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Created March 5, 2019 17:30
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This class makes creating a REST handler for Splunk easier.
The class will automatically call a function within the class based on the path and the method.
For example, if a GET call is made to the path "ping", then this class will call the function
Below is an example.
1) Create your REST handler class
This class needs to inherit from RESTHandler.
See below for an example that will return
import logging
import rest_handler
class HelloWorldHandler(rest_handler.RESTHandler):
def __init__(self, command_line, command_arg):
super(HelloWorldHandler, self).__init__(command_line, command_arg, logger)
def get_ping(self, request_info, **kwargs):
return {
'payload': 'This worked!', # Payload of the request.
'status': 200 # HTTP status code
2) Register the REST handler in restmap.conf
Below is an example that assumes the Python code above is in
match = /data/my_test
script =
scripttype = persist
handler = hello_world_rest_handler.HelloWorldHandler
requireAuthentication = true
output_modes = json
passPayload = true
passHttpHeaders = true
passHttpCookies = true
import os
import re
import sys
import json
from splunk.persistconn.application import PersistentServerConnectionApplication
if sys.platform == "win32":
import msvcrt
# Binary mode is required for persistent mode on Windows.
msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdin.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
msvcrt.setmode(sys.stdout.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
msvcrt.setmode(sys.stderr.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
class RequestInfo(object):
This represents the request.
def __init__(self, user, session_key, method, path, query, raw_args):
self.user = user
self.session_key = session_key
self.method = method
self.path = path
self.query = query
self.raw_args = raw_args
class RESTHandler(PersistentServerConnectionApplication):
This is a REST handler base-class that makes implementing a REST handler easier.
This works by resolving a name based on the path in the HTTP request and calls it. This class
will look for a function that includes the HTTP verb followed by the path.abs
For example, if a GET request is made to the endpoint is executed with the path
/lookup_edit/lookup_contents, then this class will attempt to run a function named
get_lookup_contents(). Note that the root path of the REST handler is removed.
If a POST request is made to the endpoint is executed with the path
/lookup_edit/lookup_contents, the this class will attempt to execute post_lookup_contents().
The arguments to the function will be the following:
* request_info (an instance of RequestInfo)
* keyword arguments (**kwargs)
def __init__(self, command_line, command_arg, logger=None):
self.logger = logger
def get_function_signature(cls, method, path):
Get the function that should be called based on path and request method.
if len(path) > 0:
return method + "_" + re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', path).lower()
return method
def render_json(self, data, response_code=200):
Render the data as JSON
return {
'payload': json.dumps(data),
'status': response_code,
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
def render_error_json(self, message, response_code=500):
Render an error to be returned to the client.
data = {
'success' : False,
'message' : message
return {
'payload': json.dumps(data),
'status': response_code
def get_forms_args_as_dict(self, form_args):
post_arg_dict = {}
for arg in form_args:
name = arg[0]
value = arg[1]
post_arg_dict[name] = value
return post_arg_dict
def handle(self, in_string):
try:"Handling a request")
# Parse the arguments
args = self.parse_in_string(in_string)
# Get the user information
session_key = args['session']['authtoken']
user = args['session']['user']
# Get the method
method = args['method']
# Get the path and the args
if 'path_info' in args:
path = args['path_info']
return {
'payload': 'No path was provided',
'status': 403
if method.lower() == 'post':
query = self.get_forms_args_as_dict(args["form"])
query = args['query_parameters']
# Make the request info object
request_info = RequestInfo(user, session_key, method, path, query, args)
# Get the function signature
function_name = self.get_function_signature(method, path)
function_to_call = getattr(self, function_name)
except AttributeError:
function_to_call = None
# Try to run the function
if function_to_call is not None:
if self.logger is not None:"Executing function, name=%s", function_name)
# Execute the function
return function_to_call(request_info, **query)
if self.logger is not None:
self.logger.warn("A request could not be executed since the associated function " +
"is missing, name=%s", function_name)
return {
'payload': 'Path was not found',
'status': 404
except Exception as exception:
if self.logger is not None:
self.logger.exception("Failed to handle request due to an unhandled exception")
return {
'payload': str(exception),
'status': 500
def get_ping(self, request_info, **kwargs):
Return a response indicating that the REST handler is online.
return {
'payload': 'Online',
'status': 200,
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
def post_ping(self, request_info, **kwargs):
Return a response indicating that the REST handler is online.
return self.get_ping(request_info, **kwargs)
def head_ping(self, request_info, **kwargs):
Return a response indicating that the REST handler is online.
return self.get_ping(request_info, **kwargs)
def convert_to_dict(self, query):
Create a dictionary containing the parameters.
parameters = {}
for key, val in query:
# If the key is already in the list, but the existing entry isn't a list then make the
# existing entry a list and add thi one
if key in parameters and not isinstance(parameters[key], list):
parameters[key] = [parameters[key], val]
# If the entry is already included as a list, then just add the entry
elif key in parameters:
# Otherwise, just add the entry
parameters[key] = val
return parameters
def parse_in_string(self, in_string):
Parse the in_string
params = json.loads(in_string)
params['method'] = params['method'].lower()
params['form_parameters'] = self.convert_to_dict(params.get('form', []))
params['query_parameters'] = self.convert_to_dict(params.get('query', []))
return params
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