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Created October 2, 2015 21:50
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{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Logic where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (nub)
data Logic = Logic :& Logic
| Logic :| Logic
| Not Logic
| Logic :=> Logic
| Value Bool
| Variable Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
class Proposition a where
type Evaluation a
evaluate :: a -> Evaluation a
satisfy' :: Int -> a -> [Map Int Bool]
instance Proposition Logic where
type Evaluation Logic = Bool
evaluate (Value b) = b
evaluate (l :& r) = evaluate l && evaluate r
evaluate (l :| r) = evaluate l || evaluate r
evaluate (Not t) = not $ evaluate t
evaluate (l :=> r) = not (evaluate l) || evaluate r
evaluate (Variable _) = error "Can't evaluate a variable"
satisfy' _ = satisfyLogic
instance Proposition a => Proposition (Logic -> a) where
type Evaluation (Logic -> a) = Bool -> Evaluation a
evaluate f b = evaluate (f (Value b))
satisfy' i f = satisfy' (i + 1) (f (Variable i))
compatible :: Map Int Bool -> Map Int Bool -> Bool
compatible l r = all cond $ Map.keys l
where cond n = fromMaybe True $ (==) <$> Map.lookup n l <*> Map.lookup n r
satisfyLogic :: Logic -> [Map Int Bool]
satisfyLogic (Variable n) = [Map.singleton n True]
satisfyLogic (l :& r) = [Map.union a b | a <- satisfyLogic l, b <- satisfyLogic r, compatible a b]
satisfyLogic (l :| r) = nub $ satisfyLogic l ++ satisfyLogic r
satisfyLogic (Not t) = map ( not) $ satisfyLogic t
satisfyLogic (l :=> r) = satisfyLogic (Not l :| r)
satisfyLogic (Value _) = error "Can't satisfy a value"
satisfy :: Proposition p => p -> [Map Int Bool]
satisfy = satisfy' 0
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