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Last active December 16, 2015 06:19
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  • Save LukeMurphey/5390484 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save LukeMurphey/5390484 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A basic Ant build file that contains targets useful for building Splunk apps. Tags: #splunk
This Ant build script contains operations that are useful for building Splunk apps. To use it with you app, do the following:
1) Set the name of the project in the project node
2) Define a file to specify default parameters. The ought to be checked in the source-code repository.
3) Define a file to override the default parameters. This file should be install specific and thus should NOT be checked into the source-code repository.
Below are the parameters supported:
* indicates where created packages should go (defaults to tmp/packages)
* indicates the build number specified in app.conf (defaults to 1)
* indicates where the app code is (defaults to src)
To use the generated build number, put ${} in your file where you want the string replacement to occur. For example, below a snippet from app.conf that will be populated with the build number:
build = ${}
Make sure to replace SET_APP_NAME_HERE with your project name. This should match the name of your app and the directory of app in /etc/apps.
<!-- Set the name of you app below: -->
<project default="package" name="SET_APP_NAME_HERE">
Load the properties files, local is loaded first since properties are immutable (cannot be changed
by later property files) and we want the local properties to override the default properties
<property file="" />
<property file="" />
<!-- Set up some basic parameters -->
<property name="" value="src" />
<property name="" value="${}/${}/${}" />
<property name="" value="${}" />
<property name="" value="1" />
<property name="" value="tmp/packages" />
<!-- Set up the ant classpath -->
<path id="ant.classpath">
<fileset dir="ant">
<include name="*.jar" />
<!-- =================================
target: clean
================================= -->
<target name="clean" description="Clean up temporary files and directories created by this build script" >
<!-- Delete the temporary directory -->
<delete quiet="true" includeEmptyDirs="true">
<fileset dir="${}" />
<!-- Delete the local directory where packages are placed -->
<delete quiet="true" includeEmptyDirs="true">
<fileset dir="tmp" />
<!-- =================================
target: increment_build_number
================================= -->
<target name="increment_build_number">
<propertyfile file="">
<entry key="" type="int" operation="+" value="1" pattern="0"/>
<!-- =================================
target: clean_packages
================================= -->
<target name="clean_packages" description="Clean up the packages created by this build script" >
<delete quiet="true" includeEmptyDirs="true">
<fileset dir="tmp/packages" />
<!-- =================================
target: setup_tmp_directory_for_export
================================= -->
<target name="setup_tmp_directory_for_export">
<!-- Create a temporary directory to send the files to -->
<property name="export_dir" value="${}/package" />
<!-- Create the temporary directory -->
<mkdir dir="${export_dir}"/>
<!-- =================================
target: populate_export_dir
================================= -->
<target name="populate_export_dir">
<!-- Copy the files over that need substitution. This should only be
applied to text files since Ant may corrupt binary files otherwise. -->
<copy todir="${export_dir}/${}">
<fileset dir="${}">
<include name="**/*.conf" />
<include name="**/*.txt" />
<include name="**/*.xml" />
<!-- Perform the substitution of the build information -->
<filterset begintoken="${" endtoken="}">
<filter token="" value="${}" />
<!-- Copy the binary files over. -->
<copy todir="${export_dir}/${}">
<fileset dir="${}">
<exclude name="**/*.conf" />
<exclude name="**/*.txt" />
<exclude name="**/*.xml" />
<!-- =================================
target: package
================================= -->
<target name="package" depends="setup_tmp_directory_for_export,populate_export_dir" description="Create the Splunk package of the app">
<!-- Make the directory where we will store the files -->
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<!-- Define where the tar file will go -->
<property name="value.temp.tar_package.file" value="${}/${}.tar" />
<!-- Tar the files -->
<tar destfile="${value.temp.tar_package.file}"
excludes=" **/*.tmp, **/*.pyc"
<!-- Gzip the files -->
<gzip src="${value.temp.tar_package.file}" destfile="${}/${}.tar.gz"/>
<!-- Delete the temporary location so that old files do not get streamed in -->
<delete dir="${}" />
<echo>App ${} build ${} created: ${}/${}.tar.gz</echo>
<!-- =================================
target: setup_tmp_directory_for_deployment
================================= -->
<target name="setup_tmp_directory_for_deployment">
<!-- Create a reference to the directory to send the files to -->
<property name="export_dir" value="${value.deploy.splunk_home}/etc/apps/" />
<!-- Make the app directory if it does not yet exist -->
<mkdir dir="${export_dir}" />
<!-- =================================
target: deploy
================================= -->
<target name="deploy" depends="bump_splunk_if_necessary,setup_tmp_directory_for_deployment,populate_export_dir" description="Deploys the app to an instance of Splunk" >
<echo>App ${} build ${} deployed to ${export_dir}</echo>
<!-- =================================
target: stop_splunk
================================= -->
<target name="stop_splunk" description="Stop Splunk">
<exec executable="${value.deploy.splunk_home}/bin/splunk">
<arg line="stop" />
<arg line="--accept-license" />
<!-- ===================================================================
target: splunkweb_conf
=================================================================== -->
<target name="splunkweb_conf" description="Configure SplunkWeb for easier web development">
<mkdir dir="${value.deploy.splunk_home}/etc/system/local/"/>
<echo file="${value.deploy.splunk_home}/etc/system/local/web.conf">[settings]
<!-- =================================
target: does_appserver_exist
================================= -->
<target name="does_appserver_exist">
<condition property="appserver_dir_exists">
<available file="${basedir}/${}/appserver/" type="dir"/>
<!-- =================================
target: is_appserver_up_to_date
================================= -->
<target name="is_appserver_up_to_date" description="Determine if the code in the appserver directory of the Splunk install is outdated" depends="does_appserver_exist" if="appserver_dir_exists">
<uptodate property="appserver_up_to_date">
<!-- target should point to the source files -->
<mapper type="glob" from="*" to="${value.deploy.splunk_home}/etc/apps/${}/appserver/*" />
<!-- srcfiles should point to the deployed files -->
<srcfiles dir="${basedir}/${}/appserver/" includes="**/*" />
<!-- =================================
target: bump_splunk_if_necessary
================================= -->
<target name="bump_splunk_if_necessary" unless="appserver_up_to_date" if="appserver_dir_exists" depends="does_appserver_exist,is_appserver_up_to_date">
<antcall target="bump_splunk" />
<!-- =================================
target: bump_splunk
================================= -->
<target name="bump_splunk" description="Bump Splunk">
<!-- Get the current value of bump -->
<!-- Increment the value -->
<script language="javascript">
var currentValue = parseInt(project.getProperty("value.deploy.bump"), 10);
var newBump = currentValue + 1;
project.setProperty("value.deploy.bump_updated", newBump);
<!-- Set the current value of bump -->
<echo file="${value.deploy.splunk_home}/var/run/splunk/push-version.txt">${value.deploy.bump_updated}</echo>
<echo>The push version was updated from ${value.deploy.bump} to ${value.deploy.bump_updated}</echo>
<echo>Restarting Splunk's web interface...</echo>
<antcall target="restart_splunk_web" />
<!-- =================================
target: start_splunk
================================= -->
<target name="start_splunk" description="Start Splunk">
<exec executable="${value.deploy.splunk_home}/bin/splunk">
<arg line="start" />
<arg line="--accept-license" />
<!-- =================================
target: restart_splunk
================================= -->
<target name="restart_splunk" description="Start Splunk">
<exec executable="${value.deploy.splunk_home}/bin/splunk">
<arg line="restart" />
<arg line="--accept-license" />
<!-- =================================
target: restart_splunk_web
================================= -->
<target name="restart_splunk_web" description="Restart Splunk">
<exec executable="${value.deploy.splunk_home}/bin/splunk">
<arg line="restart" />
<arg line="splunkweb" />
<arg line="--accept-license" />
<arg line="-auth" />
<arg line="admin:changeme" />
<!-- =================================
target: deploy_and_refresh_splunk
================================= -->
<target name="deploy_and_refresh_splunk" description="Deploys the application and forces Splunk to refresh" depends="deploy,refresh_splunk" />
<!-- =================================
target: deploy_and_restart_splunk
================================= -->
<target name="deploy_and_restart_splunk" description="Deploys the application and restarts Splunk" depends="deploy,restart_splunk" />
<!-- =================================
target: refresh_splunk
================================= -->
<target name="refresh_splunk" description="Refresh Splunk">
<!-- Define the username and password if not already defined -->
<property name="splunk_username" value="admin"/>
<property name="splunk_password" value="changeme"/>
<!-- Define a macro that can be used for refreshing Splunk endpoints -->
<macrodef name="reload_conf">
<attribute name="endpoint"/>
<exec failonerror="true" executable="${value.deploy.splunk_home}/bin/splunk"> <!-- Fail on error is set to true -->
<arg value="_internal"/>
<arg value="call"/>
<arg value="/admin/@{endpoint}/_reload"/>
<arg value="-auth"/>
<arg value="${splunk_username}:${splunk_password}"/>
<arg value="--accept-license"/>
<reload_conf endpoint="savedsearch" />
<reload_conf endpoint="nav" />
<reload_conf endpoint="views" />
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