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Last active July 30, 2023 14:05
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  • Save Lukas1h/4a8559d0aa209dd4fec09aa5463e9cbe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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ChatGPT Telnet

  • Download the files into a directory.
  • Replace the API key with your own in gpt.js
  • Run npm i
  • Run node .
  • Connect to it using telnet <Your IP address>
import { ChatGPTClient } from "@waylaidwanderer/chatgpt-api";
import axios from "axios";
let context = `
Please keep your responces brief. Dont use markdown.
const chatGptClient = new ChatGPTClient(
"sk-ABCDEFG" // your key here
export class GPT {
gptResponse = {};
async ask(query) {
let conversationId = this.gptResponse?.conversationId;
let parentMessageId = this.gptResponse?.messageId;
if (typeof conversationId === "undefined") {
`conversationID (${conversationId}) is undefined. Sending new message.`
this.gptResponse = await chatGptClient.sendMessage(context + query);
} else {
`conversationID (${conversationId}) is good. Sending following message.`
this.gptResponse = await chatGptClient.sendMessage(query, {
conversationId: conversationId,
parentMessageId: parentMessageId,
return this.gptResponse.response
static async getUsage(){
const res = await axios
headers: {
"Bearer "+key,
return Number(;
import net from "net"
import { GPT } from "./gpt.js";
const PORT = process.argv[2] || 23;
// Create a new TCP server
const server = net.createServer();
let gpt = new GPT();
function containsLetters(str) {
const regex = /[a-zA-Z]/;
return regex.test(str);
// When a client connects to the server
server.on("connection", async (client) => {
function sendMessage(string) {client.write(string+"\r\n")}
`Client connected from ${client.remoteAddress}:${client.remotePort}`
// Send a welcome message to the client
`\r\n\r\n \u001b[7mWelcome To ChatGPT\u001b[0m\r\n`
client.write("\u001b[1m> ");
client.on("data", async (data) => {
const message = data.toString().trim();
if (!containsLetters(message)) {
console.log("ignoring ",message)
console.log("allowing ",message)
if (message.startsWith("!usage")) {
let usageString = `You have used $${(await GPT.getUsage()) / 100} this month.`;
client.write("\u001b[1m> ");
var responce = await gpt.ask(message);
client.write("\u001b[1m> ");
// When the client disconnects from the server
client.on("end", () => {
`Client disconnected from ${client.remoteAddress}:${client.remotePort}`
// Start listening for connections on the defined port
server.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log(`Telnet server listening on port ${PORT}`);
"name": "chatgpt",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"type": "module",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@waylaidwanderer/chatgpt-api": "^1.35.0",
"axios": "^1.3.5",
"chatgpt": "^5.2.2",
"chatgpt-api-wrapper": "^0.1.2",
"dotenv": "^16.0.3",
"express": "^4.18.2",
"http": "^0.0.1-security",
"openai": "^3.2.1",
"replicate": "^0.10.0"
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