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Last active September 12, 2017 15:45
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import{FlatMapped, Pure, Suspend}
import cats.{Applicative, Monad, Parallel, ~>}
import cats.implicits._
class FreeParallel[S[_], A](val value: Free[FreeApplicative[S, ?], A]) extends AnyVal
object FreeParallel {
def apply[S[_], A](fp: Free[FreeApplicative[S, ? ], A]): FreeParallel[S, A] = new FreeParallel(fp)
def parRunAp[M[_], F[_], A](ma: FreeApplicative[M, A])(implicit M: Monad[M], P: Parallel[M, F]): M[A] = {
implicit val F: Applicative[F] = P.applicative
def foldMap[M[_]: Monad, F[_], S[_], A](fp: FreeParallel[S, A])(f: S ~> M)(implicit P: Parallel[M, F]): M[A] = {
val parInterpreter: FreeApplicative[M, ?] ~> M =
λ[FreeApplicative[M, ?] ~> M](parRunAp(_))
val liftedF: FreeApplicative[S, ?] ~> FreeApplicative[M, ?] =
λ[FreeApplicative[S, ?] ~> FreeApplicative[M, ?]](_.compile(f))
fp.value.foldMap(liftedF andThen parInterpreter)
def fold[M[_]: Monad, F[_], A](fp: FreeParallel[M, A])(implicit P: Parallel[M, F]): M[A] = {
val parInterpreter: FreeApplicative[M, ?] ~> M =
λ[FreeApplicative[M, ?] ~> M](parRunAp(_))
def liftF[F[_], A](value: F[A]): FreeParallel[F, A] =
def pure[S[_], A](a: A): FreeParallel[S, A] =
def compile[S[_], T[_], A](fp: FreeParallel[S, A])(f: S ~> T): FreeParallel[T, A] = {
val liftedF: FreeApplicative[S, ?] ~> FreeApplicative[T, ?] =
λ[FreeApplicative[S, ?] ~> FreeApplicative[T, ?]](_.compile(f))
implicit def catsFreeMonadForFreeParallel[S[_]]: Monad[FreeParallel[S, ?]] =
new Monad[FreeParallel[S, ?]] {
implicit val M: Monad[Free[FreeApplicative[S, ? ], ?]] =
Free.catsFreeMonadForFree[FreeApplicative[S, ?]]
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: FreeParallel[S, A])(f: (A) => FreeParallel[S, B]) =
FreeParallel(Monad[Free[FreeApplicative[S, ?], ?]].flatMap(fa.value)(f andThen(_.value)))
override def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: (A) => FreeParallel[S, Either[A, B]]) =
FreeParallel(Monad[Free[FreeApplicative[S, ?], ?]].tailRecM(a)(f andThen(_.value)))
override def pure[A](a: A): FreeParallel[S, A] =
FreeParallel(Monad[Free[FreeApplicative[S, ?], ?]].pure(a))
class ParFreeParallel[S[_], A](val value: FreeParallel[S, A])
private def apWithInner[F[_]: Applicative, A, B](freeFF: Free[F, (A) => B])(freeFA: Free[F, A]): Free[F, B] = {
def twoFlatMapped[C, D](fc: Free[F, C], fd: Free[F, D], fffc: C => Free[F, A => B], fffd: D => Free[F, A]): FlatMapped[F, B, (C, D)] =
FlatMapped((fc, fd).tupled, cd => apWithInner(fffc(cd._1))(fffd(cd._2)))
def suspendFlatMapped[C](ff: F[A => B], c: Free[F, C], f: C => Free[F, A]): FlatMapped[F, B, C] =
FlatMapped(c, c => apWithInner(Free.liftF(ff))(f(c)))
def flatMappedSuspend[C](fa: F[A], c: Free[F, C], ff: C => Free[F, A => B]): FlatMapped[F, B, C] =
FlatMapped(c, c => apWithInner(ff(c))(Free.liftF(fa)))
(freeFF, freeFA) match {
case (Pure(f), Pure(a)) => Pure(f(a))
case (Suspend(ff), Pure(a)) => Suspend(Applicative[F].ap(ff)(Applicative[F].pure(a)))
case (Pure(f), Suspend(fa)) => Suspend(Applicative[F].ap(Applicative[F].pure(f))(fa))
case (Suspend(ff), Suspend(fa)) => Suspend(Applicative[F].ap(ff)(fa))
case (Pure(f), FlatMapped(c, fb)) => FlatMapped(c,
case (FlatMapped(c, fff), Pure(a)) => FlatMapped(c, => => f(a))))
case (Suspend(ff), FlatMapped(c, ffa)) => suspendFlatMapped(ff, c, ffa)
case (FlatMapped(c, f), Suspend(fa)) => flatMappedSuspend(fa, c, f)
case (FlatMapped(ffc, fcffab), FlatMapped(ffd, fcfa)) => twoFlatMapped(ffc, ffd, fcffab, fcfa)
implicit def catsFreeApplicativeForParFreeParallel[S[_]]: Applicative[ParFreeParallel[S, ?]] =
new Applicative[ParFreeParallel[S, ?]] {
def pure[A](a: A): ParFreeParallel[S, A] =
new ParFreeParallel(Applicative[FreeParallel[S, ?]].pure(a))
def ap[A, B](ff: ParFreeParallel[S, A => B])(fa: ParFreeParallel[S, A]): ParFreeParallel[S, B] =
new ParFreeParallel(
new FreeParallel(
implicit def catsFreeParallelForFreeParallel[S[_]]: Parallel[FreeParallel[S, ?], ParFreeParallel[S, ?]] =
new Parallel[FreeParallel[S, ?], ParFreeParallel[S, ?]] {
def applicative: Applicative[ParFreeParallel[S, ?]] = catsFreeApplicativeForParFreeParallel
def sequential(implicit M: Monad[FreeParallel[S, ?]]): ParFreeParallel[S, ?] ~> FreeParallel[S, ?] =
λ[ParFreeParallel[S, ?] ~> FreeParallel[S, ?]](_.value)
def parallel(implicit M: Monad[FreeParallel[S, ?]]): FreeParallel[S, ?] ~> ParFreeParallel[S, ?] =
λ[FreeParallel[S, ?] ~> ParFreeParallel[S, ?]](fp => new ParFreeParallel(fp))
object FreeParTest {
import FreeParallel._
import cats.implicits._
sealed trait Alg[A]
case class GetS(i: Int) extends Alg[String]
case object GetI extends Alg[Int]
type FreeAlg[A] = FreeParallel[Alg, A]
def getS(i: Int): FreeAlg[String] =
def getI: FreeAlg[Int] =
def prog: FreeAlg[Int] = for {
i <- getI
xs <- List(getS(i), getS(2)).sequence
s <- getS(3)
i2 <- getI
} yield (xs.toString + i2 + s + i).length
def parProg: FreeAlg[Int] = for {
i <- getI
xs <- List(getS(i), getS(2)).parSequence
s <- getS(3)
i2 <- getI
} yield (xs.toString + i2 + s + i).length
def eitherCompiler: Alg ~> Either[String, ?] =
new (Alg ~> Either[String, ?]) {
def apply[A](fa: Alg[A]): Either[String, A] =
fa match {
case GetS(i) => Left("Hello!" + i)
case GetI => Right(42)
val result = FreeParallel.foldMap(prog)(eitherCompiler)
// scala.util.Either[String,Int] = Left(Hello!42)
val resultPar = FreeParallel.foldMap(parProg)(eitherCompiler)
// scala.util.Either[String,Int] = Left(Hello!42Hello!2)
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