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Created November 28, 2018 12:03
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Diff your SQL Server databases
Import-Module -Name SqlServer
function Import-AvadoSqlServerManagementObjects()
$assemblies = @(
"Microsoft.SqlServer.Dmf ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.Instapi ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlWmiManagement ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlTDiagM ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.SString ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.RegisteredServers ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.RegSvrEnum ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.WmiEnum ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.ServiceBrokerEnum ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfoExtended ",
"Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Collector ",
foreach ($assembly in $assemblies)
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName($assembly) | Out-Null
class AvadoDatabase
[string] $Server
[string] $Login
[string] $Password
[string] $Database
[string] $Schema
AvadoDatabase([string] $Server, [string] $Login, [string] $Password,
[string] $Database, [string] $Schema)
$this.Server = $Server
$this.Login = $Login
$this.Password = $Password
$this.Database = $Database
$this.Schema = $Schema
[string] ToString()
return "schema $($this.Database).$($this.Schema) on $($this.Server) as $($this.Login)"
function Export-AvadoDatabaseSchemaDacpac()
[string] $SqlPackagePath,
[AvadoDatabase] $Source,
[string] $TargetFile
& $SqlPackagePath `
/Action:Extract `
"/SourceServerName:$($Source.Server)" `
"/SourceUser:$($Source.Login)" `
"/SourcePassword:$($Source.Password)" `
"/SourceDatabaseName:$($Source.Database)" `
function Verify-AvadoDatabaseIntegrity()
[string] $SqlPackagePath,
[string] $TableDiffPath,
[AvadoDatabase] $Source,
[AvadoDatabase] $Destination,
[string] $OutputDirectory
Write-Verbose "Using SqlPackage ${SqlPackagePath}"
Write-Verbose "Using tablediff ${TableDiffPath}"
Write-Verbose "Using source $($Source.ToString())"
Write-Verbose "Using destination $($Destination.ToString())"
Write-Verbose "Writing results to ${OutputDirectory}"
Write-Host "Ensuring output directory is accessible"
$outputDirectoryExists = Test-Path -Path $OutputDirectory -PathType Container
if (!$outputDirectoryExists)
Write-Verbose "Creating missing output directory ${OutputDirectory}"
New-Item -Path $OutputDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
if ($null -ne (Get-ChildItem -Path $OutputDirectory))
throw "Output directory ${OutputDirectory} already contained files"
Write-Host "Connecting to source server..." -NoNewline
$sourceConnection = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection `
# Authentication mode
# $false for SQL Server
# $true for Windows
$sourceConnection.LoginSecure = $false
$sourceConnection.Login = $Source.Login
$sourceConnection.Password = $Source.Password
$sourceServer = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server $sourceConnection
Write-Host "done"
Write-Host "Enumerating source database tables..." -NoNewline
$sourceDatabase = $sourceServer.Databases.Item($source.Database)
$tablesSql = @"
from $($Source.Database).sys.tables t
inner join $($Source.Database).sys.schemas s
on s.schema_id = t.schema_id
where t.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
and t.is_ms_shipped = 0
and = '$($Source.Schema)'
$tablesDataSet = $sourceDatabase.ExecuteWithResults($tablesSql)
$tables = $tablesDataSet.Tables.Rows | ForEach{ $_.Item("name") }
Write-Host "done; found $($tables.Count)"
$sourceDacpac = Join-Path $OutputDirectory "1_source.dacpac"
$destinationDacpac = Join-Path $OutputDirectory "1_destination.dacpac"
$schemaSql = Join-Path $OutputDirectory "2_schema.sql"
Write-Host "Extracting source schema..." -NoNewline
$elapsed = Measure-Command {
Export-AvadoDatabaseSchemaDacpac `
-SqlPackagePath $SqlPackagePath `
-Source $Source -TargetFile $sourceDacpac
Write-Host "done; took ${elapsed}"
Write-Host "Extracting destination schema..." -NoNewline
$elapsed = Measure-Command {
Export-AvadoDatabaseSchemaDacpac `
-SqlPackagePath $SqlPackagePath `
-Source $Destination -TargetFile $destinationDacpac
Write-Host "done; took ${elapsed}"
Write-Host "Comparing schema between source and destination..." -NoNewline
$elapsed = Measure-Command {
& $SqlPackagePath `
/Action:Script `
"/SourceFile:${sourceDacpac}" `
"/TargetFile:${destinationDacpac}" `
"/TargetDatabaseName:$($Destination.Database)" `
Write-Host "done; took ${elapsed}"
foreach ($table in $tables)
Write-Host "Comparing data in ${table}..." -NoNewline
$elapsed = Measure-Command {
& $TableDiffPath `
-sourceserver $Source.Server `
-sourceuser $Source.Login `
-sourcepassword $Source.Password `
-sourcedatabase $Source.Database `
-sourceschema $Source.Schema `
-destinationserver $Destination.Server `
-destinationuser $Destination.Login `
-destinationpassword $Destination.Password `
-destinationdatabase $Destination.Database `
-destinationschema $Destination.Schema `
-sourcetable $table `
-destinationtable $table `
-o (Join-Path $OutputDirectory "3_data_report.${table}.txt") `
-f (Join-Path $OutputDirectory "4_data_sql${table}.sql") `
| Out-Null
Write-Host "done; took ${elapsed}"
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