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Created November 13, 2014 10:02
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type Graph = Vector [Int]
data BfsState = BfsState { queue :: Seq [Int]
, visited :: Set Int }
pop :: MaybeT (State BfsState) [Int]
pop = do
(x :< xs) <- viewl <$> gets queue
modify $ \y -> y { queue = xs }
return x
push :: [Int] -> MaybeT (State BfsState) ()
push x = do q <- gets queue
modify $ \y -> y { queue = q |> x }
visit :: Int -> MaybeT (State BfsState) ()
visit x = do v <- gets visited
modify $ \y -> y { visited = Set.insert x v }
bfs :: Int -> Int -> Graph -> Maybe [Int]
bfs start end g = evalState (runMaybeT loop') (BfsState (Seq.empty |> [start]) Set.empty) where
loop' = do
join $ guard . not . Seq.null <$> gets queue --If queue empty, treminate
(c : path) <- pop
isVis <- Set.member c <$> gets visited
if c == end then return $ c : path
else if isVis then loop'
else do visit c
forM_ (map (: c : path) (g ! c)) push
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