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Last active April 20, 2022 20:08
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  • Save LukeMurphey/0dc4642f1a6044eeddbc12ae41d818a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LukeMurphey/0dc4642f1a6044eeddbc12ae41d818a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Python script for writing data to Splunk using the stash file format.
This script creates stash files for indexing data within Splunk.
Here is a sample of using the StashNewWriter to write out data:
from event_writer import StashNewWriter
writer = StashNewWriter(index='summary', source_name='test_of_event_writer')
writer.write_event({'message': 'here is an event'})
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
import time
import random
import re
from splunk.clilib.bundle_paths import make_splunkhome_path
basestring = str
# Python handles datetimes badly, really badly. Below is a UTC timezone implementation since
# Python does not include one by default
TIMEDELTA_ZERO = timedelta(0)
class UTC(tzinfo):
def utcoffset(self, dt):
def tzname(self, dt):
return "UTC"
def dst(self, dt):
utc = UTC()
class EventWriter(object):
The event writer class provides a mechanism for writing out events directly to Splunk.
# Below is a dictionary that maps special field names to the one that should be used in the
# summary indexed event. Note: a value of None will prevent the field from being persisted.
"host" : "orig_host",
"_raw" : "orig_raw",
"source" : "orig_source",
"sourcetype" : "orig_sourcetype",
"_time" : "orig_time",
"index" : "orig_index",
"event_id" : "orig_event_id",
"splunk_server" : "orig_splunk_server",
"date_" : "orig_date",
"linecount" : "orig_linecount",
# Dropped this punct field since has been known to cause Splunk's parsing to fail
"punct" : None,
"tag" : "orig_tag",
"eventtype" : "orig_eventtype",
"timestartpos" : "orig_timestartpos",
"timeendpos" : "orig_timeendpos"
def get_basic_fields(self, event):
Get a list of the fields that must be included in every event. A new dictionary will be
returned. including the fields that need to be included in the summary event.
event -- a Splunk search result
dictionary = {}
return dictionary
def write_event(self, event, is_raw_string=False):
Writes the provided event (as a dictionary) to a stash file and returns the name of the file
event -- a Splunk search result
is_raw_string -- indicates if the events should be written as raw strings.
return self.write_events([event], is_raw_string)
def write_events(self, array_of_events, is_raw_string=False):
Writes the provided events (as dictionaries). This function must be implemented by
array_of_events -- an array of Splunk search results
is_raw_string -- indicates if the events should be written as raw strings.
raise NotImplementedError("The write_events function must be implemented by sub-classes \
of EventWriter")
def event_to_string(self, result, event_time=None, ignore_empty_fields=True):
Produces a single line event that represents a single event (for the stash).
result -- a Splunk search result
event_time -- The time of the event (defaults to the current time)
ignore_empty_fields -- Do not include arguments whose value is empty
# Populate the event time if not provided
if event_time is None:
if '_time' in result:
event_time = result['_time']
event_time =
# Get the timestamp formatted correctly for Splunk (e.g. 05/13/2011 14:35:00)
date_str = event_time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S UTC")
# Yikes, that couldn't be parsed; ues the current time then
date_str ="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S UTC")
# Start the event with the date
event = date_str
# Get the fields that should be included with every event
basic_fields = self.get_basic_fields(result)
# Set the time to the current time
basic_fields["_time"] = time.mktime(event_time.timetuple())
for key in basic_fields:
event = event + ", %s=\"%s\"" % (key, basic_fields[key])
# Add the event fields
for key in result:
# Escape special fields that Splunk will overwrite
converted_key = self.convert_special_fields(key)
# Do not include fields whose name is empty or none since this indicates that the field
# should not be included at all
if converted_key is None or len(converted_key) == 0:
pass #Do nothing, this field will be excluded
# Make sure the field is not an underscore field (these are meta fields that should not
# be included)
elif converted_key.startswith("_"):
pass #Do nothing, this field will be excluded
# The field has a single value, write it out
elif not isinstance(result[key], list) or isinstance(result[key], basestring):
result_value = str(result[key])
# If the field is blank then do not include it if we are supposed to exclude it
if len(result_value) <= 0 and ignore_empty_fields == True:
pass # Ignore this field and continue to the next field value
#TODO: need to figure out if field names must be escaped
event = event + ", %s=\"%s\"" % (converted_key, self.escape_value(result_value))
# The field name has multiple values, write out multiple key/value pairs accordingly.
values = result[key]
# Add each value as a separate field
for value in values:
value = str(value)
# If the field is blank then do not include it if we are supposed to exclude it
if len(value) <= 0 and ignore_empty_fields:
pass # Ignore this field and continue to the next field value
event = event + ", %s=\"%s\"" % (converted_key, self.escape_value(value))
# Return the resulting event
return event
def flush(self):
Some event writers may need to cache the events and send them in one burst (as opposed to
streaming them).
This function should be sub-classed by writers that need to send the events at the end of
a stream.
def escape_value(self, value):
Escapes the given value such that any quotes within the value will not cause the even to be
parsed incorrectly.
value -- The string value to be escaped
return value.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
def convert_special_fields(self, name):
Convert the field to one that can be persisted. This is necessary because some fields
(like _raw, host) are special fields that cannot be summary indexed without conflicting
with a native Splunk field.
name -- field name to convert
# If the field is a special field, then change the name
# Convert the old tag fields
if name.startswith("tag::"):
return "orig_" + name
elif name.startswith("date_"):
return None
return self.SPECIAL_FIELDS_MAP[name]
except KeyError:
# The field was not found. This indicates that it does not need to be converted so
# return the original.
return name
class StashNewWriter(EventWriter):
The Stash writer class provides a mechanism for writing out events that will be processed by
Splunk as stash events (and summary indexed accordingly).
# This is the line-breaker for stash new
LINE_BREAKER = "==##~~##~~ 1E8N3D4E6V5E7N2T9 ~~##~~##=="
# Below is a sample of stash new file:
***SPLUNK*** index=summary source="Some Search"
==##~~##~~ 1E8N3D4E6V5E7N2T9 ~~##~~##==
05/13/2011 14:35:00, search_name="Some Search", search_now=1305315300.000,severity="high"
==##~~##~~ 1E8N3D4E6V5E7N2T9 ~~##~~##==
def __init__(self, index, source_name, file_extension=".stash_new", sourcetype=None, host=None):
Constructor for the stash writer,=.
index -- the index to send the events to
source_name -- the search that is being used to generate the results
file_extension -- the extension of the stash file (usually .stash_new)
sourcetype -- the sourcetype to use for the event
host -- the host to assign the event to
self.index = index
self.source_name = source_name
self.file_extension = file_extension
self.sourcetype = sourcetype = host
def make_fields_list(self, fields_dict):
Make a string with the list of fields in KV format.
fields_str = None
for field_name, field_value in fields_dict.items():
# Populate the field string if it is empty
if fields_str is None:
fields_str = ''
# Add the spacer if necessary
elif fields_str is not None:
fields_str += ' '
# Add the field
fields_str += field_name + '="' + field_value + '"'
return fields_str
def get_header(self):
Provides a header for the stash file which defines the index and the source for the event.
fields_dict = {
'index' : self.index
# Make sure the source is defined
if self.source_name is None:
fields_dict['source'] = 'undefined'
fields_dict['source'] = self.source_name
# Add the host if it is defined
if is not None:
fields_dict['host'] =
return "***SPLUNK*** " + self.make_fields_list(fields_dict) + '"\r\n'
def get_file_name(self):
"Get a file name that can be used for creating a stash file"
# Sanitize the source name
source_name = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z_0-9]", "_", str(self.source_name))
# Make the file path
stash_file = make_splunkhome_path(["var", "spool", "splunk", source_name + "_" \
+ str(time.time()) + "_" + str(random.randrange(0, 65535, 1)) + self.file_extension])
return stash_file
def write_events(self, array_of_events, is_raw_string=False):
Writes the provided events (as dictionaries) to a stash file and returns the name of the
file written.
array_of_events -- an array of Splunk search results
is_raw_string -- indicates if the events should be written as raw strings
# Open the stash file
stash_file = self.get_file_name()
stash_file_h = open(stash_file, 'a')
# Write the header
# Write the line_breaker
if self.sourcetype is not None:
stash_file_h.write('sourcetype=\"' + self.sourcetype + '\"')
# Write out the events
for event in array_of_events:
if is_raw_string:
# Close the file
# Return the file name.
return stash_file
class CachedWriter(EventWriter):
Stores the events in an variable so that they can be programmatically returned (useful for
testing purposes).The results will be stored in the variable "stored_events".
def __init__(self, escape_fields=False):
Initializes the cached writer.
escape_fields -- indicates whether the field names should be converted
self.stored_events = []
self.escape_fields = escape_fields
def write_events(self, array_of_events, is_raw_string=False):
Writes the provided events (as dictionaries) to the list of stored events.
array_of_events -- an array of Splunk search results
is_raw_string -- indicates if the events should be written as raw strings
# Convert the field names if requested
if self.escape_fields:
# Convert the field name for each event
for event in array_of_events:
# This will be the new event created
new_event = {}
if is_raw_string:
new_event['_raw'] = event
# Convert each field name and append it
for key, value in event.items():
# Convert the name
key = self.convert_special_fields(key)
# Add the field
new_event[key] = value
# Add the converted event
# If no conversion is needed then just store the event
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hi luke,
thank you for the awesome and it saved lot of my time :)

Small enhancement :
By default it takes sourcetype as stash if we define also .
For that i found source type field is not added in the header after adding in the header and removed sourcetype assignment from write_events method
Added in the header info

Add the sourcetype if it is defined

    if self.sourcetype  is not None:
        fields_dict['sourcetype'] = self.sourcetype

#if self.sourcetype is not None:
# stash_file_h.write('sourcetype="' + self.sourcetype + '"')

Please let me know if you need any more information.

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