:41
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
#define PRINT(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__);
#define PRINT(...) do {} while (0);
extern void dger_(int *m, int *n, double *alpha, double *x, int *incX, double *y, int *incY, double* a, int *lda);
typedef struct {
int idx;
int m;
int n;
int p;
int t;
pthread_barrier_t *bar;
pthread_t *thrs;
double *a;
double *b;
double *buff;
} thr_mult_struct;
void sum(double *a, double *b, int size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
a[i] += b[i];
b[i] = 0;
void *thr_mult(void *voidStr) {
thr_mult_struct *str = (thr_mult_struct*)voidStr;
double *buff = str->buff + str->m * str->p * str->idx;
PRINT("Created thread %d\n", str->idx);
for (size_t i = 0; i < str->n; i++) {
// Thread i should do the multiplication for
// every t-th row and column vector after the i-th one
if (i % str->t == str->idx) {
PRINT("Doing multiplication at %d on thread %d\n", i, str->idx);
double alpha = 1;
int incX = 1;
dger_(&str->m, &str->p, &alpha, str->a + i * str->p, &incX, str->b + i, &str->n, buff, &str->m);
// Wait till all the threads are done with multiplication
PRINT("Thread %d passed barrier\n", str->idx);
for (size_t stage = 2; stage / 2 < str->t; stage *= 2) {
// Join up correct threads and add their results together
int idxToJoin = str->idx + stage / 2;
if (str->idx % stage == 0 && idxToJoin < str->t) {
pthread_join(str->thrs[idxToJoin], NULL);
PRINT("Summing result of thread %d and thread %d\n", str->idx, idxToJoin);
sum(buff, str->buff + str->m * str->p * idxToJoin, str->m * str->p);
double *mult(int t, int m, int n, int p, double *a, double *b) {
// Every thread will get it's own matrix so it can do dger_s without conflicts.
double *tempBuffer = (double*)calloc(m * p * t, sizeof(double));
thr_mult_struct thr_mult_structs[t];
pthread_t thr_indexes[t];
pthread_barrier_t bar;
pthread_barrier_init(&bar, NULL, t);
for (size_t i = 0; i < t; i++) {
thr_mult_structs[i].idx = i;
thr_mult_structs[i].m = m;
thr_mult_structs[i].n = n;
thr_mult_structs[i].p = p;
thr_mult_structs[i].t = t;
thr_mult_structs[i].bar = &bar;
thr_mult_structs[i].thrs = thr_indexes;
thr_mult_structs[i].a = a;
thr_mult_structs[i].b = b;
thr_mult_structs[i].buff = tempBuffer;
pthread_create(&thr_indexes[i], NULL, thr_mult, (void*)&thr_mult_structs[i]);
// Finally, join up with the first thread. It's buffer has the final result.
pthread_join(thr_indexes[0], NULL);
PRINT("All collected\n");
double *result = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * m * p);
memcpy(result, tempBuffer, sizeof(double) * m * p);
return result;
double *readMatrix(const char *file, int numElems) {
FILE *f = fopen(file, "rb");
double *res = malloc(sizeof(double) * numElems);
fread(res, sizeof(double), numElems, f);
return res;
void writeMatrix(const char *file, double* matrix, int numElems) {
FILE *f = fopen(file, "wb");
fwrite(matrix, sizeof(double), numElems, f);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
int t = atoi(argv[1]);
int m = atoi(argv[2]);
int n = atoi(argv[3]);
int p = atoi(argv[4]);
double *a = readMatrix(argv[5], m * n);
double *b = readMatrix(argv[6], n * p);
double *c = mult(t, m, n, p, a, b);
for (size_t row = 0; row < m; row++) {
for (size_t col = 0; col < p; col++) {
// PRINT("%lf ", *(c + row + col * m));
// PRINT("\n");
writeMatrix(argv[7], c, m * p);
return 0;
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