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Created March 31, 2020 17:09
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  • Save LukasPaczos/e588678654fec0896f059903d5cc818c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LukasPaczos/e588678654fec0896f059903d5cc818c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic pulsing circle leak
In com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp:6.0.0:13.
* com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp.activity.location.BasicLocationPulsingCircleActivity has leaked:
* static Choreographer.!(mMainInstance)!
* ↳ Choreographer.!(mCallbackQueues)!
* ↳ array Choreographer$CallbackQueue[].!([1])!
* ↳ Choreographer$CallbackQueue.!(mHead)!
* ↳ Choreographer$CallbackRecord.!(action)!
* ↳ AnimationHandler$1.!(this$0)! (anonymous implementation of android.view.Choreographer$FrameCallback)
* ↳ AnimationHandler.!(mAnimationCallbacks)!
* ↳ ArrayList.!(elementData)!
* ↳ array Object[].!([0])!
* ↳ AnimatorSet.!(mNodeMap)!
* ↳ ArrayMap.!(mArray)!
* ↳ array Object[].!([0])!
* ↳ PulsingLocationCircleAnimator.!(updateListener)!
* ↳ LocationLayerController$5.!(this$0)! (anonymous implementation of com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.MapboxAnimator$AnimationsValueChangeListener)
* ↳ LocationLayerController.!(bitmapProvider)!
* ↳ LayerBitmapProvider.!(context)!
* ↳ BasicLocationPulsingCircleActivity
* Reference Key: 0224f502-7076-4215-a1b3-eaa6a1786da9
* Device: Google google Pixel 2 XL taimen
* Android Version: 10 API: 29 LeakCanary: 1.6.3 31007b4
* Durations: watch=16888ms, gc=122ms, heap dump=1673ms, analysis=7482ms
* Details:
* Class android.view.Choreographer
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1867842664 (0x6f550468)
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 64
| static sThreadInstance = android.view.Choreographer$1@1898748024 (0x712c9878)
| static $class$name = null
| static USE_FRAME_TIME = true
| static FRAME_CALLBACK_TOKEN = android.view.Choreographer$3@1898649912 (0x712b1938)
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 843
| static CALLBACK_INPUT = 0
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 7
| static sSfThreadInstance = android.view.Choreographer$2@1898748008 (0x712c9868)
| static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
| static CALLBACK_COMMIT = 4
| static USE_VSYNC = true
| static $classOverhead = byte[228]@1868419433 (0x6f5dd169)
| static CALLBACK_TRACE_TITLES = java.lang.String[5]@1898747976 (0x712c9848)
| static MSG_DO_FRAME = 0
| static mMainInstance = android.view.Choreographer@357363568 (0x154cef70)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1868625360 (0x6f60f5d0)
| static $class$objectSize = 59
| static $class$componentType = null
| static TAG = "Choreographer"
| static $class$methods = 1875776392
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 127
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 47
| static $class$sFields = 1872288396
| static $class$accessFlags = 524305
| static $class$classSize = 436
| static $class$iFields = 1872288752
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static DEBUG_FRAMES = false
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 6
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 987
| static DEBUG_JANK = false
| static $class$classLoader = null
| static sFrameDelay = 10
| static CALLBACK_LAST = 4
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 40
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 24
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
| static $class$extData = null
* Instance of android.view.Choreographer
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1867842664 (0x6f550468)
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 64
| static sThreadInstance = android.view.Choreographer$1@1898748024 (0x712c9878)
| static $class$name = null
| static USE_FRAME_TIME = true
| static FRAME_CALLBACK_TOKEN = android.view.Choreographer$3@1898649912 (0x712b1938)
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 843
| static CALLBACK_INPUT = 0
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 7
| static sSfThreadInstance = android.view.Choreographer$2@1898748008 (0x712c9868)
| static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
| static CALLBACK_COMMIT = 4
| static USE_VSYNC = true
| static $classOverhead = byte[228]@1868419433 (0x6f5dd169)
| static CALLBACK_TRACE_TITLES = java.lang.String[5]@1898747976 (0x712c9848)
| static MSG_DO_FRAME = 0
| static mMainInstance = android.view.Choreographer@357363568 (0x154cef70)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1868625360 (0x6f60f5d0)
| static $class$objectSize = 59
| static $class$componentType = null
| static TAG = "Choreographer"
| static $class$methods = 1875776392
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 127
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 47
| static $class$sFields = 1872288396
| static $class$accessFlags = 524305
| static $class$classSize = 436
| static $class$iFields = 1872288752
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static DEBUG_FRAMES = false
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 6
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 987
| static DEBUG_JANK = false
| static $class$classLoader = null
| static sFrameDelay = 10
| static CALLBACK_LAST = 4
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 40
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 24
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
| static $class$extData = null
| mCallbackPool = android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord@359664864 (0x15700ce0)
| mCallbackQueues = android.view.Choreographer$CallbackQueue[5]@359250616 (0x1569bab8)
| mCallbacksRunning = false
| mDebugPrintNextFrameTimeDelta = false
| mDisplayEventReceiver = android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver@359207648 (0x156912e0)
| mFPSDivisor = 1
| mFrameInfo = (0x156950f8)
| mFrameIntervalNanos = 16666666
| mFrameScheduled = true
| mHandler = android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler@359207696 (0x15691310)
| mLastFrameTimeNanos = 571983491327979
| mLock = java.lang.Object@359221600 (0x15694960)
| mLooper = android.os.Looper@357302592 (0x154c0140)
| shadow$_klass_ = android.view.Choreographer
| shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Array of android.view.Choreographer$CallbackQueue[]
| [0] = android.view.Choreographer$CallbackQueue@359250648 (0x1569bad8)
| [1] = android.view.Choreographer$CallbackQueue@359251032 (0x1569bc58)
| [2] = android.view.Choreographer$CallbackQueue@359668488 (0x15701b08)
| [3] = android.view.Choreographer$CallbackQueue@359668968 (0x15701ce8)
| [4] = android.view.Choreographer$CallbackQueue@359668984 (0x15701cf8)
* Instance of android.view.Choreographer$CallbackQueue
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1867842664 (0x6f550468)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1868625360 (0x6f60f5d0)
| static $class$objectSize = 16
| static $class$componentType = null
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 16
| static $class$methods = 1873625376
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 3
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 44
| static $class$sFields = 0
| static $class$accessFlags = 524304
| static $class$name = null
| static $class$classSize = 256
| static $class$iFields = 1872368540
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 0
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 982
| static $class$classLoader = null
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 2
| static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 6
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[132]@1870131761 (0x6f77f231)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 2
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
| static $class$extData = null
| mHead = android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord@359664832 (0x15700cc0)
| this$0 = android.view.Choreographer@357363568 (0x154cef70)
| shadow$_klass_ = android.view.Choreographer$CallbackQueue
| shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1867842664 (0x6f550468)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1868625360 (0x6f60f5d0)
| static $class$objectSize = 32
| static $class$componentType = null
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 32
| static $class$methods = 1873339448
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 7
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 45
| static $class$sFields = 0
| static $class$accessFlags = 524304
| static $class$name = null
| static $class$classSize = 232
| static $class$iFields = 1872277660
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 0
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 983
| static $class$classLoader = null
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 3
| static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 3
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[108]@1869975177 (0x6f758e89)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 2
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
| static $class$extData = null
| action = android.animation.AnimationHandler$1@359252072 (0x1569c068)
| dueTime = 571983495
| next = null
| token = android.view.Choreographer$3@1898649912 (0x712b1938)
| shadow$_klass_ = android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord
| shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of android.animation.AnimationHandler$1
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[2]@1868751112 (0x6f62e108)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1868625152 (0x6f60f500)
| static $class$objectSize = 12
| static $class$componentType = null
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 16
| static $class$methods = 1875522976
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 1
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 2196
| static $class$sFields = 0
| static $class$accessFlags = 524288
| static $class$name = null
| static $class$classSize = 232
| static $class$iFields = 1872949804
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 0
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 170
| static $class$classLoader = null
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 1
| static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 2
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[108]@1871174665 (0x6f87dc09)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 1
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
| static $class$extData = null
| this$0 = android.animation.AnimationHandler@359253040 (0x1569c430)
| shadow$_klass_ = android.animation.AnimationHandler$1
| shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of android.animation.AnimationHandler
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1867842664 (0x6f550468)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1868625152 (0x6f60f500)
| static $class$objectSize = 29
| static $class$componentType = null
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 32
| static $class$methods = 1874488448
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 31
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 82
| static $class$sFields = 1872590020
| static $class$accessFlags = 524289
| static $class$name = null
| static $class$classSize = 268
| static $class$iFields = 1872590040
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 175
| static $class$classLoader = null
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 5
| static sAnimatorHandler = java.lang.ThreadLocal@1869071176 (0x6f67c348)
| static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 21
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[140]@1870576489 (0x6f7ebb69)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 16
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
| static $class$extData = null
| mAnimationCallbacks = java.util.ArrayList@359256424 (0x1569d168)
| mCommitCallbacks = java.util.ArrayList@359268488 (0x156a0088)
| mDelayedCallbackStartTime = android.util.ArrayMap@359260248 (0x1569e058)
| mFrameCallback = android.animation.AnimationHandler$1@359252072 (0x1569c068)
| mListDirty = false
| mProvider = android.animation.AnimationHandler$MyFrameCallbackProvider@359253672 (0x1569c6a8)
| shadow$_klass_ = android.animation.AnimationHandler
| shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of java.util.ArrayList
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[12]@1864411728 (0x6f20aa50)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1864223296 (0x6f1dca40)
| static $class$objectSize = 20
| static $class$componentType = null
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 24
| static $class$methods = 1865934744
| static DEFAULTCAPACITY_EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1868808328 (0x6f63c088)
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 2
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 3081
| static DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10
| static MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 2147483639
| static serialVersionUID = 8683452581122892189
| static $class$sFields = 1865390936
| static $class$accessFlags = 524289
| static $class$name = "java.util.ArrayList"
| static EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1864411792 (0x6f20aa90)
| static $class$classSize = 512
| static $class$iFields = 1865391020
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 2
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 1422
| static $class$classLoader = null
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 1
| static $class$superClass = java.util.AbstractList
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 46
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[364]@1864956753 (0x6f28fb51)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 15
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = -1490825500
| static $class$extData = null
| elementData = java.lang.Object[33]@359258480 (0x1569d970)
| size = 15
| modCount = 1667
| shadow$_klass_ = java.util.ArrayList
| shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Array of java.lang.Object[]
| [0] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359258952 (0x1569db48)
| [1] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359269376 (0x156a0400)
| [2] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359271656 (0x156a0ce8)
| [3] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359273440 (0x156a13e0)
| [4] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359274560 (0x156a1840)
| [5] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359275536 (0x156a1c10)
| [6] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359276592 (0x156a2030)
| [7] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359276920 (0x156a2178)
| [8] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359278224 (0x156a2690)
| [9] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359288488 (0x156a4ea8)
| [10] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359289064 (0x156a50e8)
| [11] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359290272 (0x156a55a0)
| [12] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@359290968 (0x156a5858)
| [13] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@358314192 (0x155b70d0)
| [14] = android.animation.AnimatorSet@358321360 (0x155b8cd0)
| [15] = null
| [16] = null
| [17] = null
| [18] = null
| [19] = null
| [20] = null
| [21] = null
| [22] = null
| [23] = null
| [24] = null
| [25] = null
| [26] = null
| [27] = null
| [28] = null
| [29] = null
| [30] = null
| [31] = null
| [32] = null
* Instance of android.animation.AnimatorSet
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[4]@1868955320 (0x6f65feb8)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1868625152 (0x6f60f500)
| static $class$objectSize = 121
| static $class$componentType = null
| static TAG = "AnimatorSet"
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 128
| static $class$methods = 1874836040
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 16359
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 2201
| static $class$sFields = 1872742952
| static $class$accessFlags = 524305
| static $class$name = null
| static $class$classSize = 628
| static $class$iFields = 1872742972
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 191
| static $class$classLoader = null
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 9
| static $class$superClass = android.animation.Animator
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 71
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[500]@1870757497 (0x6f817e79)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 30
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
| static $class$extData = null
| mChildrenInitialized = false
| mDelayAnim = android.animation.ValueAnimator@361513648 (0x158c42b0)
| mDependencyDirty = false
| mDummyListener = android.animation.AnimatorSet$1@361513776 (0x158c4330)
| mDuration = -1
| mEndCanBeCalled = true
| mEvents = java.util.ArrayList@359262600 (0x1569e988)
| mFirstFrame = 571719904
| mInterpolator = null
| mLastEventId = 4
| mLastFrameTime = 571983491
| mNodeMap = android.util.ArrayMap@361513792 (0x158c4340)
| mNodes = java.util.ArrayList@361513824 (0x158c4360)
| mPauseTime = -1
| mPlayingSet = java.util.ArrayList@359264416 (0x1569f0a0)
| mReversing = false
| mRootNode = android.animation.AnimatorSet$Node@361513848 (0x158c4378)
| mSeekState = android.animation.AnimatorSet$SeekState@359261800 (0x1569e668)
| mSelfPulse = true
| mShouldIgnoreEndWithoutStart = false
| mShouldResetValuesAtStart = true
| mStartDelay = 0
| mStarted = true
| mTotalDuration = -1
| mChangingConfigurations = 0
| mConstantState = null
| mListeners = null
| mPauseListeners = null
| mPaused = false
| shadow$_klass_ = android.animation.AnimatorSet
| shadow$_monitor_ = -1987807029
* Instance of android.util.ArrayMap
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[2]@1868963600 (0x6f661f10)
| static EMPTY = android.util.ArrayMap@1868743408 (0x6f62c2f0)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1868625256 (0x6f60f568)
| static $class$objectSize = 25
| static $class$componentType = null
| static mTwiceBaseCache = java.lang.Object[16]@357364616 (0x154cf388)
| static TAG = "ArrayMap"
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 32
| static $class$methods = 1874797408
| static DEBUG = false
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 7
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 3203
| static $class$sFields = 1872728616
| static mTwiceBaseCacheSize = 2
| static $class$accessFlags = 524305
| static $class$name = null
| static $class$classSize = 574
| static $class$iFields = 1872728796
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static CACHE_SIZE = 10
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static EMPTY_IMMUTABLE_INTS = int[0]@1868743440 (0x6f62c310)
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 5
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 0
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 7343
| static mBaseCache = null
| static $class$classLoader = null
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 3
| static mBaseCacheSize = 0
| static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 40
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[412]@1868544625 (0x6f5fba71)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 9
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912
| static $class$extData = null
| static BASE_SIZE = 4
| mArray = java.lang.Object[8]@361612992 (0x158dc6c0)
| mCollections = null
| mHashes = int[4]@361613040 (0x158dc6f0)
| mIdentityHashCode = false
| mSize = 2
| shadow$_klass_ = android.util.ArrayMap
| shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Array of java.lang.Object[]
| [0] = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.PulsingLocationCircleAnimator@361513984 (0x158c4400)
| [1] = android.animation.AnimatorSet$Node@359264128 (0x1569ef80)
| [2] = android.animation.ValueAnimator@361513648 (0x158c42b0)
| [3] = android.animation.AnimatorSet$Node@361513848 (0x158c4378)
| [4] = null
| [5] = null
| [6] = null
| [7] = null
* Instance of com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.PulsingLocationCircleAnimator
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[6]@358315864 (0x155b7758)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@357865464 (0x155497f8)
| static $class$objectSize = 152
| static $class$componentType = null
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 152
| static $class$methods = 516810045896
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = -536870425
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 6100
| static $class$sFields = 516810045872
| static $class$accessFlags = 524289
| static $class$name = null
| static $class$classSize = 788
| static $class$iFields = 0
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 23537
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 4441
| static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@357404840 (0x154d90a8)
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 0
| static $class$superClass = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.MapboxFloatAnimator
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 4
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[660]@358312833 (0x155b6b81)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 2
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 0
| static $class$extData = null
| static $jacocoData = boolean[13]@358316688 (0x155b7a90)
| animatedValue = java.lang.Float@361612552 (0x158dc508)
| minUpdateInterval = 0.4656612875245797
| target = java.lang.Float@361612568 (0x158dc518)
| timeElapsed = 571719900982708
| updateListener = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController$5@361522592 (0x158c65a0)
| mAnimationEndRequested = true
| mCurrentFraction = 0.0
| mDuration = 2300
| mDurationScale = -1.0
| mFirstFrameTime = -1
| mInitialized = true
| mInterpolator = android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator@361612480 (0x158dc4c0)
| mLastFrameTime = -1
| mOverallFraction = 0.0
| mPauseTime = 0
| mRepeatCount = -1
| mRepeatMode = 1
| mResumed = false
| mReversing = false
| mRunning = false
| mSeekFraction = -1.0
| mSelfPulse = false
| mStartDelay = 0
| mStartListenersCalled = false
| mStartTime = -1
| mStartTimeCommitted = false
| mStarted = false
| mSuppressSelfPulseRequested = false
| mUpdateListeners = null
| mValues = android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder[1]@361612496 (0x158dc4d0)
| mValuesMap = java.util.HashMap@361612512 (0x158dc4e0)
| mChangingConfigurations = 0
| mConstantState = null
| mListeners = null
| mPauseListeners = null
| mPaused = false
| shadow$_klass_ = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.PulsingLocationCircleAnimator
| shadow$_monitor_ = -2083430254
* Instance of com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController$5
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[2]@357884752 (0x1554e350)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@357865464 (0x155497f8)
| static $class$objectSize = 12
| static $class$componentType = null
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 16
| static $class$methods = 516810023560
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 1
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 4908
| static $class$sFields = 516810023512
| static $class$accessFlags = 524288
| static $class$name = null
| static $class$classSize = 244
| static $class$iFields = 516810023536
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 23537
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 4418
| static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@357404840 (0x154d90a8)
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 1
| static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 4
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[116]@357884505 (0x1554e259)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 2
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 0
| static $class$extData = null
| static $jacocoData = boolean[8]@357884776 (0x1554e368)
| this$0 = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController@361522608 (0x158c65b0)
| shadow$_klass_ = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController$5
| shadow$_monitor_ = -1966650172
* Instance of com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1867842664 (0x6f550468)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@357865464 (0x155497f8)
| static $class$objectSize = 73
| static $class$componentType = null
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 80
| static $class$methods = 516810288256
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 32767
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 2519
| static $class$sFields = 516810287952
| static $class$accessFlags = 524304
| static $class$name = null
| static $class$classSize = 340
| static $class$iFields = 516810287976
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 23537
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 4419
| static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@357404840 (0x154d90a8)
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 15
| static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 45
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[212]@357883985 (0x1554e051)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 31
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 0
| static $class$extData = null
| static $jacocoData = boolean[235]@357897976 (0x155516f8)
| accuracyValueListener = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController$4@361522688 (0x158c6600)
| bitmapProvider = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LayerBitmapProvider@361522704 (0x158c6610)
| compassBearingValueListener = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController$3@361522720 (0x158c6620)
| gpsBearingValueListener = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController$2@361522736 (0x158c6630)
| internalRenderModeChangedListener = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationComponent$9@361522752 (0x158c6640)
| isHidden = false
| latLngValueListener = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController$1@361522768 (0x158c6650)
| layerSet = java.util.HashSet@361522784 (0x158c6660)
| layerSourceProvider = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LayerSourceProvider@361522800 (0x158c6670)
| locationFeature = com.mapbox.geojson.Feature@361522808 (0x158c6678)
| locationSource = (0x158c6698)
| mapboxMap = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapboxMap@361522864 (0x158c66b0)
| options = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationComponentOptions@361522928 (0x158c66f0)
| positionManager = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationComponentPositionManager@361523088 (0x158c6790)
| pulsingCircleRadiusListener = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController$5@361522592 (0x158c65a0)
| renderMode = 18
| style = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.Style@361523112 (0x158c67a8)
| shadow$_klass_ = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationLayerController
| shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LayerBitmapProvider
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1867842664 (0x6f550468)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@357865464 (0x155497f8)
| static $class$objectSize = 12
| static $class$componentType = null
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 16
| static $class$methods = 516810295056
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 1
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 2503
| static $class$sFields = 516810295008
| static $class$accessFlags = 524288
| static $class$name = null
| static $class$classSize = 244
| static $class$iFields = 516810295032
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 23537
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 4374
| static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@357404840 (0x154d90a8)
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 1
| static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 4
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[116]@357890177 (0x1554f881)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 2
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 0
| static $class$extData = null
| static $jacocoData = boolean[5]@357890424 (0x1554f978)
| context = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp.activity.location.BasicLocationPulsingCircleActivity@361526680 (0x158c7598)
| shadow$_klass_ = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LayerBitmapProvider
| shadow$_monitor_ = 0
* Instance of com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp.activity.location.BasicLocationPulsingCircleActivity
| static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[40]@360662824 (0x157f4728)
| static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@357865464 (0x155497f8)
| static $class$objectSize = 312
| static $class$componentType = null
| static TAG = "Mbgl-BasicLocationPulsingCircleActivity"
| static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 312
| static $class$methods = 516682448200
| static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = -1073741824
| static SAVED_STATE_LOCATION = "saved_state_location"
| static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 6598
| static $class$sFields = 516682448056
| static $class$accessFlags = 524289
| static $class$name = "com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp.activity.location.BasicLocationPulsingCircleActivity"
| static $class$classSize = 4676
| static $class$iFields = 516682448112
| static $class$primitiveType = 131072
| static $class$status = -536870912
| static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 3
| static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class
| static $class$clinitThreadId = 23537
| static $class$dexTypeIndex = 4990
| static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@357404840 (0x154d90a8)
| static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 5
| static $class$superClass =
| static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 19
| static $class$vtable = null
| static $classOverhead = byte[4540]@360658145 (0x157f34e1)
| static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 6
| static $class$classFlags = 0
| static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = -2003505421
| static $class$extData = null
| static $jacocoData = boolean[69]@359707984 (0x1570b550)
| lastLocation = null
| locationComponent = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.location.LocationComponent@361582216 (0x158d4e88)
| mapView = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapView@361524864 (0x158c6e80)
| mapboxMap = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.maps.MapboxMap@361522864 (0x158c66b0)
| permissionsManager = null
| mDelegate = (0x158cd048)
| mResources = null
| mThemeId = 2131820551
| mCreated = true
| mFragments = (0x158d4f28)
| mHandler =$1@361582392 (0x158d4f38)
| mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0
| mPendingFragmentActivityResults = androidx.collection.SparseArrayCompat@361582424 (0x158d4f58)
| mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false
| mResumed = false
| mStartedActivityFromFragment = false
| mStartedIntentSenderFromFragment = false
| mStopped = true
| mViewModelStore = null
| mExtraDataMap = androidx.collection.SimpleArrayMap@361582448 (0x158d4f70)
| mLifecycleRegistry = androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@361582472 (0x158d4f88)
| mActionBar = null
| mActionModeTypeStarting = 0
| mActivityInfo = (0x158d06f8)
| mActivityLifecycleCallbacks = java.util.ArrayList@361582504 (0x158d4fa8)
| mActivityTransitionState = (0x158d4fc0)
| mApplication = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp.MapboxApplication@357366528 (0x154cfb00)
| mAssistToken = android.os.BinderProxy@361564056 (0x158d0798)
| mAutoFillIgnoreFirstResumePause = false
| mAutoFillResetNeeded = false
| mAutofillManager = null
| mAutofillPopupWindow = null
| mCalled = true
| mCanEnterPictureInPicture = false
| mChangeCanvasToTranslucent = false
| mChangingConfigurations = false
| mComponent = android.content.ComponentName@361564592 (0x158d09b0)
| mConfigChangeFlags = 0
| mContentCaptureManager = null
| mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration@361582584 (0x158d4ff8)
| mDecor = null
| mDefaultKeyMode = 0
| mDefaultKeySsb = null
| mDestroyed = true
| mDoReportFullyDrawn = false
| mEmbeddedID = null
| mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false
| mEnterAnimationComplete = false
| mEnterTransitionListener =$1@1868728232 (0x6f6287a8)
| mExitTransitionListener =$1@1868728232 (0x6f6287a8)
| mFinished = true
| mFragments = (0x158d5068)
| mHandler = android.os.Handler@361582712 (0x158d5078)
| mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = false
| mIdent = 52935570
| mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker@361582744 (0x158d5098)
| mInstrumentation = (0x15598650)
| mIntent = android.content.Intent@361564104 (0x158d07c8)
| mLastAutofillId = 1073741823
| mLastDispatchedIsInMultiWindowMode = null
| mLastDispatchedIsInPictureInPictureMode = null
| mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null
| mMainThread = (0x154c01a8)
| mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList@361582760 (0x158d50a8)
| mManagedDialogs = null
| mMenuInflater = null
| mParent = null
| mReferrer = "com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp"
| mRestoredFromBundle = false
| mResultCode = 0
| mResultData = null
| mResumed = false
| mSearchEvent = null
| mSearchManager = null
| mStartedActivity = false
| mStopped = true
| mTaskDescription =$TaskDescription@361582784 (0x158d50c0)
| mTitle = "Basic Pulsing Circle Activity"
| mTitleColor = 0
| mTitleReady = true
| mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@361537392 (0x158c9f70)
| mTranslucentCallback = null
| mUiThread = java.lang.Thread@1898626456 (0x712abd98)
| mVisibleFromClient = true
| mVisibleFromServer = false
| mVoiceInteractor = null
| mWindow = (0x158c9a70)
| mWindowAdded = true
| mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@361543720 (0x158cb828)
| mInflater = (0x158cb638)
| mOverrideConfiguration = null
| mResources = android.content.res.Resources@361527808 (0x158c7a00)
| mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@361543808 (0x158cb880)
| mThemeResource = 2131820551
| mBase = (0x158cb920)
| shadow$_klass_ = com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.testapp.activity.location.BasicLocationPulsingCircleActivity
| shadow$_monitor_ = 1073743377
* Excluded Refs:
| Field: android.os.Message.obj
| Field:
| Field:
| Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always)
| Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always)
| Thread:main (always)
| Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always)
| Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always)
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