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Last active April 9, 2022 09:49
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Step by step basic installation of Arch Linux with systemd-boot on a UEFI system
Step 1: Partition and format disks
List disks,
iso# fdisk -l
Select disk,
iso# fdisk /dev/X // Replace X with a storage device
// SATA drives: sda, sdb, sdc...
// NVMe drives: nvme0n1, nvme1n1, nvme2n1...
Create a GPT partiton table,
iso[fdisk]# g
Create partitions for ESP, root, and (optionally) swap, // For swapfile, see step 4.5
iso[fdisk]# n // Minimum 128MiB for ESP, at least 256MiB for multi boot
Change partition types to match,
iso[fdisk]# t // Partition types: ESP=1, Root=20, Swap=19
Write changes,
iso[fdisk]# w
Format partitons,
iso# mkfs.A /dev/Xi // Replace A with a filesystem type, i with a partition number
iso# mkfs.B /dev/Xj // (e.g. "mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda1", "mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2")
iso# mkswap /dev/Xk // mkswap for the optional swap partition
Step 2: Check internet connectivity
iso# ping ... // Provide a valid address to ping yadayadayada, you know the drill
Use iwctl for wifi,
iso# iwctl
iso[iwctl]# station <wifi interface> connect <network name>
Step 3: Update pacman databases
(Optional) Get mirrorlist using reflector,
iso# pacman -S reflector
iso# reflector -c SG,TH,ID -f 12 -l 10 -n 12 --sort age --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
// ^ ^ ^ These are country codes for Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia.
// You can replace these with the country you're in or closest to you.
Update the databases,
iso# pacman -Syy // Note: for installation purposes only.
// Don't do this on a working system. Use -Syu (see ref #2)
Step 4: Mount filesystems and install base system, kernel, device firmware, text editor
Mount root and ESP,
iso# mount /dev/Xj /mnt // Root partition
iso# mkdir /mnt/boot
iso# mount /dev/Xi /mnt/boot // ESP
iso# swapon /dev/Xk // (Optional) Swap partition
iso# pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware nano
iso# pacstrap /mnt base linux-lts linux-firmware nano // LTS kernel is recommended for use with Nvidia graphics
Generate fstab,
iso# genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab // genfstab works by detecting currently mounted partitions,
// so make sure the partitions you want mounted at startup are mounted
Step 4.5 (Optional): Set up swapfile // Alternative to swap parition, not needed if you already have that
Create swapfile,
iso# dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/swapfile bs=1M count=<size in MiB>
iso# chmod 600 /mnt/swapfile
iso# mkswap /mnt/swapfile
Append swapfile mount config to fstab,
iso# echo "/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >> /mnt/etc/fstab
Step 5: Complete base system setup
Chroot into installed system,
iso# arch-chroot /mnt
Set timezone,
# timedatectl set-timezone <timezone> // To show available timezones: # timedatectl list-timezones
Edit locale.gen and set system locale,
# nano /etc/locale.gen // Uncomment the locales to use
# locale-gen
# echo LANG=<locale> > /etc/locale.conf // Replace <locale> with your preffered locale
# export <locale>
Configure hostname,
# echo <hostname> > /etc/hostname
Configure hosts file,
# touch /etc/hosts
# nano /etc/hosts localhost
::1 localhost <hostname> // Replace <hostname> with your desired hostname
Change root password,
# passwd
(Optional, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) Install and configure sudo,
# pacman -S sudo
# visudo // Uncomment %wheel or %sudo to enable the sudoers group
Add user accounts,
# useradd -m <username> // Replace <username> with your preferred username
# passwd <password>
(Optional, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) Add user account to sudoers and disable root login,
# usermod -a -G sudo/wheel <username>
# passwd -l root // Prevents access to root without using sudo
Step 6: Set up bootloader
Install systemd-boot,
# bootctl install
Add boot entries, // If you're using more than one kernel/different default kernel,
# nano /boot/loader/entries/00-arch.conf // add/modify accordingly
title Arch Linux
linux /vmlinuz-linux
initrd /initramfs-linux.img
options root="UUID=..." rw loglevel=3 ... // UUID can be found by using the "blkid" command
// Each partition has its own UUID, so double check
# nano /boot/loader/entries/01-arch-fallback.conf // (Not to be confused with PARTUUID)
title Arch Linux (Fallback)
linux /vmlinuz-linux // Trailing ellipses signify any extra options you might
initrd /initramfs-linux-fallback.img // want to add, e.g. adding "quiet" reduces the amount of
options root="UUID=..." rw loglevel=3 ... // messages shown during booting
Configure bootloader,
# nano /boot/loader/loader.conf
default 00-arch.conf
console-mode max
editor no
(optional, recommended)
Step 7: Install network manager
# pacman -S networkmanager
# systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
(optional for WiFi, recommended)
Step 7.5: Configure the wireless regulatory domain
# pacman -S crda
# nano /etc/conf.d/wireless-regdom // Uncomment the relevant country code
Step 8: Install GUI
(Required for Nvidia, not required otherwise)
Install X server,
# pacman -S xorg
Install appropriate Xorg video drivers,
# pacman -S xf86-video-amdgpu // For AMD graphics
# pacman -S xf86-video-intel // For Intel graphics
# pacman -S nvidia // For Nvidia graphics on standard kernel
# pacman -S nvidia-lts // For Nvidia graphics on LTS kernel
GNOME: // Example DEs only. You can install any other WM/DEs if you want
# pacman -S gnome // that isn't covered here (See ref #2-4)
# systemctl enable gdm.service
# pacman -S plasma kde-applications
# pacman -S plasma-wayland-session // Optional for Wayland support, not recommended for Nvidia
# systemctl enable sddm.service
Step 9: Exit chroot, reboot, enjoy!
# exit
Unmount ESP and Root,
iso# umount -R /mnt
Disable swap,
iso# swapoff -a
iso# reboot
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